Killjoys Episodes 3 & 4
Taken prisoner
With Zeph unable to help Team Awesome Force out of the factory due to memory loss, Johnny, D’Avin and Dutch and are taken by the lady.
Questioning and Torture
The Lady (played by Alanna Bale) needs Jaq, the first born half human, half child of the green, to help her “children” grow.
But after questioning and torturing all of them, though we find out later all of them accept for D’Avin about his whereabouts. She ends up getting nothing since they all say they don’t know.
One thing I love about this show is that no matter what’s going on, there’s always crude humor to go along with it.

With the help of Khylin, D’Avin gets free. and D’Avin quickly saves Johnny and Dutch.
And they leave on Lucy.
Feelings still around
Though he refuses to admit it Johnny has grown real feelings for Dutch. And it’s driving him crazy seeing her with D’Avin.
A traitor in the midst
Team Awesome Force doesn’t get far before the core heats up and they quickly have to cool it down.
And not only that, but the sample of the dead alien baby Dutch took has been destroyed.
Finding the culprit
Finding out they all have the ladies bite mark – and after a fun, dangerous and naked adventure of trying to find out who the lady was in… They figure it out she’s in Lucy!
A sad goodbye
After D’Avin and Dutch get shocked, Johnny has no choice but to destroy her panels.
He tries to get the lady out of Lucy, but it’s too late. Lucy knows it and makes a hologram of herself to talk to Johnny.
After letting him know she has a back up data disc, and that the alien babies are actually a copy of the ladies real body, she also gives him her deletion codes, which kills Johnny. “Goodbye Thief, Goodbye Ship” are Johnny and Lucy’s last words to each other, taking us back to the first time they met. As he inputs them to stop the lady Lucy’s hologram vanishes and Johnny is left destroyed and alone.
A toast and a takeover
After an emotional toast to Lucy, their ship is boarded and they are taken prisoner.

Herks Supermax Prison
Though they thought they where being taken to the lady, they were wrong and taken to Herks Supermax Prison – as bait for Jaq.
Not a good first introduction
While being scanned in, Dutch decides to attack the guard.
She gets sent to solitary and the boys are sent to the warden (played by Rachael Ancheril).
The Warden gives Johnny laundry duty, and D’Avin gets sent to the psych ward after telling the warden all about the lady and having to stop an alien invasion.
A Prison Break
Johnny steals an arm console from one of the guards, and puts Lucy’s AI in it – though sadly without her memories and names her Nucy (New Lucy). She calls him Sean.
With the help of the console, a spoon and a laundry basket, Dutch is able to escape from solitary and they are able to rescue D’avin from the psych ward.
One last stop
As Johnny believes the jail is subterranean, he needs to drop by the Warden’s office to get the keys to the tunnels.
A big surprise
After accidentally opening the viewing window in her office, they all see they’re on a ship prison in the middle of space.
A job for a favor
After being caught, the warden tells the trio she was paid to keep them there and to keep only one alive.
She has a problem and a proposition:
Help her find out who is planning a hit on a fellow prisoner who also runs the X Wing of the prison Sparlo (Played by Alain Goulem) and she will move them to G wing that has better food and is safer.
They agree.
X wing
When they get down there, they see they’re going to be dealing with a motley crew and it’s leader, Sparlo.
They also find out a woman named Calvert (played by Anastasia Phillips), who was in the Psych ward with D’Avin, is the cook in X wing
Getting close to Sparlo
Dutch uses an apple to get into Sparlo’s good graces and things are looking good until Coren Jeers (played by Dmitry Chepovetsky) comes into the wing.
He is someone that the three of them took in as killjoys. He was in season one, but to be honest I don’t remember him.
Dutch freezes when she sees him and for good reason. He lets everyone know they are killjoys.
Being saved by the warden
Luckily the warden steps in and saves them.
She gives them another chance and sends them back into x wing.
As Dutch and D’Avin hide, and have a intense funny conversation about where they stand, they see one of Sparlo’s men who passes out before the even get to him.
They realize it’s food poisoning with all roads pointing to the conclusion that it has to be Calvert.
Saving Sparlo
After realizing that, they catch up with Johnny and they find Sparlo being attacked by Calvert.
They defeat her and make her give up the information on who hired her – none other than Coren!
Before helping Sparlo get the weights stuck on him off, they make him promise to protect them, and give them one favor.
A surprised warden
The warden thanks Dutch and tells her they will be moved, but Dutch declines.
A warning comes: it’s never a good idea to turn down the warden’s good gestures.
And we head back to Old Westerly
A memory-less Zeph finds her way to her old digs and actually finds a video she made to herself in case this ever happens again.
It explains how to get her memories back.

Getting back Turin and Pree
Using the stuff she made she gets back Turin and Pree. It’s so good to have them both back to their normal selves.
Looking at a dead zone
After giving Zeph the coordinates to a dead zone Pree saw on patrol and using satellite imaging and camera feeds, she realizes they are hiding Hullen ships.
Looking into them
Turin and Zeph go to blow them up, but in the process they find out their what’s causing the rain. They destroy them.
Zeph is now more than certain they have a chance to beat the lady at her game.
After finding out her ships were destroyed she had the person who reported spaced.
Obviously the lady doesn’t like to have failures among her.
Still not understanding why people on old Westerly are going against her though, she controls their lives.
After having a screaming fit about her memory emotions driving her nuts and not understanding how to handle the betrayal by the people even though she owns them, Khylin explains to her “it’s not the memory emotions that drive humans, it’s hope”.
Khylen still has his way with words.
Final thoughts
Another great episode and I can’t wait for the next one!
Catch Killjoys Fridays at 10/9c on SYFY
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