It looks like a new relationship and a baby are on the way in Sweet Magnolias season 2 episode 6.
Sweet Magnolias Season 2 Episode 6
“Find It in Your Heart”
Written by: Anthony Epling
Directed by: Norman Buckley
Cal helps Kyle embrace his physical therapy while Erik helps his pal Isaac with a night on the town. Meanwhile, VBS is in full swing, and Dana Sue struggles to understand why a little boy is so disappointed with her food.
Jackson keeps coming around to see Annie, and Ty notices to the chagrin of girlfriend Cece. Erik and Helen decide to be truly honest with one other.
The Sweet Magnolias gear up for battle against the mayor and Noreen goes into labor.

Let’s take a closer look at the events of episode 6.
Margarita Night
The episode kicks off with Margarita Night. Dana Sue is running late and attributes it to a busy Sunday at the restaurant and time spent fixing food for VBS. Helen teases her suggesting she was late because of Ronnie.
Suddenly, Dana Sue receives $20 on her phone app. We learn that Helen and Maddie wagered twenty bucks on how soon Dana Sue and Ronnie would reunite. Since Maddie sent the money, I guess Helen won that bet.
They continue to good-naturedly rib their friend about Ronnie. Why is he still in Serenity now that the restaurant’s future is secure? They want to know if Dana Sue is happy about the reunion. She is having fun but states that it is still complicated.
Meanwhile, upstairs in his room, Ty picks up his guitar and begins to play.
Lunch date?
Helen and Erik go out for lunch. The restaurant is new to Helen. Is this a date?
It doesn’t sound like a date after Helen brings up the subject of Erik holding her hand after the community meeting. Before Helen can express how she feels about it, Erik quickly says he didn’t mean to suggest more than friendship with the gesture.
Erik goes on to talk about how busy he is. Helen understands. She has a lot going on as well. They agree they do not want to risk losing all the wonderful things about their friendship. Then there is an awkwardness in the air as if neither of them is really telling the truth. They decide to leave the restaurant and go to Wharton’s for pizza instead.
Offers of assistance
Cal arrives to the spa and notices how busy it is. Maddie points out that there has been an increase in the number of patrons since the community meeting.
She then goes on to talk about Kyle having a really hard time with physical therapy. It’s hard for her to watch him go through pain, which makes it hard to hold him accountable to his home exercises.
Cal is familiar with physical therapy and volunteers to take Kyle to his sessions. This way Maddie only must focus on the home therapy.
Noreen enters the spa and asks Maddie if she can visit with Kyle again. At first, Maddie discourages the idea saying Kyle’s schedule is busy. Eventually, she changes her mind and tells Noreen she will check on it. Noreen tells Maddie she is doing work from home, so she can be flexible about the time. Maddie looks to Can and wonders what’s up with Noreen “working from home”.
VBS begins
Annie and Lily will be escorting a group of kids around the church for their VBS activities. Katie is disappointed that she is not assigned to Annie’s group. Jackson comes in wanting to talk to Annie. Lily tells her to go ahead. She will watch the kids. Ty watches Jackson and Annie walking and talking together.
It’s time for the kids to eat lunch. Cece arrives and gives Ty a hug while Ronnie sneaks up flirtatiously behind Dana Sue. Dana Sue tells him to behave and sends Ronnie off to get the lemonade.
The children line up to get their plates of food. A little boy named Austin asks for “dino nuggets”. Dana Sue shows him the grilled chicken she’s offering instead. The kid is visibly frustrated. He is very hungry and says his mom assured him there would be dino nuggets at the event.
Dana Sue and Austin get into a bit of a showdown as Dana Sue tries to defend the choices being offered. Lily walks up trying to de-escalate the situation and tells Austin he can play after he eats.
Why so worried about Jackson
Jackson goes through the food line with Annie. He purposely loads up on the ham biscuits that Annie made.
Cece is telling Ty about something that happened at Wharton’s, but Ty is more interested in keeping his eyes on Jackson and Annie. He even asks Cece why she thinks Jackson is there. She matter-of-factly replies that Jackson appears to be getting snacks.
Ty complains about Jackson being there. He had hoped his injury will allow him to avoid Jackson since he cannot do baseball right now. Ty reminds Cece that Jackson has been a jerk, but Cece points out that he’s not being a jerk right now.
A big apology
Maddie arranges a time for Noreen to come visit Kyle at the house. Noreen tries to encourage Kyle who is complaining about his physical therapy. He also talks about his community service saying that is better than PT.
Kyle is grateful he can help at the church and not have to pick up trash on the side of the road. He then recalls someone going through the trash to help him find his Darth Vader action figure that he accidentally threw out during a family trip to Daytona.
The reminiscing continues as all three try to recall the name of a pirate-themed restaurant in Daytona. Kyle seems to be in a pretty good mood.
Outside as Noreen is leaving, she stops to apologize to Maddie. She gives a heartfelt apology for hurting Maddie’s family. Noreen admits she knew better and made a horrible mistake that haunts her every day.
She hopes that one day Maddie will be able to forgive her.

Roadblock to the mayor
Her name is Henrietta, and she is not letting anyone get through to see Mayor Trent Lewis. Helen, Dana Sue, and Maddie gather at Henrietta’s desk demanding that Trent meet with them. The friends are ready to confront the mayor about the recent property purchases.
Henrietta refuses to listen to anything negative about the mayor. She claims to have worked for both Trent’s father and grandfather before him. Henrietta claims, “Those righteous men have done nothing but pour their hearts and souls into doing what’s best for this sweet town.”
Helen tries to flip the script saying they want to report problems to the mayor so that he can fix them. She tries to get the slip on Henrietta moving past her desk, but Henrietta halts the group. Dana Sue suggests they just make an appointment and come back.
Easier said than done. Henrietta says he is booked out for three months! Helen points to an open spot on the calendar and Henrietta slaps her hand. Henrietta is a fierce opponent and now it’s time for her soap opera. She tells the ladies to leave.
Back at VBS
Annie is setting up again for VBS when Jackson arrives. He gives Annie a little paper camera that he has folded. They look longingly at one another. Suddenly, Lily leans out the door to tell them VBS is now starting.
Helen, Maddie, and Dana Sue arrive to VBS to prepare the lunch line. They continue to complain about not being able to address the mayor. They are also frustrated that Peggy did not do an article in the paper about the community meeting for which Peggy was in attendance.
Ronnie asks if they are “plotting a coup”? Wait, Helen has an idea. She recalls a 4th grade history lesson about an election recall. That just might be a way to get rid of Trent.
Ronnie asks Maddie and Helen to take the water pitchers. This might allow him a few minutes alone with Dana Sue. Then Maddie cautions Dana Sue to not end up on Serenity Secrets 415 a second time. Ronnie still gives Dana Sue a peck on the neck.
Lunch woes
It’s Austin’s turn in line. There are still no Dino Nuggets. Austin proclaims, “I . . . want . . . Dino Nuggets!” Dana Sue is so puzzled about Austin’s obsession with dino nuggets. Lily is standing nearby and begins to share a rumor about Austin’s family. Pastor June walks up and reminds her not to gossip.
The pastor shares that Austin is part of the Fletcher family who have 5 kids. Sadly, Mr. Fletcher is overqualified for his job and not making the amount of money his family needs. She is hoping they will join the church.
Ronnie then remembers the family’s circumstances and assures Dana Sue that Austin’s frustration is not about the quality of Dana Sue’s food. The boy simply wants the cool, popular food that other kids get. His family is surviving on food donations, clearance items, and the like.
Thinking long term
Kyle and Cal are leaving his most recent physical therapy session. Kyle complains of the pain and talks about quitting. Cal shows Kyle a scar on his hip from a motorcycle accident. Cal, too, has been through extensive physical therapy and can relate.
The coach shares his experience with Cal and urges him to think about making sure his knee heals correctly. He also reminds him to think about the future. While it may not seem so important right now, he will probably really want a healthy knee in the future. He wants Kyle to think about the positive aspects of the rehabilitation.
Kyle takes the advice to heart and continues hobbling down the hall without complaint.
Reaching out
Peggy is greeting at the church for VBS when Helen arrives and asks her how she’s doing. Peggy speaks fondly of the 15 kids who have been in her group, but Helen wants to know how Peggy herself is doing.
Helen offers to be there as a listening ear if she wants to talk. She acknowledges that the two of them are not as close as they could be, but maybe that would make it easier for Peggy to share with her.
Peggy appreciates the gesture and grabs Helen’s hand.
Cece is excited to share with Ty that only 20% of voters are required to submit for a recall of Mayor Lewis. Once again, Ty is paying more attention to Jackson and Annie than he is to his own girlfriend, Cece. Knowing that he is not listening, Cece makes an outrageous comment to prove her point.
Ty is visibly frustrated, saying Annie should be with someone better than Jackson. Cece is aggravated that Ty is so focused on Annie and walks away.
Young Austin Fletcher is over the moon to find dino nuggets in the meal line this time. Dana Sue calls him aside, but not before he ensures that Pastor June will keep his plate safe.
Dana Sue shows Austin several containers of food she has prepared for him to take home, one of them being a large container of dino nuggets. The chef also gives him a gift certificate to Sullivan’s for his family. She includes her phone number so he can call her whenever he needs more dino nuggets.
Austin is thrilled and gives Dana Sue a hug. He declares his love for VBS and for her.

A friend’s support
Erik stops by Isaac’s house to check on his friend. Isaac talks about Peggy being his birth mom. He never expected the meeting to fall so flat.
Erik has been through struggles himself. He tells Isaac that it took him a long time to find baking, the activity that finally helped him begin recovering from a death in his family. He encourages Isaac but is honest about how long it took him to start feeling life again after the loss.
Erik implores Isaac to keep moving forward and has an idea to help him do just that.
Leaving VBS
Peggy exits the church after VBS. She makes a call to a mystery person telling them she needs to speak with them.
Then Annie and Jackson leave for the evening. Annie thanks Jackson for helping and encourages him to come back. Jackson reminds her that he, too, attends church, just a different one. His reason for being there was to spend time getting to know her better.
Jackson says he believes Annie wants to get to know him better as well. She agrees and the two share a kiss. Ronnie sees the two of them while he is cleaning up.
Party time
It’s Howie’s birthday and friends are celebrating with him at a club named Oz’s. Helen and Dana Sue arrive looking for Erik. Howie points to the karaoke stage where Erik and Isaac are performing a lively version of “Born to Be Wild”.
The restaurant staff is on hand for the party. We also get a glimpse of Max, the young man who began helping Collins at the hardware store last season. You may recall Max accidentally spilling a can of paint during the spa construction. Apparently, clumsiness is a trademark as he knocks over a drink at the table.
Helen is fired up and ready to go. She joins Erik on the stage for a performance of “Something to Talk About”. They are very enthusiastic as they sing and dance. Dana Sue comments on the sizzle between them.
Cal and Maddie have just arrived outside and are talking about Noreen’s visit to see Kyle. Maddie reports that Noreen apologized to her about cheating with Bill and hopes that one day Maddie can forgive her.
Maddie reminds Cal how Noreen turned her life upside down and she’s not sure how she can forgive even though she knows she should. Cal encourages her to try to release a little bit of her anger each day. He does not want her to change who she really is because the affair keeps eating away at her.
Cal hopes that the load of emotion she feels right now can get lighter over time. Maybe one day it will be light enough for her to forgive Noreen.
Maddie grabs Cal’s hand lovingly and they walk into the bar delightfully surprised to see Erik and Helen on stage. Shortly thereafter, the group sings “Happy Birthday” to Howie and celebrates with cake and drinks.
Maddie and Dana Sue tease Helen about her chemistry with Erik on stage. Helen still insists they are friends. Maddie than reminds Helen that she once doubted that a woman could be only friends with a guy that hot.
Morning after
Cal shows up at Maddie’s house the next day completely wiped out from partying the night before. He is there to help Kyle with rehab by taking a walk together. Maddie is impressed with Kyle’s commitment. Kyle shares some of the advice that Cal had given him.
Ty and Katie wait in the park for Cece and her siblings to join them. She is already 15 minutes late and we suspect she will not show.
Helen brings the recall petition to Sullivan’s telling Dana Sue that they need 3,000 signatures. Dana Sue begins the list of names with hers.

Helen asks Erik to walk outside with her. She tells him the truth, that she is not content just being friends. She talks about how she can truly be herself with him and wants to find out what could happen for them.
Erik agrees and they almost kiss. Helen wants to be up front with him and tells him about her plans for IVF. Erik wants to be transparent as well and tells her he has something to share with her as well.
Meanwhile, Isaac is getting ready to leave for work. Noreen asks him if he could give her a ride to the hospital first. She announces that the baby is on the way.
Serenity Soundbites:
- When Helen describes how she has a lot going on in her life, she says, “I have so much traipsing around in my head, I’m lucky if I can find Monday from a hot dog.”
- Dana Sue tells Maddie that if Helen and Erik “get much hotter, I’m hunting for a fire extinguisher”, referring to the couple flirtatiously singing karaoke on stage.
- Maddie tells Kyle how she did not know how to respond when Noreen gave her big apology. She says she just stood there “like a june bug in bug zapper”.
Food for Thought:
- Do you think Maddie will ever be able to forgive Noreen?
- What was your first thought when Austin complained about seeing no dino nuggets? Did you think he was just being ungrateful?
- Henrietta is one tough cookie. Have you ever known someone who drops everything when their soap opera is about to air?
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