Fact Finding
Both Mason and Ambrose attack from the problem, but from different angles. Mason reconnects with a former classmate, who is now a cop. Through her sympathy for him, he finds out about a “J.D.” and a pregnancy Cora admitted to behind bars. Ambrose goes the official route and visits everyone important at the bar involved on the July 3rd in question. He asks the bar tender if she remembered Cora and if she was there with Frankie while providing pics of them. Conveniently, the bar tender remembers all about July 3rd from five years ago. (What? Kind of a stretch, but ok.) She tells Ambrose it wasn’t Frankie dancing with Cora that night. The guy from her memory had blonde hair. Suspicious, Ambrose meets with Frankie’s parents, who have proof Frankie was not even in the city July 3rd! What the heck?
The hits keep coming! Ambrose gets a call from his partner saying the hospital Cora claimed she went to after she was hit by the car did not in fact exist AND Cora’s parents (the ones she said were dead) are actually alive! Cora told FOUR lies during her little heart to heart with Ambrose!

How Long Is Too Long to Wait to See Your Imprisoned Wife
Mason eventually visits the jail and talks with Cora. He tells her he knows about J.D. and asks why she lied. Cora remains unresponsive. Good talk. I’m so glad I came down to see you. I’ll have to check my calendar about next time…
Mason meets with some friends and asks about J.D. His friends tell him they can easily find J.D., but implies he’s trouble. Mason may be trying to get himself killed (without knowing it) by pursuing his own investigation this way.
Ambrose moves back into his house. Hurray for marriage counseling! LAter, at work, Ambrose takes the cell phone with the murder song that triggered Cora to the jail and plays it for her. Cora responds by punching him in the same formation she stabbed Frankie. Ambrose and his partner agree this shows a pattern, but no idea what caused it in the first place. This episode ends with her in jail laying on a mattressless steel bed frame.
Reviewer’s Take
Another great episode! This show is smoking hot on social media right now and rightfully so. I look forward to following and reviewing the series until we have the truth. Det. Ambrose captured my “favorite character” title in the show. The murder song is starting to get very catchy also.
Buckle up folks! I think this show is about to take a u-turn from the direction it was going.
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