Mickey leans on mentor Legal Siegel for advice on his “hypothetical” predicament on the The Lincoln Lawyer S2E2.
The Lincoln Lawyer: Case File for season 2 episode 2
Written by Gladys Rodriguez
Directed by Rob Seidenglanz
There are some big moves at play in The Lincoln Lawyer episode S2E2. Mickey must think fast and try to get ahead of the impossible scenario he finds himself in with killer Russell Lawson. Mickey reaches out to Legal Siegel to discuss a very difficult hypothetical scenario, which conveniently matches his own.
Lorna grows more concerned about Cisco’s distant behavior. Even still she manages to face Dean Wheaton to get the signature she needs for the practice clinic. Izzy considers a new step in her career that involves a high level of trust in girlfriend Ray.
Maggie gets an offer from Mickey that might allow her to gain some leverage with the cases that have been taken from her. Glory Days shows up but not the way they had hoped. Lisa Trammell continues to pick Mickey’s brain about the temporary restraining order against her. She ends up needing more than just advice, however, when she makes a desperate call for his help.
Let us investigate further our case file for The Lincoln Lawyer S2E2 ‘Obligations’.
Refresh your memory:
- Legal Siegel (played by Elliott Gould) worked side by side with Mickey’s dad. While Mickey’s father has passed away, Legal Siegel assumes the role of mentor and friend to Mickey in his father’s absence.
- Russell Lawson purposely found a way to get himself arrested so he could attach Mickey to him as legal counsel before revealing that he was Martha Renteria’s killer. Mickey is now bound to confidentiality and unable to adequately represent innocent Jesús Menendez.
- Lisa Trammell strikes up a flirtation with Mickey in episode 1 and begins to lean on him for legal advice over her growing dispute with building developer Mitchell Bondurant.
- Cisco continues to take orders from Road Saints head honcho Teddy Vogul to fulfill his debt to his former motorcycle club. Cisco tries to keep this information from Lorna, who begins to grow suspicious. Lorna worries about Cisco on top of managing the thriving law practice, keeping up with law school and being faced with approaching a dirtbag from her past.
Tennis, anyone?
Mickey meets with Legal Siegel at the racquet club. His mentor can tell that something is off with the Lincoln Lawyer. Haller tries to share what’s going on with Russell Lawson under the pretense of a hypothetical scenario.
Legal follows along and confirms all the problems Mickey has at stake. Not only would he be disbarred for breaking confidentiality, but clients would also never trust him again. Furthermore, Mickey now has a conflict of interest with representing the innocent party, Jesús Menendez. Is there really anything worse than having to stop helping the innocent and protect the guilty instead? Well, for one thing, Mickey also must deal with Russell’s veiled threats to Mickey’s family as well.
Mickey asks Legal what the hypothetical lawyer can do to get out of this predicament. Legal responds, “Well . . .” and the opening credits roll.
To the office
Izzy tells Mickey about a true crime podcast she is listening to and mistakenly assumes he may be old enough to remember the original case. Mickey is a little offended, but the audience enjoys a chuckle. Their conversation is interrupted by a call from Lorna. His second wife and practice manager informs him that Russell Lawson is in Mickey’s office poking around.
Mickey nervously checks to make sure that Lorna is not alone there with him and heads straight to the office.
Traffic ticket talk
Mickey arrives to the office and asks Russell what he is doing there. Russell explains that he received a traffic ticket and wants Mickey to help get him out of it, you know, since he is his attorney. I am doubtful that Russell really cares about the ticket and assume he is merely trying to remind Mickey of his predicament and further solidify their contractual relationship.
Russell also uses the visit as an opportunity to look at the photo of Maggie and Hayley on Mickey’s desk. Clearly, Russell wants to keep Mickey on high alert.
Russell leaves the office and says goodbye to everyone in his best attempt to act like all is normal. Soon after, Mickey leaves to meet with Glory Days and informs the office staff to stop working on anything related to the Jesús Menendez case, even though he cannot tell them why.
Glory Days in lockup
Glory Days has been arrested for prostitution and possession of cocaine. She mixed it up with a client who tipped her with 4 small bags of coke, enough for her to be charged with selling drugs. She implores Mickey to help her get out of the charges.
Mickey probes for additional details and learns that the client gave her the name Hector Moya. He suggests that someone with that much money and drugs could be a dealer or tied to one. Glory Days says she refuses to snitch, though. But Mickey finds out that she does have an address for Moya.
Mickey tells her he must go and that he will not be going with her to talk to Griggs about her testimony in the Jesús Menendez case. Glory is confused and he encourages her to “do the right thing”.
In other news
Lorna reminds Cisco that he needs to provide his guest list, which he seems to have forgotten about. She suggests that he may be having second thoughts about the wedding. Cisco insists that is not true and promises to get the list to her.
Meanwhile, Izzy and Mickey pass another Bondurant construction site. His faithful driver tells Mickey about an idea that she and girlfriend Ray are pursuing. They are looking at a location to open their own dance studio. Mickey has reservations given Ray’s only recent sobriety. Izzy assures him that things are going well.
Putting a plan in motion
Mickey learns from Cisco that Hector Moya is likely Hector Moreno with the Tijuana drug cartel. Moreno recently evaded a murder charge and is probably visiting California to set up more business there. He shares that the address is on the valley side of Mulholland Drive. Mickey knows this puts Moreno (as well as Glory’s crimes) in Maggie’s legal jurisdiction in Van Nuys.
Izzy drives Mickey to Maggie’s office where he approaches her with the opportunity to use intel about the high-profile Moreno information to not only get Glory’s case dismissed but to also gain leverage with Major Crimes to get her other case back.
Maggie says she will give it some thought but is a little soured about it being a favor to Glory, whose testimony about LAPD indiscretions that botched her case in season 1. Mickey insists that he is asking the favor for him even though Glory also benefits.
Shutting down Wheaton
Lorna conquers her fears and pays a visit to Dean Wheaton to get her form signed. She takes the opportunity to remind him who she is and how he made unwanted advances toward her as student during her first enrollment.
He admits that she was indeed the brightest student in the class. Lorna does not skip a beat or acknowledge his lame excuse for an olive branch. She proudly exclaims that she already knows she was the smartest.
Lisa loves cilantro
Lisa invites Mickey to her restaurant where they sample a new drink for the menu. While Mickey’s is naturally an alcohol-free version, he is impressed with the tasty raspados. He notes a hint of cilantro, apparently one of Lisa’s favorites from her herb garden.
Of course, there is also some shop talk as Lisa has questions about the restrictions noted in the restraining order. She learns from Mickey that she is not at fault for being in her home or place of work even if Bondurant chooses to do construction next door. She also wonders about passing his office to go to her weekly farmer’s market spot. Mickey advises that it should be fine if she does not stop to create a fuss.
Lisa is angry that the eyewitness noted in the restraining order is a building inspector. She assumes that the inspector may have been lying just to be in business with Bondurant. It’s all about money, right?
Seal the deal
Things are falling into place as Mickey learns that Maggie has agreed to his proposal to go after Hector Moreno in lieu of Glory Days. He leaves an envelope on his desk and tells Lorna that Russell must pick it up today. It’s related to his traffic ticket.
Mickey asks Cisco to reserve the evening for some help he may need from him. He encourages Izzy to stay and help Lorna at the office because he does not need a driver today. He heads out with his tennis racket in tow.
Detective Griggs calls wondering why Mickey is not joining Glory for the interview. He tells him Glory should be able to provide the information he needs.
Releasing some steam
Mickey ends up at the racquet club to let off some steam. He smashes ball after ball from the machine. Legal makes eye contact with him and Mickey nods. Hmm, what are they up to?
Glory talks to Griggs while the sketch artist mocks up a drawing of the killer. Sure enough, we can recognize Russell Lawson when the artist reveals the sketch.
Later Griggs talks to Mickey and accuses him of hiding something after Glory Days is suddenly released. Mickey assures Griggs that if he is not sharing something, it is only because he is not allowed to. He tells Griggs, “All I want is to keep Glory Days safe.”
Cisco encounters
Cisco gets a message from Mickey on his phone. He shares his very short guest list with Lorna. The list is comprised of Mickey, Izzy and the local bartender. As they are talking, he gets a text from Teddy, which he deletes and tells Lorna it was spam.
Later Cisco talks to Teddy at The Patch bar. He claims that he has no evidence that Kaz is a rat. Teddy is skeptical since Kaz got parole 3 years into an 8-year sentence. He suggests that Kaz was not alone in his crime and may have given up the second person for a parole deal. He insists that Cisco continue monitoring Kaz.
Close call
We feel all kinds of uneasiness as Glory Days exits her ride share and heads inside her home. She showers, changes and hears a food delivery at her door. She seems nervous and tells the person to leave the food on the stoop.
When she peeks outside, the delivery person walks away. She opens the door to retrieve the meal. Suddenly, Russell Lawson slams the door open and chases Glory into the house. He tries to attack her, but she fights back and grabs an empty beer bottle, smashing it over his head. She threatens him the jagged edges of the bottle.
Suddenly, SIS and Griggs come bursting through the door and arrest Lawson. Cisco is outside watching from across the street. He calls Mickey saying Russell Lawson was arrested, not Hector Moreno as Cisco had expected.
All in a day’s work
We flash back to the opening scene where Legal gives a detailed response to Mickey’s inquiry about the hypothetical lawyer. All the pieces have fallen into place per Legal’s advice:
- “Make sure nothing blows back on the hypothetical lawyer.”
- “Is there someone else who can identify the killer?” – – > Yes, Glory!
- “Use that person as bait.” – – > The envelope Mickey leaves on his desk for Russell was right next to the release paperwork with Glory’s name on it.
- “Make sure the bait is protected.” – – > We see where Mickey asked Maggie to protect Glory in exchange for Glory giving Hector Moreno’s address. He demands that SIS keep watch on her.
- “He must maintain confidentiality. He can’t say anything beforehand. Just point them in the right direction and get out of the way.” – – > Mickey planted a seed with Griggs by telling him he wanted to keep Glory safe.
- “Always have a plan B.” – – > Mickey tasked Cisco with watching out for Glory in case Moreno came after Glory thinking she had snitched.
Wow! That was an impressive plan, and it worked like a charm! Mickey tells Legal that an innocent client really is the worst kind to have. Legal counters reminding him that is not the case when you win!
Mickey pays a visit to Glory to check on her. She tells him she plans to visit her mom in Hawaii and may give up the escort business.
Guilty vs. Not Guilty
Mickey pays Russell a visit in lockup and mocks him by giving him “legal advice”. Mickey advises Russell to plead guilty and avoid trial. He points out that Russell’s insanity makes his behavior predictable. Oh, and he tells him that his retainer has run out. And just in case, the message is not clear, Mickey reminds Russell of the many clients he knows in the prison system that would be happy to intervene should Russell ever dare to go after Mickey’s family.
Then Mickey pays a visit to Jesús and his pregnant fiancée. They are overcome with the news that Jesús is cleared of all charges and cannot ever be tried again for this crime.
Sweet relief . . . wait
Mickey heads home in the convertible relieved because the plan worked. But the peaceful moment is interrupted when he takes a call from Lisa Trammell. Lisa has been arrested for the murder of Mitchell Bondurant.
Of all the uncomfortable things in this episode, did anyone else worry about Mickey running around the tennis court with all those balls at his feet? I mean, that’s an accident waiting to happen.
Closing Argument:
Hearing Legal’s advice in flashback was a great storytelling tool. It really put all the pieces together making it even more impressive how Mickey executed the plan. Honestly, if I had known the specific steps ahead of time, I would probably have been on pins and needles the whole time just like I was when Glory went home. Kudos to writer and director duo, Gloria Rodriguez and Rob Seidenglanz!
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Next up: The Lincoln Lawyer: Investigating case file S2E3 ‘Conflicts’ – So Many Shows!
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