Came in like a Wrecking Ball…
Back in DC at FBI headquarters, we meet other members of Agent Keaton’s team. With Agent Zain is FBI Cyber Division Special Agent Kate Ryan. They discuss Agent Keaton’s whereabouts. Its all very secretive. We also meet Special Agent Jason Bragg (Noah Mills). There is general chatter for a minute or two then…
Shepherd enters the room with Keaton. There is a stare down. Shepherd’s stare is on Agent Bragg. Keaton states, “Rangers.” At the comment, she stares at him. He explains that Agent Bragg is a former Army Ranger.
The team is shocked regarding her arrival. None of them are happy. Agent Ryan asks, “What about Lane?”
Keaton says, “If I have to work with the devil to catch Tal, I will.”
It has been sixteen hours since the attacks and they have no leads. Shepherd says if you want to catch Tal, you must pull on threads you would never have before. She explains that Tal likes to hack into phones to keep track of his victims. They can track the confirmed hacked phones to a man named Victor Nemec. He hired a woman to hack the phone of one of the victims; they interrogate the woman who says the Nemec. The team are able to confirm from the hired hacker that there was a survivor of the Manhattan bombing. They find out it is a Financial Analyst, Ana Cruz. We cut to a scene of her tied up somewhere, seemingly disoriented, but alive.
While the team tries to gather more information, Shepherd is left alone with Agent Ryan. She asks how long Ryan has been with the FBI. She says six years. Shepherd asks how long she has been in love with Agent Keaton. Ryan does not deny, but they share a look.
Shepherd explains the way to find Victor Nemec is a location cutout. They were common during the Cold War, because operatives couldn’t use the maps of their actual location. So, they used ones that looked like the city they were in. They can use the map to track him to an apartment building on Roosevelt Island. Keaton believes they have Nemec.
Empire State of Mind
They plan to go to New York as a team but lock up Shepherd as she cannot come. It is because of an obvious trust issue. Keaton says there is no redemption for people like her. They argue, Shepherd reminds him that she hasn’t forgotten who she got killed. Keaton tells her that his fiancé, Lane looked up to Shepherd and wanted to be like her.
In New York, they get to the apartment complex. Meanwhile, in DC Shepherd slams a metal dinner tray into her mouth. Before we see anymore, we cut back to New York.
Inside the apartment building is a man hiding with a gun. Agents Zain and Bragg pursue him and Bragg takes a hit on his vest from another unknown. Keaton chases the original person to the roof where the man says, “All great empires die from within.” He pulls the gun on Keaton and Keaton kills him. There is no Nemec or Analyst Cruz at the apartments.
Meanwhile, in DC, Shepherd is in the Dentist office. She uses it to escape, including stealing a lead apron so they cannot track her using her GPS device. She changes clothes on the way. We learn she has an ex-husband who now has custody of her daughter. This is where she is heads.
In New York, Agent Zain tells them that Nemec is going to Boston. The team also learns that Shepherd has escaped; it is Keaton who tells them that she’ll go see her daughter. We cut to where Shepherd is outside of the daughter’s school. They make eye contact briefly as the school lets out, but police pull up and grab her before she can talk to her daughter.
They believe that Nemec is heading to Boston’s Pier 19, but it is Shepherd that tells them it’s more than likely a trap, as it has happened previously in Belgium. There was explosives last time. Meanwhile, on the Pier the team has found Nemec. There is a chase but Agent Zain crashes due to an IED. He is okay, but it sets them back momentarily. Keaton then pursues Nemec as well and they also crash. He chases him on foot and takes him down and punches him. They find Ana Cruz in the backseat of the car, alive.
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