Had a Great Fall…
How would you react to a person falling from the sky and landing on a car? I jumped. I most definitely wasn’t expecting that. And I was also a bit shocked that the man who was driving the car didn’t get injured when his roof collapsed. The woman who fell though was looking a bit like Humpty dumpty with her limbs tangled in unnatural ways.
Once Ladder 126 arrives on the scene she takes a deep breath in and we realize that she is not, in fact, dead but very much alive. I also have another issue with the medical here because they start to move her before they stop when they realize her legs are shattered. It does not take an expert to notice the state of her legs when they are twisted like Gumby. They do stabilize them, and the scene can continue.
It is hard to make out the words she is uttering as she tries to speak to the team, but it sounds like she’s asking for a guy named Michael or Micah. Carlos and Owen go to her apartment to investigate and check to see if anyone else is involved. What they find is a phone with a video recorded on it that shows her attempting to create a yoga pose by hanging upside down by her legs from the balcony. We all know how this one ended and I think we can all agree that it isn’t the smartest decision to make 7 floors from the ground.
Drinking Battle
When the group is decompressing at the bar, Owen and Michelle get into a drinking battle. Michelle opens up about her issues with Dustin and how she needs his help to find out what happened to her sister. Grace, with her wisdom, advises Judd to make amends with T.K.. T.K. keeps ranting about the way Judd treated him and Carlos calls him out for his reaction and the fact that no one has probably called him out before for being the Captain’s son. Paul uses his special skills once again to deduce that something isn’t sitting right with Marjan. When she tells him that she was asked to leave the mosque, he encourages her to fight for what she wants.
A very drunk Owen ends up on Dustin’s front porch and after a speech to get Dustin to speak to Michelle, he ends up losing his cookies all over the place. Dustin and Owen get into an altercation and Owen basically assaults Dustin after Dustin calls him a sick old man. This was also one of my favorite moments of the episode. It was great to see cool and collected Owen Strand lose it for a moment.

Heart to Heart
You can’t have an hour of drama without a bit of resolution at the end. The next day at the firehouse Judd apologizes to T.K. and T.K. admits to Judd that no one has called him out like that before. They mend their fences and for the first-time act like brothers. Owen informs Michelle of his late-night encounter with Dustin and he learns of the restraining order against her. The fact that he assaulted Dustin puts them both in a precarious situation but wait there’s more.
Of course, Dustin shows up and he and Michelle have a little heart to heart. He informs Michelle that Iris wasn’t the perfect angel that she thought she was, and things were not going well for her before she disappeared. It appears that Iris was hanging with the wrong crowd and might have gotten herself into situations that weren’t the best for her. Michelle and Dustin both admit how hard it was losing Iris and how they both blame themselves for what happened.
We end the episode with a tornado barreling down the road right into the path of a woman driving her car. This is going to set up a wild ride for next week. Who doesn’t love a little tornado destruction? Hell Twister. Stay tuned on Monday 8/7c to see who and what will survive this natural disaster.
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