Charlotte “visits” with her dad during heart surgery.
The council supports the Perry family when Charlotte faces heart surgery in episode 6 of Council of Dads. Charlotte has a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot. The surgery she had at five years old no longer accommodates her heart. A new repair is required. The surgery impacts the family members in different ways.

Robin awaits the outcome of Charlotte’s surgery as mom not doctor this time. JJ prepares himself for a long-term stay at the hospital like his dad experienced with cancer. Theo is very uncomfortable being at the hospital again. Charlotte requests that her dad’s ashes be allowed in the operating room. Luly considers postponing her visit with her early adoptive parents the Calhouns.
The dads are at the ready to help the family. Anthony prepares a stockpile of meals for the house. Larry tends to Hope and JJ while also searching for Scott’s ashes. Oliver stays close by his best friend’s side to ease Robin’s anxiety.
Read on for the full set of ‘council notes’ for episode 6 of Council of Dads.
A major loss
Charlotte’s surgery is originally planned for the next day. Luly has scheduled a visit with Will and Regina Calhoun, the couple who adopted her for the first two months of her life. Luly thinks she should cancel the visit with Charlotte’s surgery approaching. The younger sister suggests that Luly is afraid and that she should proceed with the visit. Luly agrees.
Luly calls upon Anthony for a ride when her car breaks down on the way to Pooler to see the Calhouns. Naturally, Luly is nervous upon arrival to the couple’s house. Anthony offers to go inside with her. Will Calhoun greets then outside the house and gives Luly a big hug.
Will asks Luly about her life and things she enjoys. The subject of reading and writing comes up. Will learns that Luly is a big fan of author Toni Morrison. His wife Regina is also a fan, but she is not present for the visit, well not exactly. Will receives text messages from Regina and we learn that she is at the house but thinks it will be too hard to meet Luly.
We find out that the Calhoun’s felt a major loss when they lost Luly in the custody battle. Although they ended up adopting two sons, they never forgot the time they had with Luly and continued to think about her. Will convinces Regina to come downstairs and visit with Luly. Regina arrives and surprises us by demanding an apology from Anthony.

Anthony’s lie
Regina expects an apology from Anthony. It turns out that Anthony lied on the stand as Scott’s character witness in the custody battle over Luly. Anthony swore that Scott was sober when he was not. Of course, Scott sobered up from the moment he brought Luly home. Nevertheless, it was a lie, a huge risk, and a decision that altered the course of life for the Calhouns.
Anthony apologizes for the pain he caused the Calhouns. Regina forgives him. Luly and Anthony say their goodbyes to the Calhouns. Regina gives Luly a precious gift, her copy of the The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.
Luly is hurt and confused over Anthony lying about Scott and for keeping that information from her. She wonders if Anthony may be keeping more information from her. Of course, an emotional conversation between the pair seems especially impactful because we know that Anthony is likely her biological father.
Anthony asks Luly if she can forgive him for keeping the character witness information from her. She’s not sure and says she needs time.

At the hospital
Back at the hospital, Tess becomes angry with Charlotte because she keeps talking about her friend Freya. Tess feels like their friendship is threatened. As they argue, Charlotte begins wheezing and finding it difficult to breathe. Dr. Pena decides that Charlotte should have the surgery now.
Charlotte asks to bring her dad’s ashes into the operating room. The Perry kids have been taking turns keeping the urn. The doctor denies the request, but Robin convinces her otherwise. Robin tells Dr. Pena about Charlotte’s time in an orphanage with inadequate staffing. She explains that Charlotte learned to control as much as she could herself to cope. Dr. Pena agrees to allow the ashes in the operating room in a sterile bag that Robin suggests.
Larry hunts down the urn at the house and Theo delivers it to the hospital with Jules. Jules also helps Theo manage his discomfort with the hospital. The teenagers say they love each other and share a kiss.
Ollie manages to distract Robin from some of her worries by suggesting that they talk while jogging in place. He shares that he and husband Peter are talking about adopting another child. Robin is thrilled with the idea.
JJ has packed a suitcase for the hospital fearing Charlotte’s stay will be a long one like his father’s. Even though Larry assures him that the surgery is just a few hours, JJ insists he needs the suitcase. JJ is overcome with joy when Dr. Pena arrives to the waiting area to announce the success of Charlotte’s surgery. He runs to Dr. Pena and gives her a hug.
All the while, Larry totes baby Hope in a carrier or in his arms. Everyone celebrates the good news.

A visit with Dad
So, what was going on with Charlotte besides her surgery while everyone waited? Charlotte counts down from ten as the anesthesia talks hold. Before she reaches one, she “sees” her dad. They revisit the number flashcards they practiced when she was learning English as a child.
The father and daughter reunite in discussion of how everyone is doing. Scott’s playful personality is a welcomed sight. Charlotte expresses fears about feeling different in so many ways. Scott reminds her how brave she is, but also wonders why she has been holding back from telling her mom about some of her dizzy spells.
Charlotte tells her dad she is going home. We next see the father and daughter talking at the Perry house. They go out to the rope swing and recall Charlotte’s first time jumping in the water. Scott tells Charlotte how much he loves the water and misses the view from their backyard. Scott encourages Charlotte to be truthful about all things. They recall the number “1” flashcard, one red heart, and feel each other’s hearts beating.

Telling the truth
Tess and Charlotte make up. Charlotte assures Tess that even though they will have other friends, Tess is her best friend. Tess gives Charlotte a cute bikini with which she can proudly show off her scar. Charlotte says she has something important to share with her best friend.
The family finally decides what to do with Scott’s ashes. They will spread them in the water. Charlotte talks about all the things that make her special and she has the courage to tell her family something she has been keeping to herself. She wants to say it before they spread the ashes. She shares that she desires to fall in love with a girl one day and share a great love like her parents. Charlotte is met with love and acceptance but insists that they now focus their attention on letting Scott’s ashes ago.
Each family member takes turns expressing their feelings to Scott and spreading the ashes. So many beautiful words are shared.
The Perrys and the council continue to inspire us with their love and care for one another. Come back next week for another all new episode of Council of Dads at 8/7c on NBC.
You can also revisit the events of episode 2 , episode 3 , episode 4. and episode 5.
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