SMS On Air: TV Talk w/ Jay, Monica & More!
Hopefully by now you’ve listened to some of our SMS Radio programs – BUT – if you haven’t, it’s not too late to start! We’ve launched a new feature called “TV Talk” that airs every night (Monday through Friday) at 8/7c on SMS Radio!
Information on program can be found by clicking here as well as previous broadcasts. We just went live with our new show on February 12th and, so far, it’s been a lot of fun.
What’s on it?
We cover different topics each night, but always start with some current TV news and information on what we’re all watching. We’ve discussed “worst TV shows ever” and our favorite shows from 80’s and 90’s. Join us tonight – Valentine’s Day – for another fun broadcast. Because what date night would be complete without sharing in an episode of TV Talk?
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow along as we cover “so many shows!”
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