Timeless Episode 7 You can tell we’re getting closer to the end because there was A LOT that happened this episode. We’ve had our build up and now the epic game of Rittenhouse vs Time Team is about to come to a head. Things will begin progressing quickly from here on out. I hope you’re […]
Timeless Episode 6 – The King of the Delta Blues
Timeless Episode 6 (Season 2) There are very few shows out there where I will say that an episode I didn’t particularly enjoy is still a great episode. Timeless is one of those shows and “The King of the Delta Blues” is that episode. It does everything that Timeless does right – it keeps us […]
Timeless Episode 5 – The Kennedy Curse
Timeless Episode 5 – The Kennedy Curse I LOVE THIS EPISODE!! I don’t know about the rest of you, but the thought has been in the back of my mind since season 1: What would happen if, instead of our heroes travelling back in history, the history traveled to their time. Timeless did just that […]
Timeless Episode 4 – The Salem Witch Trials
Season 2: Timeless Episode 4 Salem Town, Massachusetts September 22nd, 1692 – the bloodiest day of the Salem Witch Trials. As someone with a connection to the Trials, I was very hesitant to watch this episode. It took me days of mental preparation to finally sit down and screen it. Even then I wasn’t sure […]
Timeless Episode 3 – Hollywoodland
Timeless Episode 3 Review OH.MY.GOD. DID THAT JUST HAPPEN? DID WE SERIOUSLY JUST SEE THAT? The answer, my dear Clockblockers, is yes that totally did just happen. We seriously did just see that! If you are at all like me after I watched “Hollywoodland” for the first time you are probably sitting there with your […]