The Positives
Overall, the show still hasn’t sold me. I find the characters charming enough… Paul Blackthorne is definitely the highlight of the cast. The man who plays our killer, Ed Roven is definitely creepy. I don’t like him, his song, or his terrible pet names for Cassie. Cottontail? GROSS. And I enjoy the growing relationship between Asante and Hackett.
I am not sold on the character of Cassie as of yet. I like Harriet Dyer, but I feel as if there is just something not there with the character. She seems unestablished in her life as if she could leave the town the next day and except for her foster parents and her boy toy, not too many people would notice. I guess that makes sense with her abilities, but it makes it hard to like her as a character.
Still, I also think the little hints we’ve gotten for characterization have been interesting, but I want more. I feel as if the backstories to these characters are crucial to who they are and the quicker we get it, the better this show can become. And, I also have a suspicion that Roven is somehow related to Cassie in a way. Otherwise, why is he so obsessed with her and how is he able to have such power over her?
The Not So Great
This brings me to the supernatural part of this show. The overall visions and how her abilities work bug me. I feel as if it’s a bit all over the place and less defined than other shows. Cassie can talk to anyone stuck in “the inbetween” but… can we have a little more on that? What happened to Abigail, after all? Did she go into the light (as hinted on by Roven toward the end of the episode), or is she off torturing her grandfather?
ALSO, the fake blood on the car. TERRIBLE. Looked like paint.
What about the storyline? My greatest hope for the show is that it isn’t just episodic in the sense that there is more storyline than just a weekly case. The link between Roven and Cassie suggests that, but it hardly seems enough. We’re only in episode two, but what will keep you tuning in? I feel as if some might not feel enough pull to keep watching… I definitely need to see the pace pick up a bit, and some more definition brought to our characters.
The show continues to have promise, but it needs to reign those viewers in now. With the potential to be a fun yet creepy summer hit, will you keep watching?
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