Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Finale
Fear can cause two responses: One is a call to fight, the other to give in and let fear rule us. But do we ever truly know which one is which? Don’t they sometimes go hand in hand? Well, for Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen it did.
With people disappearing and Andre’s music filling the literal airwaves, Tandy and Tyrone search out help.
Evita is that help.
Using her amazing skills, Evita sends them into Tyrone’s cloak.
Evita tells them that as long as the candle stays lit that they can come back, if it goes out, they are stuck.
Honestly at that moment I wasn’t sure if Evita cared if they got stuck there or not.
The tension between Tyrone and Evita is thick.
Inside the cloak
Our favorite gas station has been destroyed, leaving them without a path to the mall, causing Tandy to start losing hope that she can help anyone.
Tyrone the smooth talker
Our man Tyrone though shakes her out of that slump by telling her that her daggers are hope and that all she has to do is point the way.
With nuts and bolts lying around, Tandy makes Tyrone’s Loa, a heart with dagger shaped arrows instead of crosses making it so Tyrone is able to bring them to the mall.
The Mall
Hurricane Andre passed through causing destruction all over.
Andre is throwing off the balance of the universe and it isn’t happy.
Be still my comic heart
This is the first of multiple throwbacks to the comics.
First: they come out of the mirrors that lead to the record store in their original suits.
Second: Tandy leaping out of Tyrone’s cloak to kill Andre.
Third: Father Delgado cleaning the church both Tandy and Tyrone stayed at, putting their bedding to the side, making the church they stay at in the comics.
Fourth: The connecting of the divine pair.

Facing their demons
Before Tandy got to the point of killing Andre, her and Tyrone faced their biggest fears.
Tandy faces realization, facing off against her dead father, that he would always be a part of her but she decides how much he’s allowed to be.
Tyrone faces his own realization while facing off with the perfect side of himself. He comes to terms with the perfection he’s strived for wasn’t his own and was never real.
This show has never once moved away from one of the things that make it special and that’s they aren’t afraid to touch on the topics most other shows dance around.
More “fangirl: moments
The fact that both Tyrone and Tandy spent more time talking about the other, discussing all that they love about each other, basically killed me.
Andre faces the music
In the end, Andre is forced to listen to his own record and live in his own misery.
This caused his world to fall apart and everyone was freed from his prison.
Mayhem and Mina
Mayhem/Brigid goes to see Mina who tells her that her brain scan is starting to look more normal.
This solidifies the thought that we have to not only embrace our light side but also our dark side. It’s a more direct way of what Cloak and Dagger stand for.
Mayhem and Evita
After Mina vanishes, mayhem goes and protects Evita from attacking demons who are trying to make the candle go out.
One of them turned into her dead partner, Kenneth Fuchs, and tried to trick her. It didn’t work though and she used one of the grenades on his suit and blew him up.
Thankfully though, Tandy and Tyrone come through the cloak and the right time saving them.
Leaving without a word
Evita blows out the candle, and leaves without saying a word to anyone.
This is her coping mechanism. Her way of not only dealing with the sadness of losing Tyrone but also her anger at him.
If not for Tyrone, Evita wouldn’t have become mambo and she would’ve gotten to go to law school.
I feel real bad for Evita but hopefully she can find peace. She seems to be slowly finding it as the last we see her she is performing a ritual at a grave site and one of the protective drawings she does is Tyrone’s Loa.

In The End
Tyrone makes sure that the gangs are following his orders, which they are.
He also checks in on his parents who are now living together again.
He has also been cleared of all the charges against him.
Heading to the future
Tandy and Tyrone leave on a bus to solve the case of some dead girls who washed up on a beach, seeking a new life.
She chose waffles, it must be a sign. A sign that they are ready to be:
The Divine Pair.
In conclusion,
The title played a pivotal role in this episode. They usually mention it, but this time it was the backbone. Tyrone and Tandy had to level up in multiple ways.
One: in order to move forward both had to face their deepest fears, the things keeping them from moving forward.
Second: they both gained new powers and abilities as well as outfits. Tandy made a sword and Tyrone’s cloak became stronger allowing him to keep people inside at will.
No matter the future, together they will continuously level up.
With the end of season two a lot has changed. A lot of questions left unanswered. Where are Tandy and Tyrone going? Will they romantically click or will it be disastrous? Will Brigid/Mayhem continue working together?
Let’s all hope that we get a renewal for season three to answer those questions.
Until next time…
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