Episode 5 of The Purge dives into the heart of the franchise: When is it okay to take things into your own hands? Is it ever?
Jenna and Rick
For our favorite couple, the night has taken an unexpected turn. At the Stanton mansion, the maid (I knew she was up to something) warns Jenna that she needs to leave the house. Jenna goes upstairs to look for Lila, but Lila won’t open the door to her. Rick comes looking for her, and just when he finds Jenna at Lila’s door, gunfire erupts—from the yard below, they see an army of rebels with guns blasting their way onto the property. Downstairs, the elite are being gunned down. Rick and Jenna try to escape, but the maid, armed with a gun herself, catches them. Jenna begs for their lives and the maid, who knows they’re not a part of all this, lets them leave. Jenna asks the maid to please help Lila, but the she says that no Stanton is safe tonight. Poor Lila. I wonder if Jenna will change her mind and try to save her?
Jane’s journey with the Matron Saints comes to a swift end when they arrive at an apartment to help a woman being beat by her husband. After saving the woman, the ladies proceed to brand the man with the word “PIG”, but Jane isn’t having any part of it. After trying unsuccessfully to convince them that there is a better way, a legal way, Jane hurries out, takes a car, and leaves. She finally arrives at David’s place. Her phone rings and it’s her mother, worried about her. Jane again says that no matter what happens, she loves her. When she buzzes David’s door, the door ominously opens up for her. Hmmm … I suspect it’s not gonna be David behind that door.
Miguel and Penelope
Henry takes Penelope into a tent and ties her to a stake, as we have flashbacks that reveal their past. Turns out that after Miguel and Penelope’s parents died and they were put into foster care, Miguel kept getting into trouble (trying to protect Penelope), and she got involved with Henry. Henry did drugs and eventually things went sour and he started hitting her. Miguel beat the crap out of Henry (that’s how his eye got all messed up), and Miguel went off to join the Marines, leaving Penelope all alone. And this is when she met Good Leader Tavis, who started off as her social worker.
Back to the present, Penelope gives Henry some words to live by, words that sum up exactly what is wrong with Purge Night:
…Everyone thinks this night will solve all their problems but it can’t, it won’t. It doesn’t solve anything, it just makes everything worse … I’m not the victim, you are …”
Meanwhile, Miguel has arrived. After knocking Cowboy out and setting his captives free, he makes it into the Carnival of Flesh, offering Cowboy up as his own little prize delivery. Searching the crowd for his sister, he hears her screaming at Henry and just as he’s about to rush in to save her, he’s tackled by some guards: Cowboy has come to and Henry has been busted, but not before finally, at last, catching a glimpse of Penelope.
Once again, the episode ends with Joe, as he comes upon a group of Purgers with baseball bats, beating some guy. While Joe’s Purge Night message plays, he gets out to take care of business.
If you see something, do something, because a storm is coming … when the rains come and sink this rock, will you sink or will you swim, drown or fight your way to shore … I know what I think you should do … be a hero … become the person tonight that you want to be tomorrow …”
Words to live by.
I felt like Episode 5 really hammered in on some timely questions: When is it okay to take things into your own hands? Is it ever? How do you decide? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
The Purge returns October 9th, 10/9 C, on USA Network.
Before you go:
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