Ring the bells. Hang the “Bolly”. Second First Church celebrates Christmas Jax-style.
The choir prepares for their Christmas concert and Jax learns that his parents have made a surprise trip to Conley Fork this week on Perfect Harmony. The missionary parents bring news of Jax’s newly adopted sister, Anjali. Jax is at his wit’s end worried about impressing his parents. I
In other news, recently divorced couple Ginny and Wayne are revisiting their relationship with secret rendezvous, well, secret to everyone but Adams. Nothing gets past Adams.
Let’s take a look at the ‘high notes’ from this festive episode of Perfect Harmony.

Jax’s tinsel is in a tizzy
Reverend Jax has chosen to blend some of the secular elements of Christmas decor with the church’s Christmas message. He panics when his parents, whom Dwayne calls “strict”, discovers the Santa Clause decorations at the church. While his parents may not be keen on Santa, they are very fond of Dr. Arthur Cochran. When Arthur learns that the couple has 2 million subscribers on their YouTube channel, he recommends that the concert be moved up so that Jax’s parents can come (and, of course, stream the concert over the internet),
Now Reverend Jax is really on edge. Aside from being desperate to impress his parents, the new concert date coincides with the UK basketball game. How are they going to get any decent attendance at the church that night? Adams and Dwayne try to scrounge up some attendees by offering solos and days off from work, but it’s just not enough. Arthur says he will take care of getting people to the church for the concert.
Arthur makes a very bold move by cutting the power to the internet. Now no one will be able to watch the basketball game and he hopes they will head to the concert instead. Arthur must have really developed a fondness for Reverend Jax because not only has he ruined the ability to watch the basketball game, he has also destroyed his chance of being seen conducting worldwide on YouTube.
New discoveries for a new sister
Jax’s parents have to attend a fundraiser and leave quiet Anjali (fantastically played by Rizwan Manji’s actual daughter Ayana Manji) in the care of the reverend. Once again, Reverend Jax is terrified of messing something up and disappointing his parents. He barely knows this young girl, so he tells Cash to hang out with Anjali. Cash shares his handheld video game console with Anjali. She is thrilled with the game and quite adept at it too. She asks Cash how she can get one. Cash suggests Santa. Anjali has never heard of Santa until now.
Later, Anjali and Jax bond over a discussion of movies. They seem to share an affinity for Bollywood. The brother and sister smile as they get to know one another. Reverend Jax does not allow himself to enjoy the moment for long as he has now endorsed both movies and Santa. Surely, his parents will be disappointed.

Strings or no strings
Wayne and Ginny have a plan to meet up only until the New Year. Ginny insists that there be “no strings” associated with their temporary reunion. Wayne agrees without issue. Or does he?
Ginny discovers a lovely pair of earrings hidden in a chewing tobacco container, a gift from Wayne. She loves the earrings but reminds him that there are “no strings”. Wayne admits that is hard for him especially since he never wanted to break up in the first place. Ginny keeps the gift but insists that Wayne heed the rule about no attachments.
Later, Ginny discovers that Wayne purchased the earrings using their joint bank account. She is livid and confronts Wayne. He admits that he did use the shared account but that he is planning to set up his own account the next day and has secured a college fund for Cash. Apparently, one of his crazy investments has actually been profitable!
Wayne apologizes and agrees to the “no strings” creed.Then Ginny reveals that there may actually be something that attaches the pair after all. She thinks she may be pregnant.
A merry mashup
Arthur encourages his friend Reverend Jax to follow his heart with the Christmas concert. He suggests that he show his parents how he cares for his church in his own way.
The choir begins with a lovely rendition of ‘Joy to the World’ followed by an infusion of ‘Santa Clause is Coming to Town’. The choir incorporates Bollywood dancing to the delight of Anjali who joins the choir on stage.
Afterwards, Reverend Jax’s parents commend Jax on helping Anjali to open up and express joy.
No one does Christmas quite like Reverend Jax. ❤️ #PerfectHarmony pic.twitter.com/1wy4tECoU1
— Perfect Harmony (@PerfectHarmony) December 13, 2019
Side “notes”:
- A panicked Jax becomes overheated while trying to run around and perfect everyone’s performance in rehearsal. He first rips off his cardigan sweater and then pulls away the mock sleeves and turtleneck from beneath his sweater vest leaving just the vest.
- Arthur is so proud that Jax’s parents admire him. He offers them “a selfie with a famous conductor”, which they gladly accept.
- Jax is overjoyed with the attendance at the concert. He comments, “Look at this crowd. We haven’t had this many people since Google maps listed us as a Second First Churros.”
- Wayne’s latest investment opportunity is a venture with friend Dookie who is producing “inspirational towels” from Tracy Chapman lyrics.
Merry Christmas Perfect Harmony fans! Stay tuned for more Perfect Harmony on NBC.
Revisit highlights from the Perfect Harmony Thanksgiving episode here.
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