The Good Doctor Ep. 15
The Good Doctor Episode 15 aired February 26th, on ABC.
After a two week hiatus, the show returns with an episode that actually didn’t make me cry. It’s a first; I’m impressed.
The Patients This Week
- Meet Spirit (what a great name). She’s a feisty teenager whose heart isn’t in her chest where it’s supposed to be, it’s outside her ribcage. She’s excited about the surgery that will fix it, because it means she can have a normal life … it means she can even have a hug, something she’s never had. Unfortunately, the team discovers that her heart has enlarged and they can’t do the surgery. Spirit is broken when they tell her the bad news, but in a very Shaun-like move, Reznick comes up with a plan, the surgery is back on, and Spirit gets her wish.
- Meanwhile, a young boy needs a liver transplant, and he’s only got like one day or he’s not gonna make it. Claire finds a donor, but there’s a catch—the donor is in prison for murdering seven people. After the pros and cons are weighed, the prisoner arrives, shackled and heavily guarded. The team questions him about his motives, especially the new doctor (did I tell you there’s a new guy? More on that in a bit), and finally he is taken into surgery, but he has a bad reaction to the anesthesia, and the surgery is canceled. The prisoner is upset, he wanted to do something with his life that mattered, but the boy is relieved. He didn’t want this killer’s liver in his body. But it’s not over, and on the way out of the hospital, the prisoner breaks out of his restraints, grabs a gun, and shoots himself. The prisoner is dead, but the liver is available now and the surgery is a go. Only the boy still doesn’t want the liver. After some talk from Claire, he agrees to the surgery and all goes well.

Shaun’s biggest worry this episode was the annual fundraising gala for the hospital and what to wear. Dr. Reznick informed Shaun that he needed to buy a tuxedo. She also admitted that she had no respect for Shaun and accused him of using his autism as a crutch. Has anybody slapped her yet?
The New Guy
Dr. Park, played by Hawaii 5-0’s Will Yun Lee, is the new guy, and he’s a quirky character. An ex-cop, he went into cop mode when the prisoner arrived, he snooped through the personal belongings of the little boy, and he basically told the prisoner to shoot himself. Some really odd stuff there. But I did like his personality, and I’m anxious to see if there’s more to Dr. Park than what we saw this week, maybe some deep, dark secret he’s hiding.

New Flames and Old Loves
- At the gala, Claire and Kalu share a dance, and when Claire doesn’t remember the song that’s playing, Kalu takes it to heart and tells Claire that she doesn’t love him. Kind of overreacting there, Kalu, but hey, maybe he’s right.
- Jessica gets jealous when she see’s Melendez seemingly flirting with Dr. Lim.
- And Aoki gets a hot new love interest—which could be a potential conflict. We’ll have to see how that goes.
The episode ends with Shaun feeling very out of sorts at the gala, even in his brand new tuxedo. He leaves, and goes to see Spirit. He finds her surrounded by her friends, getting those hugs she’s always wanted, and this inspires Shaun, and he goes back to the gala. He tries to mingle, introduces himself awkwardly to a group of doctors, and then Dr. Andrews shows up and makes Shaun feel more comfortable.

It wasn’t my favorite episode, but like I said, at least I didn’t have to reach for my tissues this time. What did you think about Episode 15? What’s up with that new doctor? Please share your thoughts.
The Good Doctor returns March 12, 10/9 C, on ABC.
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