Sweet Magnolias season 3 episode 5 brings Annie’s birthday and drama among friends.
Get the latest news for Sweet Magnolias with SERENITY SCOOP Volume S3E5 ‘On This Foundation’.
Breaking News
It’s Annie’s birthday! Well, almost. In the wee hours of the night just as it officially becomes Annie’s birthday, Jackson surprises Annie. He tosses rocks at her window to get her attention. He wants to be the first one to wish her a happy birthday and give her a gift. It’s a pink miniature golf club designed just for her. You may recall that Jackson and Annie played mini golf on their first official date.
Later, everyone enjoys a beautiful birthday party for Annie at the pavilion. Well, at least until the end that is. Kathy shows up and makes a scene. Annie breaks down in tears and runs off. Ty goes after her.
In better news, Dana Sue comes up with an idea for how to use the money from Miss Frances. It incorporates her love of nourishing others and can be a shared project with her friends.
CeCe officially moves in with Helen and Isaac has been able to start the rooftop garden at Sullivan’s.
Read on for more scoop on Sweet Magnolias season 3 episode 5.
Town Council Notes
Serenity now has an “acting mayor” in the wake of Trent’s resignation. Vernon, who leads the PTSD group at the VFW has accepted the interim position. His military background is helpful for managing many of the problems Trent left behind. Maddie passes along to Vernon her massive folder of concerns from the community.
Maddie’s concern for the safety of public property is validated by Carla, Harlan’s wife and mom to their adorable baby, Margaret. Carla says she has trouble taking Margaret for much needed stroller rides due to the damaged sidewalks.
Small Town Life
Jeremy arrives to Sullivan’s to drop off produce. He has a friendly chat with Dana Sue and is very happy for her renewed spirit. He also mentions helping Isaac with the rooftop herb garden, and it sounds like it is off to a great start.
As expected, Noreen was offered the childcare position at the Corner Spa. Noreen is thankful for the opportunity and excited to get started. She gets started right away but manages to slip away for a few minutes to step away to tell Annie happy birthday at the pavilion. She offers to take baby Margaret back to the spa (where Trotter is filling in for her) so Carla and Harlan can enjoy some adult time.
Dana Sue talks to Ronnie and her fellow Sweet Magnolias about her idea to “feed Serenity” using the money from Miss Frances. She already does it at the restaurant and she loves the idea of expanding that to serve people in other ways throughout the community. Helen suggests creating a foundation to manage the funds and identify those in need. She also mentions that the foundation might be a perfect way to approach the interfaith council about food insecurity in town. Helen specifically recalls young Austin from VBS earlier in the summer. Austin loved the dino nuggets they served, and we learned that his parents were struggling to feed the family.
It’s all “relative”
Bill takes Kyle to Castlewood to shop for a laptop. Bill seems to be paying better attention to his kids because he points out that Kyle needs a good laptop for his gaming project in addition to schoolwork, of course. The guys run into Mary Vaughn and Nellie who are leaving the computer store. Mary Vaughn mentions Nellie’s “new school” and Kyle learns that they have moved to Castlewood. When he and Nellie try to step away to talk, Mary Vaughn snatches Nellie back.
Maddie talks to her kids about the desk her father handcrafted. It now sits in their living room. She talks about her dad writing love letters to their Nana at the desk. Later, Kyle begins to write a letter to Nellie.
Isaac is taking the lead at Sullivan’s while Dana Sue is away for Annie’s party. Bailey let Isaac know that some patrons are asking for him. It’s Peggy and her friends. Peggy compliments Isaac on managing the restaurant and the excellence of the food. As she begins to introduce him to her friends, he looks a little nervous, probably thinking she is going to tell them that he is her son. Instead, Peggy introduces him as a wonderful friend. Isaac is relieved and they both smile.
The big news on the family front is Kathy’s appearance at the end of Annie’s party. Ty has just finished serenading Annie with custom lyrics for her birthday. It’s a real crowd pleaser and everyone joins in to celebrate Annie. Then Kathy walks up with a bouquet of balloons apologizing for her tardiness. She points out that she was not invited so she did not know the time.
Ronnie confronts Kathy about being there. Kathy goes on a verbal rampage telling Dana Sue she stole both Ronnie and the restaurant from her. She insults Maddie and Helen as well. Paula reminds Kathy to use her manners, but Kathy insists she was raised to stand up for herself. She wants Ronnie to side with her, but he does not.
Romance Review
Dana Sue thanks Ronnie for standing up for Annie and her when Kathy crashed the party. They are also in the beginning stages of planning their renewal ceremony, hoping to keep it on the small side. Dana Sue is thrilled to subsidize Annie’s college costs using the money from Miss Frances but does not feel right using it for their renewal event.
Helen and Ryan hit a few bumps in the road. First off, Helen is not pleased when Ryan talks about their relationship like one of his NGO projects. Later, she becomes upset when she thinks Ryan is being too easy on Kathy about her outburst. Ryan shares that he can relate to being the outsider in Serenity trying to fit in and being judged. Helen insists that her friends (aka family) are not doing that. But mostly, it seems to be an indication that Ryan is not super happy about being there.
Ty runs after Annie when she flees her birthday party in tears. He takes her to secretly see Jackson in Castlewood. Her parents just think Ty is taking her for a ride to console her. (And, if I’m being honest, I think that is more of what Ty had in mind.) Annie tosses rocks at Jackson’s window this time and runs out to greet her with a kiss.
Soon after, Mary Vaughn appears outside walking the dog. Ty quickly makes up an excuse for being there, saying he was bringing some of his baseball equipment to Jackson. Mary Vaughn believes Maddie sent him to spy on her. She has no idea that Jackson and Annie are down the street. Jackson and Annie spot Mary Vaughn and quickly hide. As soon as she walks away, Annie makes a run for the car. Ty frustratedly opens the car door, calls Annie “Cinderella” and tells her is not giving any more rides.
Kyle smiles when he opens the front door the next day to find a rose on the ground tagged for him. The note tells Kyle that he is “wonderful”.
Counseling Corner
Howie meets with Erik to check on his burn injury. Helen’s name comes up and Erik shows surprise when he learns that Howie used to date Helen. Howie comments about them not being a romantic match but how they are great friends now, though. Erik cannot imagine a time when he would be comfortable with Helen like that. H
Cal and Maddie talk about Paula saying that each drawing tells a story. Maddie tells Cal that she thinks her drawings reflect a future story.
Cal talks to Ty about his sudden interest in attending a boarding school that promises to help students get accepted at colleges with D1 opportunities. Ty points out that this school targets wealthy students and that they really cannot make any promises about opportunities to play sports in college. He does not understand Ty’s sudden interest in playing baseball again and why he would want to go to a boarding school. Could Ty be trying to escape feelings for Annie? Hmm . . .
Margarita Chatter
The Sweet Magnolias gather at Helen’s house for Margarita Night. Maddie mentions June talking about new relationships and new challenges being good for the soul. Helen responds defensively that her relationship with Ryan does not fall in either of those categories. Maddie counters that a permanent move to Serenity for Ryan is a new thing.
Helen retorts that if she wants counseling on her relationship, she will ask Pastor June. Dana Sue quickly says that was not Maddie’s intention.
The conversation shifts to Kathy. Dana Sue explains that historically Kathy has come to town looking for money. Helen suggests that Kathy is a candidate for one of Maddie’s fix-it projects in her folder. Maddie replies that she passed the folder to Vernon. Even so, she says she still wants to help where she is able. Helen counters that the foundation is for that purpose and says the bank is making progress on the foundation paperwork.
The conversation becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Maddie asks Helen if there is a problem with her inquiring about Ryan. Dana Sue very quickly tries to stop Maddie from saying anything further. Maddie goes on to share how she had no issue with her friends asking questions when she and Cal first began dating. Maddie claims she was simply interested in how things were going. She asks if Helen is happy.
Maddie asks if Helen is happy. Dana Sue responds that Helen clearly is not interested in discussing Ryan. Helen responds with increasing emotion how Ryan has been her dream all her life and he is in Serenity now. Helen insists that Maddie should already know. Dana Sue urges Maddie to stop asking Helen if she is happy. As the frustration grows between Maddie and Helen, Dana Sue blurts out that the answer is clear, suggesting that, no, Helen is not happy. Dana Sue refers to the dinner where Ryan talked about Miss Frances knowing he was happiest when on the go. She points out Helen’s discomfort even having this conversation.
Helen asks them to leave.
Mystery Musings
It is almost unbearable seeing Helen so upset with her friends. How will they move forward after this terribly uncomfortable conversation? Do you agree with Helen, or do you have doubts like Maddie and Dana Sue?
Will Ty really pursue baseball again?
Finally, who is this attractive woman who shows up to Z’s and begins flirting with Erik? She tells him her name is Genevieve. He seems happy to be sitting at the bar with her.
As always, so many questions in Sweet Magnolias!
Watch for our next edition of ‘Serenity Scoop’ for S3E6.
All 10 episodes of Sweet Magnolias are available on Netflix. Follow our continuing coverage of the series at So Many Shows.
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