Stranger Things 2 – It’s Back!
I’ve been a fan of Stranger Things since the first episode and I have been anxiously awaiting Stranger Things Season 2! Now that it’s been released, I am trying to remain strong and NOT binge watched the entire series. I’m going to watch them two at a time, and share them with you! Here’s my recap of Episodes 1 and 2!
One Year Later……
It all starts with a police chase. This isn’t any ordinary criminal running from the law, no, this one has psychic powers much like El. Except she 008, as tattooed on her arm. Seems like isn’t the only one who has escaped. She uses her powers to escape the cops and they get away to safety somewhere in Pittsburgh. If 008 is around – where are 009, and 010??
Will and Joyce want desperately to have life return to normal, but the Upside Down isn’t letting Mike go. He’s experiencing terrifying visions of a huge shadow monster and the creepy other world. These visions leave him “frozen” which is pretty important to remember. The poor kid can’t go out hanging at the arcade with his friends or even trick or treating without having problems – either from monsters, the resident bullies who torment him, or his Mom, who hovers over protectively (Understandably). Will is TIRED of being treated like a freak and just wants everything to go away and have his old life back. Sadly, life won’t ever be the same.
In fact, Joyce brings Will BACK to the Institute, where Papa is gone, but there is a new Doctor in town. This Doctor tells Joyce and Hopper that Will’s visions are caused by the impending one year anniversary and PTSD. He warned them that the visions might get worse and to act like everything is fine. Joyce with her Mama Vibes aren’t buying it, but agrees to give it a try.
Everything’s NOT fine, because the people running the Institute are still running experiments and apparently have learned nothing except that the Upside Down seems to be able to be controlled by fire. Is this burning what is causing Will’s visions?
The Great Pumpkin Blight
Also, not known is if the experiments are causing the Great Pumpkin Blight. Hopper investigates a field of rotten pumpkins that the farmer insists were somehow poisoned by a competing farmer, when eventually a bunch of farmers come to him complaining of their poisoned fields. Except, it’s not just pumpkins, but trees too, slimed and oozing Upside Down slime. Somethings up!
Hopper has his hands full with rotten pumpkins, but also with his special housemate… Yes, El lives with Hopper in a tiny cabin in the woods. He has her hidden away and refuses to even think about letting her out. There are all kinds of safety checks, from trip wires to secret knocks and using Morse Code to communicate, all in the name of keeping Eleven’s whereabouts a secret from both the Institute and the Government.
Hiding El takes a toll not only on her – but on Mike, as well. Mike tried to talk to El on the walkie-talkie, counting down how many days it’s been since he’s seen her. He missed her more, it seems, than the other boys and he’s angry over losing her.
The New Kids
The other boys, at least Dustin and Lucas, are enamored with the new girl, Max. Who to them is the perfect girl – she skates, AND she’s a gamer – in fact, she’s beat Dustin’s high score in Dig Dug! They eventually invite her to go trick or treating with them. Max is new to town with her “brother” Billy. Billy is a new cool guy, threatening Steve’s top dog status. All the high school girls are sighing over Billy and his cool car, cool mullet and cool bad-boy vibe. There is a reason, a seemingly bad reason that Max and Billy are in Hawkins. What can it be?
Speaking of Steve, he and Nancy are still together, but it’s obvious that Nancy is having problems. She’s obviously still wrecked over Barbs death and the guilt she carries over her part in it. She hates the pain that Barb’s parents are in over her death and her inability to tell them to truth.
Steve and Nancy aren’t the only couple. Joyce has a new beau – who is a gentle goofy guy who is perfect, in her eyes, as a father figure for the boys. He’s thrilled to be with her, and she seems to be happy with him, although there is still a spark between Joyce and Hopper.
Things Are Getting… Stranger
Stranger Things has a strange hold over us all – I know I was anxiously awaiting the release and now that I’ve seen the first 2 episodes , I can’t wait to watch the rest! I’ll be watching them 2 x 2, so watch for my reviews of the remaining episodes soon!
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