You’re hearing it here first…
May 5th marks the release date of Silo – a dramatic, dystopian, sci-fi thriller from Apple TV+ and I’m telling you right now: It is the best show you’ll see in 2023.

The Premise
Imagine this… Sometime in the future, you’re one of 10,000 folks left on earth, living in an underground “silo” that no one seems to have any idea who built, or why. Oh, and if you try to find out why – you may just meet your end. Luckily, an engineer in the silo is out to find the truth after someone close to her dies… Will she learn the truth?
It’s a long journey searching out the truth and things only become more complicated and mysterious as they go. Danger and uncertainty lurk throughout the 140+ story silo and every step along the way could, very well, be everyone’s last.
Initial Review and Information
I’m not going to get into the cast, crew, and initial review for Silo – my co-hort and counterpart, Tracey, has already posted that. If you’d like to see her quick review of the first two episodes, you can find that here: Silo – First 2 Episodes
Spoiler/Hint: She loves it a lot like I do!

So, Show of the Year – Really?
The cast does an incredible job recreating the story that originated as a self-published short story by Hugh Howey. You’ll be captivated and curious from the beginning moments in the first episode and you’ll spend the next nine episodes trying like hell to figure out what is going on. All while sitting on the edge of your seat cheering on any number of characters.
This isn’t your run-of-the-mill “end of the world” television show… Sure, there are good guys and bad guys – and, sometimes, they may be interchangeable – but it’s almost impossible to know who is right or who is wrong. No answers are certain. There is no path of least resistance. Everything is a gamble and everything will keep you guessing all the way through the end of the entire season.
This story isn’t just any roller coaster show that keeps you guessing… This one comes without brakes – so hold on tight – because the twists and turns will not stop… and you won’t want them to.
It’s not just entertaining – it’s the pinnacle of enthralling television!

Some Friendly Advice:
Stop surfing all your streaming services or your cable guide looking for something new to watch. Head over to Apple TV+ beginning May 5th and get ready to dive deep into the thriller I’m promising is 2023’s TV Show of the Year. Need a link? Here ya go: Watch Silo Now!
You won’t regret it.
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