Madeline stands up for herself
Madeline decides to make herself her own council. In her closing arguments she tells the jury that Rosemary taught her the true meaning of friendship and sacrifice. She also finished by reiterating that she was innocent.
Though I like the fact they gave Madeline her own platform, I would’ve liked to see Easy get the win again.
Three days
Madeline goes to see Bellows and tells him that the jury has been deliberating for three days and that she forgives him. That he was doing his job.
A snake till the end
On her way out, Bellows offers a deal of manslaughter and that she would only serve five years out of fifteen for time already served.
She of course doesn’t take it and leaves.
The verdict
Madam foreman, will you read the verdict.
The people of Illinois find Madeline Elizabeth Scott not guilty.
And with that Bellows leaves the courtroom while a tearful and happy Madeline hugs her family and friends.
Now maybe it’s just me, and I know she has a girlfriend in Wren but her and Easy seemed to be radiating some strong feelings for one another.
Learning who Ravi is
We are finally here. We finally learn who Ravi was pretending to be now that they figured out he was alive and it’s none other than Bellows campaign manager, Rick Zahn.
Going to Bellows with this information
Madeline takes this news to Bellows who states he figured it out that morning.
Madeline, upset and probably ready to strangle him starts to leave. Bellows apologizes to Madeline for being wrong all those years.
I truly think Bellows was just doing what he felt was right. That he knew the truth and that was Madeline Scott was guilty,
Bellows and Zahn
Bellows calls a meeting with Zahn at the very quarry that Rosemary was killed.
Bellows lets Zahn know that he knows he was Ravi and that he raped the girls and killed Rosemary.
Zahn threatens to take Bellows down with him but instead Bellows shows Zahn the bottom of the quarry when he pushes him to his death off the roof.
Now, one can argue Bellows did this to cover his own ass. I don’t disagree but I also think he was sickened by what he did to those young girls and it was his way of also paying Madeline and Levi back for all the pain he put them through.
Bellows gets his win

Bellows gets one win though and that is he becomes attorney general of Illinois.
In his press conference he says that Zahn was behind Rosemary’s murder and that he had committed suicide instead of facing justice. He also publicly apologizes to Levi and Madeline.
Madeline and the team don’t quite believe that Zahn committed suicide and Madeline even suggests Bellows might’ve killed him.
I think if there’s a season two it would be interesting if Bellows was the one prosecuted.
In the end
Madeline and the team continue their quest to bring justice to the wrongfully accused.
We also find out that Nathan has to go back to living with his birth mother but Bodie swears that he will be seeing a lot of them. He also promises Nikki that they will watch very closely and the minute her sister slips up they will bring Nathan home.
I honestly don’t believe that Nikki is the saint she pretends to be. I think she uses her sisters pain and problems to have the son she hasn’t been able to have on her own.
Final thoughts
I really hope that this show is picked up for a second season as there are so many more stories to tell.
So many real world issues are shown in a realistic and entertaining way. They teach lessons without being overly preachy about it.
I also want to see if I’m right about Nikki, thought I would feel bad for Bodie and Nathan if it is.
Until next time, court is adjourned.
A few hours after the initial posting of my review, FOX announced the cancellation of Proven Innocent. It’s sad news, but watching the ratings over the past few months – a second season was always a long shot.
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