It has been three years since MTV’s Teen Wolf was on air and Wizard World Cleveland brought back some of our favorites Tyler Hoechlin, Dylan Sprayberry, Ian Bohen and Khylin Rambo to reminisce about their time on the show.
“It was a bittersweet moment for us. When Jeff calmly told us that it was running its course, we were having dinner and there was a full moon- it was serendipitous like that. It definitely was just like, alright, let’s just savor this, let’s cherish it,” said Khylin.
Teen Wolf has so many wonderfully dynamic characters that the group loved the characters they got to play.
“I was really glad I get to play the character that I got to play. I genuinely believe you’re never going to get a job that you’re not meant to have,” said Tyler, apologizing for the boring answer.
“If I could have seen the show in retrospect and then was asked ‘Who do I want to be?’ I would have picked Peter. And I think you’re (Tyler) right that the casting always works out the way it’s supposed too. If I could do the whole thing over again and have a do-over, I would want to do JR’s part,” said Ian.
Stand out memories
Dylan was kind of quiet during the panel, but he had the best answer to what memory stood out most to him from filming.
“I remember the day where I had to start the Jeep. I remember I turned it on but I didn’t have my foot on the brake right. And the car like jolted forward and Dylan (O’Brien) and Tyler (Posey) were both right in front of the car… I think it was like a stick or something so I didn’t have both my feet on the pedals but I figured it out. It was almost bad,” said Dylan.
Ian had a pretty good memory as well.
“I bonded with everybody in the first season pretty well. And we were cruising along. Everything was cool, great. And then I get the script for the 10th episode. I’m like WTF is this?” said Ian. “No one told me. So I was like really depressed because I was like, this is it all this built up, you don’t get it anymore. So it was horrible and then a couple months go by and we have to go do some pickups, so I show up to do those and I’m kind of watching over this little cliff, looking at the land before the sun goes down and Jeff comes up next to me and says, ‘Do you want to come back next season?’ And that’s my favorite moment from Teen Wolf because that changed the next five years of my life and I hadn’t expected it and I remember that very vividly. And so on the inside I’m doing my cartwheels, just going mad. I said, ‘Yeah, that’d be cool.’
One fan asked them what Teen Wolf tattoo they would get if they were getting one. Dylan would get Liam’s lacrosse number and Khylin would get the band that Tyler Posey has but Tyler had the best answer.
“I would get one of Ian sitting on the bench covered in the concrete from the finale. I don’t know why but I love seeing Ian miserable makes me laugh. The exterior matched the interior that day.”
So where are their characters now?
“Maybe Liam will go play lacrosse in college,” added Dylan.
“Peter’s definitely in Paris. He’s got a little restaurant and works on the perfect Negroni recipe, Oh I’m sorry, I misunderstood, that’s me,” said Ian.
“I think I think Derek’s moved to the Midwest and become a farmer. He just lives out there, probably wifed up with some kids around,” added Tyler. Hmm sounds like Smallville?
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