Legends of Tomorrow Episode 15
A death witch, a new totem bearer and Constantine… what do all these have in common? Well, they were what made up this week’s episode of Legends.
Sara and Ava
After a nightmare Sara has, she wakes up next to Ava. They have a conversation about Constantine, whose name Sara called during the night, in which Sara tells her that her and Constantine had a sexual encounter a few weeks before. That was before having a girlfriend which caught Ava off guard. Ava and Sara get upset after Sara is called to the bridge.
After going to the bridge and giving orders, Sara is called by the death totem who uses her old self as a way to get her to put it on. Sara does and is turned into death itself.
She spends the episode beating up her friends on the Waverider and also having a conversation with Nora Darhk about her future and where she belongs. Nora told her she can’t run from her past and must accept it.
After being brought back by Ava and Constantine, and then having a very placid chat with Constantine, Sara decided the only way to keep Ava safe is if they break up. Ava leaves while Sara’s back is turned and we see she is heartbroken.
Alright, I know shows need drama, but they also need diversity. I feel they could set an important precedent here by making this work out and Sara and Ava having a healthy relationship. Here is to hoping they work things out.
Nate, Wally and Zari
As the teammates search to take down Sara we see the things that hurt each of them the most. Nate sees his grandfather who says he was a shame to his father and himself, Zari saw her brother who passed away, but she did get to say goodbye this time, and Wally saw Jesse, who he made peace, with after they broke up.
Even though I was really hoping to see Wally and Jesse actually get back together in this episode, I’m glad Wally has found peace and can move forward. I really do feel Wally has found his place among the Legends.
Mick and the fire totem
I am so happy to see Mick the bearer of the fire totem. He deserves it. Like Amaya said to him no matter what he thinks, Mick has become a hero in his own right and deserves that totem. I think it’s going to be exciting seeing this new side of him and how he handles it. I hope that they do right by him.
Gary and Constantine
To remind us that Legends doesn’t always take itself so seriously, at the end of the episode we see Gary and Constantine playing D&D together. I think that would be an interesting pair to consider.
Sara’s comment about making Constantine a bed on the Waverider is a hint as Matt Ryan has been upgraded to a season regular on Legends if it finds itself renewed.
Legends of Tomorrow airs Mondays on the CW at 8/9c
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