When uncomfortable situations arise, choir members are forced to “face the music”.
Reverend Jax kicks off the latest episode of Perfect Harmony by congratulating the choir on their proven ability to “defeat our own potential” after earning “Most Improved” in the local choir competition. Now they have the opportunity to compete regionally due to Arthur’s Princeton clout. The only problem is Ginny’s fear of performing a solo at the event.

Ginny a.ka. Darlianna Woodbeam

Open Mic Night

Side “notes”
Perfect Harmony is chock-full of clever dialogue and attention to detail. It would be a disservice to leave out these hilarious lines and details.
- Wayne tries to convince Reverend Jax to keep his stay at the church a secret by citing “attorney customer pilgrimage”.
- When Ginny tries to insult Arthur’s housekeeping habits, he fires back saying he has tried to hire cleaning help. He says the problem is that “people get suspicious when you ask them to bring a bunch of bleach down to the old houseboat at the end of the road”.
- #ScarfWatch Arthur’s scarf makes an appearance three episodes in a row. Thank you!
- #WildcatsBasketball The Kentucky basketball team is 3 for 3 in Perfect Harmony mentions. This week Arthur fools the choir into thinking the UK basketball team is at open mic night in order to gain their enthusiasm.
- Carla is an understated delight with her reaction to Wayne regurgitating her cookie to prove a point. She tells him “that was the only gluten free option” and the look on her face is priceless.
- When Arthur turns his nose down at the idea of wearing tennis shoes for your wedding, Wayne snaps back with a deadpanned “You can’t wear dress shoes with shorts.”
- There is a growing respect between Arthur and young Cash. While Cash does not express his thoughts with as much disdain as Arthur, the choir director seems to have an appreciation for Cash’s habit of “telling it like it is”.
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