Defending Jacob
Apple-TV is still a relatively new streaming service, they don’t have a big catalog but they have managed to put out a few well done original series. A little about me, most shows that I binge I don’t actually watch a side from a few glances here or there when I can tell something important is going to happen. Almost every show or movie that I watch I take in 90% of it by audio only. I texted Jay looking for suggestions for something to binge and that’s how I found myself watching Defending Jacob. I made a joke about how Chris Evans will always be Captain America and I was sure if it was worse for Chris Evans or for me. This is because when you are predominantly listening your mind can play tricks on you, so in this case Captain America is Jacob’s father. I mean kind of cool I guess.
Now that I’ve rambled enough let’s get into the first episode.
So what is Defending Jacob? A mini-series around the Barber Family after a classmate of freshman Jacob Barber (Jaeden Martell) is murdered. Jacob’s father, defense attorney Andy Barber (Chris Evans) is put on the case to only be pulled by the case to stand by his family when Jacob becomes a suspect. The series is based off a best selling novel of the same name by William Landay.
At the start of the episode it starts with Andy Barber being questioned about his son’s involvement in Ben his classmates murder. Then you flash back to 10 months before. Andy starts out with being in court and then getting the call for something emergent then heads to a scene. At the same time Jacob’s school is put on lockdown, unknown for the reason why. We learn quickly it is because Ben was found in a nearby park.
Not long after the case begins there are questions of whether or not Andy should be on the case since his son is a classmate but reassures that they were not friends and he won’t have bias. Andy along with Detective Duffy head to the school to start questioning students.
On many occasions students ask if he is Jacob’s dad. One of the last students asks if he’s talked to Jacob, which puts up a red flag for Andy but Sarah isn’t willing to give him more. As Sarah is heading back to class another student Derek (another classmate of Jacob) asks what she said. There is more here but we don’t know what yet.
Uncomfortable questions
There is a gathering for friends and family at Ben’s home, as soon as Andy walks in the door to find his wife people are asking him for updates on the case. He quickly realizes he never should have gone due to his position with the investigation. After finding Jacob to let him know they are leaving, he goes to find his jacket. On his way back down he has a run in with Ben’s distraught father.
Later that night Andy is going through the evidence they have thus far. He receives a link to a memorial site set up for Ben. Finding Jacob’s name getting dragged after calling out people for pretending they were actually friends with Ben. To which Derek replies with “Jacob, everybody knows you did it. You have a knife. I’ve seen it.” Now Andy is greatly concerned and he heads to Jacob’s room in search of said knife.
He finds it, and this is where the episode leaves us.

Episode 1 of the series gives you enough to get hooked and wonder how it is all going to unravel and play out. From the top of the episode we know that 10 months later Jacob is still prime suspect number one on the case.
If you are looking for a short binge look no further, Defending Jacob is 8 episodes and won’t take up too much of your time. I am excited to see how the series unravels.
I’ll be back after finishing the series with whether or not my opinion after episode one holds throughout the series.
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