Bull Season 3 Episode 11
Diana Lindsay (Jill Flint) returned and gets Bull’s heart pounding.
Wait. That’s not necessarily a good thing.
Heard you on the phone.
The episode opened up starting from a few days back. Claire and Randy spontaneously took the leap and had their nuptials during their trip. In Thailand, Claire explained this to her aunt as they boarded their plane for home. New hubby Randy tossed their stuff in the overhead and seated when Claire’s boss called as well.
In the matter of The People v. Claire and Randy Markes
The potential case became obvious when Claire, over the phone, gave her elderly boss her combination to a safe because he couldn’t remember his.
Claire remarked to Randy that her boss, Mr. Greene, wanted to make them a ring. And when a beat later, a considerate passenger (big clue here) struck up a conversation with Claire, the real culprit was apparent as well.
Not the most complicated mystery ever. The episode gave us a few parallels to focus on instead. Rather than focus on whodunnit, we’re focused on the people steering the case instead.
I feel so cheap when women just use me for my mind.
The newlywed couple was arrested for armed robbery, a murder charge hovering ahead should the jewelry store owner, poor Mr. Greene dies. Claire and Randy are standing trial together.
Two separate defense teams. Working together.
Diana, Claire’s aunt, flew in from Texas to help with the case and called Bull in for reinforcements.
Bull (Michael Weatherly) and Diana worked respectively for the husband and wife but were determined to also function as a team, united like Claire and Randy to show the courts and jury a positive impression. So we got two pairings, working the case.
Diana Lindsay was one of the more interesting guests Bull had throughout the season. Her on again-off again relationship with Jason Bull whenever she came to town always made for some fun television.
When Bull reunited with Diana in the courthouse, she remarked there was a bit “less of him” this time. While she was commenting about the weight loss, it was also a bit of commentary and foreshadowing that things are different this time around. So when Diana invited Bull for a drink after arraignment, there’s dread when Bull agreed with only a bit of hesitation.
Give me a call if I have anything I need to worry about on that other front.

The next day, Marissa (Geneva Carr) fretted to Benny (Freddy Rodriguez) that Bull sounded like the ‘old Bull’ on the phone. She voiced out loud what I was worried about: could Diana lead Bull astray back to his old ways? We saw how well that turned out for him.
I didn’t know you needed to practice. I thought you were retired.
Benny didn’t appear too worried until he arrived at court. He found Diana pacing outside and Bull taking a siesta minutes before court.
Throughout the season so far, references to Bull and his heart attack was done subtly: the new treadmill, the staying away from bad food, the casual throwaway lines about only drinking water. We got the idea Bull was trying his best to keep on track.
But here we have Diana, a remnant of the ‘old Bull’ and a lifestyle Jason Bull worked hard to divorce from.
Marissa’s worry shed new light into Bull and Diana’s dynamic. Diana’s the imp off Bull’s shoulder, whispering him to stray. The fact Bull did with minimal protest was worrying.
It’s the last night of summer vacation; I want to go dancing.
The next night, Diana wanted to go daning. For the first time, Bull checked his pulse yet still followed her to a club. After having her drink, Bull joined in with her.
It wasn’t until they were back in her hotel room, did it sink in for Bull.
Bull faced himself in the mirror, his heart pounded loud in his ears. He rechecked his pulse; an excellent metaphor for him of reality checking in. He left, with a stumbling explanation that wasn’t an explanation after all. Diana was left confused and more than a little hurt.
She’s my Clairey. Works in the store. She’s a lifesaver.
The episode moved on to a very awkward morning at court. Claire’s boss took the stand the next day. We’re made to believe this darling old man may save the case. Instead, his testimony ended up damning the couple deeper into suspicion.
Call me crazy, but I sense some antagonism here in the back seat.
At this point, the united front started cracking between the newlyweds and the defense team. Even Benny felt the tension in a hilarious scene where he sat between Bull and Diana in the ride home from court, him repeating weakly he could take the subway back instead.
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