Warning: Full episode spoilers below!
“Desperate Times” The Brave Fall Finale
The cast, crew, and creatives of NBC’s The Brave never seem to disappoint – and the fall finale is no exception. Keeping fans on the edge of their seats throughout the first eight episodes, “Desperate Times” might actually push you over the edge. If social media is any indication, (and it usually is…) the intensity of the show is leaving fans holding their breath for sixty minutes – and already begging for a second season announcement.
The Targeted Killing of Another Human Being…
We begin the episode with our DIA Deputy Director, Patricia Campbell, explaining the current mission to those working in the operations center. (Remember the truck bomber on the beach at the end of The Brave‘s series premiere?) She explains that a high ranking Iranian official, Fahim Jarif (Bobby Naderi), is behind the killing of four servicemen and injuries of 21 others in the attack. An attack that our “brave” team is lucky to have survived.
Their mission approved and planned out to the finest detail, our group of heroes is seen entering Iran with various identities. Lucky for us viewers, we get some humor mixed within all the myocardial infarction-inducing drama during the show. Prime example? Seeing Dalton and Jaz as the married couple – only to find out she removes her rings once safely in-country.

The Mission Begins
Our team meets in a secret location hidden within a storefront owned by Hossein Larijani (John Farmonesh-Bocca.) We learn Larijani and Dalton are friends and have worked with one another in the past – evidenced by their little “joke” played on Jaz as they drew their guns on one another prior to official introductions.
Every minute in every detail has been planned ahead of time. From setup to assassination and their eventual escape, Patricia and her team prep Dalton and crew via video conference. Jafir is set to be at his “regular” spot – a local Tea House in Tehran. Dalton and McG will play lookout, while Amir and Larijani are set up inside the Tea House. They’ll relay any needed information to Preach and Jaz who are set up across the street waiting for their moment to strike.
Taking the shot…
He sits down… He’s never getting back up again. – Jaz
With all great television shows, there’s always a hiccup when you least want one. Jafir is surprised inside the establishment by another government contact, prompting him to forgo his planned meeting, and leave the location. Improvising (against mission protocol,) Jaz takes off for another floor and vantage point for a new – and unplanned – shot at their target. Desperate times, right?
As Preach gives her the variables needed for the new shot and location, Jafir steps out from the shop. Jaz takes her shot. And misses. A child stepped in front of the shot, forcing Jaz to go high. “I missed,” she says. I’m not sure if she was more shocked or disappointed – either way – it certainly changed everything and I feel for Jaz.
Change of Plans
After Jafir leaves the location, Amir takes note of a woman entering the Tea House. She’s the sister of a known “mastermind” behind various suicide bombings in Iran. Ignoring every order to abort, Dalton and team follow her in a total change of plans. A chase eventually ensues, and Dalton loses the race as she swallows a suicide capsule prior to capture. The only thing they have now is her cell phone – with Jafir’s number inside.
Back at Larijani’s, the team prepares for evacuation orders. Dalton pulls Jaz aside and gives her a tongue-lashing about her improvisation. “You do not EVER go off book. I improvise – YOU stick to the plan,” he exclaimed. Preach, trying to deflect some of the blame from Jaz, agrees with Dalton and promises that it won’t happen again.
The confiscated cell phone beeps. A text from their original target, Jafir, following up on their missed meeting. They take a shot and reply, prompting a call from him. Running with it, Jaz takes the call impersonating the dead woman. A new meeting has been set up – at Jafir’s luxury penthouse at the Palace Hotel.
Deliberation immediately begins between the team in Iran, and those at the DIA back home. They decide to go after their target one final time. Jaz, in tactical makeup, is ready to go after agreeing to proceed with the updated mission. The plan? Meet with Jafir, poison his drink (creating a lethal heart attack), and get the hell out of there before his security team checks on him.
Last Chance
Arriving at the hotel, each member of their team takes their places. Amir, McG, and Larijani will be in the lobby under the pretense of a “business meeting.” Preach and Dalton are outside waiting in a vehicle, while Jaz makes her way to the penthouse. Interestingly, after his earlier lecture, Dalton tells Jaz to “improvise” should something go wrong. Again, it’s “desperate times.”
At this point, I’m beyond nervous and actually fear for the team this time around. I want to scream “Jaz, don’t do it!” – although I’m sure she wouldn’t listen even if she could hear me. I should probably have a cardiologist available on-call Monday nights…
Everyone is in place. Jaz successfully infiltrates the penthouse and all seems to be going well. Seems. While she’s trying to get him to take a sip of his successfully poisoned tea, the dead woman’s cell phone rings. It’s her brother. Jafir is immediately suspicious and forces the phone to be answered. Things turn quickly and Jaz is forced to improvise.
The Heart Attack
Taking matters into her own hands – literally – Jaz terminates the target. Jafir is dead after a brief, yet tense, struggle. Now she must escape. This is The Brave, and we’re talking about Jaz. Piece of cake, right? Wrong.
As she makes her way to the elevator after leaving the penthouse, the head of Jafir’s security team enters the room. Immediately he knows what has happened and the entire security detail within the hotel is after her. While McG and Amir attempt to assist her escape, there are too many floors and too many guards to be successful.
With further improvisation, Jaz makes the decision to jump from a 2nd story window – knowing she’ll break a leg. She makes her way to the window counting down the seconds to Dalton and Preach who are waiting for her… 20 seconds… 10 seconds… At the window…
The heart attack everyone hoped for, wasn’t Jafir’s… it’s mine. It’s ours. Jaz has been CAPTURED. She’s grabbed milliseconds prior to crashing through the window. Roll credits.
Call 9-1-1 because I need a defibrillator. I’m ready to confront Dean Georgaris (Series Creator) and his team… JAZ!? Really? And now we all have to wait for the show’s “eventual” return after the break? So many shows have and use cliffhangers to keep you “hanging on.” We don’t need to hang on – We need Jaz SAFE AND SOUND. Dalton, Preach, Amir, McG, – someone save our favorite sniper!
If you’re not watching The Brave – You’re certainly missing out. This year alone brought us over 450 new shows to choose from… and I’m not certain you can find a show with the same intensity. This show is touted to be about “resiliency” in it’s purest form (which is true) but the show is so much more than that… Although it brings out the best in each of it’s characters … Don’t be surprised when it brings out the best in you, too.
Check out The Brave on NBC, Monday nights at 10/9c starting back up on January 1st. And if you need to catch up – do it. Quick. Jaz is depending on you…
Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook – And check out our SMS Radio: The Brave broadcast Monday nights after the show! We spoke with Dean Georgaris (Series Creator) and Denise Harkavy (Series Writer) right after tonight’s finale – listen to it here!
*Monica Setter also contributed to this review/article.
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