The REAL Mission
The team gets into position looking for the sleeper they believe is there to kill President Reagan when Wyatt notices the red dot on a police officer’s back. Wyatt succeeds in knocking the officer out of the way and discovers the life he just saved is that of a young Agent Denise Christopher.
Rittenhouse’s goal isn’t to undo everything that Reagan has done, but rather everything that Denise has done. As Connor points out to Flynn back at the bunker, Denise is the one who put the team together. She’s the one who recruited Wyatt and took the team underground after learning her superiors were working for Rittenhouse – not to mention the 200 odd Rittenhouse agents she put in jail. Without Agent Christopher the very reality the team currently lives in would cease to exist and Rittenhouse would have control of the Lifeboat. They would have already won.
On the personal side of things, if Rittenhouse removes Agent Christopher from the equation before she becomes Agent Christopher then that sweet family scene from the beginning never happens. Denise and Michelle never meet and fall in love. Their two beautiful children wink out of existence.
It’s very important that the team does not let that happen, okay.
That Complicates Things a Bit

The team follow Denise to the hospital and split up there. Wyatt and Rufus are going after the sleeper, a secret service agent, and Lucy and Jiya are staying with Denise. In the chaos following the shooting Hinckley was able to escape and they need her to find and arrest him before he can go after the President again. I guess they’re there to save the President after all.
Things are made that much more complicated when Denise’s very traditional mother arrives at the hospital demanding that Denise give up her law enforcement job, settle down, and get married – to a man. Said man and his parents arrive at the hospital as well and DENISE AGREES TO MARRY THE GUY!
Wyatt and Rufus find and, after a pretty cool elevator fight scene, disarm the sleeper. Wyatt and Rufus both have guns pointed at the guy who does what anyone with two guns pointed at him would do – he begs for his life. It’s what he offers in exchange for it that is unexpected. He offers them all the information he has on Rittenhouse.
A Rittenhouse agent offering to sell out Rittenhouse? But Rittenhouse agents are so dedicated to their cause that they are willing to die for it. We’ve seen it. So why is this guy so ready to give up everything he knows? Is it possible that not every sleeper is a true believer? Are some of these guys as much victims of Rittenhouse as their targets?
As it turns out, yes that is entirely possible at least in this guy’s case.
When Rittenhouse bails your family out of a tough situation and then promises to take care of them you’re going to do what they ask of you, especially when what they ask sounds like an adventure. I mean really, how many of us would jump at the chance to time travel? I know I would. Conveniently they leave out the part of needing you to kill someone until the day they need you to do it. You could refuse of course but you know all that would accomplish is them killing you and most likely the family you left behind in the future.
I didn’t think it was possible for me to hate Rittenhouse more than I already do. It’s one thing to send your followers to commit murder. It’s something else entirely to blackmail someone into doing it.
Operation Save Denise’s Family
In the original timeline Denise obviously doesn’t marry this man but, as Lucy points out, in the original timeless she doesn’t have this brush with death either. They have to find a way to get her to call off the wedding.
Lucy convinces her to help them find Hinckley by playing on her sense of duty. Jiya shares her own family history and says she wishes she had started making her own decisions sooner than she did. Lucy brings up the fact that while they both have demanding mothers they didn’t let them dictate their lives or happiness. Just when you think that maybe they have gotten through to Denise, she shuts them down.
Panic level increases.
They realize Hinckley got himself admitted to the emergency room and alert secret service saving the President (yay!) but Denise is still planning on getting married and giving up her job as expected of her. There’s a glimmer of hope when she tells Lucy and Jiya why she became a cop but that’s dashed immediately.
Panic level is now through the roof.
Continue on the last page…
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