The World Beyond
Main Cast
Iris Bennett (Annet Mahendru)
Hope Bennett (Alexa Mansour)
Silas Plaskett (Hal Cumpston)
Elton Ortiz (Nicolas Cantu)
Felix (Nico Tortorella)
Huck (Annet Mahendru)
Dr. Leo Bennett (Joe Holt)
Kari Bennett (Christina Marie Karis)
Dr.K (Beth Leavel)
Elizabeth Kublek (Julia Ormond)
Campus Colony
The Walking Dead : The World Beyond is set 10 years into the apocalypse. But unlike all the other shows, the last ten years for the “Campus Colony” has been almost like how life used to be.
The Campus Colony of Omaha is one of the three circles that make up the logo of the CRM (Civil Republic Military) a group we’ve seen mentioned in Fear The Walking Dead and are the people Jadis’s group worked for. And the people who have Rick Grimes.
Monument Day
The series starts off with a group of students loading Into a bus to go greet visitors for their annual monument day. Little do they know they have a stowaway in the baggage area. One Hope Bennett. Whose sister Iris Bennett is inside the bus with the other students.
When they get there and their guest arrives Lieutenant colonel Elizabeth Kublek from the civic republic. There was supposed to be other guests but Kublek says they didn’t have the helicopters to bring them.
Though when our stowaway Iris was at her mom’s grave she saw five of their helicopters fly by with shipping bins.
After Kublek shows their prowess by shooting zombies (empties as they call them) . They head back to the school.
The Bennett sisters
Iris and Hope Bennett are the main protagonists in the show. Iris is the AP student trying to make everything perfect. And Hope is the “bad child” who makes liquor and hates the CRM. But for good reason.
Their dad Dr.Leo Bennett was taken to the CRM to work on a cure. And Hope hated that he went because they know nothing of where the CRM is.
Their Past
Their mom died ten years prior when it all started or as they call it “when the world fell”. When a plane crashed into Omaha, Nebraska and the dead rose.
At one point Iris runs off, leaving her dad to chase after her. As Hope and her mom Kari continue on out of the city.
But everything gets even worse when Hope sees a truck and trys to get it but are held at gunpoint by a pregnant woman. Who shoots her mom. And Hope a scared angry child shoots the pregnant woman (something that Iris doesn’t know).

Iris has been plagued my nightmares of that past. And keeps seeing herself as an Empty. She is seeing a therapist named dr.k for these dreams. That she has yet to tell Hope about.
Dr.K tells her she has to talk to her sister, and that she can’t hold herself to trying to keep together the 9 thousand + people at the school.
A run in with Kublek
The night before monument day and Iris’s big speech (one she’s making as student council head) they run into Kublek, who over hears Hope saying she doesn’t trust her.
So to show them they can she gives them a map of the general area of the CRM and where their father is. Which is in New York.
Along with dealing with all this, plus Iris’s therapist dying, and her finding her as an Empty, the girls get a message from their father, stating danger. They tell Felix who is a senior security force officer and is the girls set guardian by their father.
He tells them not to worry, that their dad and his boyfriend Will, who went with him will take care of him.
Their not ok with that.
Silas and Elton
Two of the boys at the school had caught them getting the message from their dad. And to make sure they wouldn’t tell, they had them tell them secrets. Which they find out they have been sneaking out.
The Big Speech
After spending who knows how long on a speech, on the day she gives it. She throws it out. And talks instead about having the dreams of becoming an empty. About how they need to live for today instead of tomorrow because it’s not promised.
And that she doesn’t fully trust the CRM.
Leaving on a journey
That night the sisters, along with the two boys that they let in on their plan of going to help their dad, set out. And once they get to town, Iris kills her first Empty.
Eltons tale
Before finding the empty, one of the boys Elton finds something else. Something he’s been searching for. A tyrannosaurus horn he got for his unborn sister.
We find out him and his dad got separated from his pregnant mom. Could that be the woman Hope killed, and who killed her mother?
We will have to wait to find out. Only Silas was there to hear his tale, which means we couldn’t see what Hopes reaction might have been.
Felix and Huck
Once Felix finds out they left, he knows exactly where they went. To New York to find their dad. He knows about it because he overheard the girls talking with Kublek. So him and his best friend Huck set out to find them.
A massacre
The last scene of the episode is one of horror as we see Kublek and her soldiers shooting Empties and a dark empty school behind them. Did they kill them all? Or just some? Or no one? There was supposed to be a party that night, so I can only see one reason it would be that dark….
Final thoughts
It was a good show. And I will admit I was surprised. When I first heard about it, I thought “oh no, teen drama show” man was I wrong.
The characters are interesting and well developed.
It’s nice to see an openly gay man in Felix, who is a main character and has a boyfriend. And not pushed to the back like Aaron (the only gay man in the mother show The walking dead).
I can’t wait for more.
The World Beyond airs Sunday’s at 10/9c on AMC
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