A Quick Recap of Legends of Tomorrow Season 3
My top takeaways from Episodes 1-11
1. The Legends create Anachronisms throughout history.
2. They get a new member named Zari (played by Tala Ashe) who also has a totem.
3. We learn Mick hates clowns and puppets.
4. Mick reconciled with his dad.
5. Martin dies keeping Jax alive.
6. Jax leaves to find his own way.
7. Beebo becomes the God of the Norse people. I loved Beebo and the fact he was on The Flash was awesome.
8. Zari lives the same day over and over and learns to respect the team.
9. We learn Mick loves to write erotica stories and I wish they would publish it.
10. Ray is to kill Sara if she is re-possessed by Mallus (played by John Noble).
What has worked so far this season:
For me, I think the best part is learning about each member of the team.
I also loved them showing a openly gay man. I am hoping that there might be a possibility we will see Leo and Ray show up to help them or The Flash out.
It’s also easy to enjoy how light-hearted it is. It’s a nice break from the darkness of Arrow and Black Lightning.
Damian and Nora Darhk. I love these two and wish they could be around forever.
What I’d like to see:
The biggest issue for me is the need to keep having Sara just sleep around – I hope that she actually finds someone she can be with and not just be over-sexualized.
Legends of Tomorrow plays Monday’s at 8/9c on the CW.
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