This victim count grows quickly in Bosch season 7 episode 4.
Episode 4 Triple Play
Written by Lolis Eric Elie
Directed by Patrick Cady
Harry and Jerry try to put the pressure on Alvarez in the wake of La Mayorista’s murder. Franzen never makes it to his deposition with the SEC and Honey Chandler finds herself in a very precarious situation.
Maddie is shaken by a tragedy and must give testimony to RHD. Speaking of RHD, Det. Joan Bennett’s new partner is a welcomed familiar face. RHD and Hollywood homicide combine forces when 2 shootings seem to be connected.
Irving digs for dirt on Mayor Lopez as Jun prepares the nursery for their baby’s homecoming. The list of personal attacks on Billets grows longer when an insulting photo that has been digitally altered makes its way around the station.
The Final Case. #BoschAmazon
— Bosch (@BoschAmazon) June 2, 2021
No one answers
Honey tries to check in with Franzen while jogging on the treadmill. She wants to make sure he is ready to share his testimony with the SEC. She cannot reach him, and she never will because Vincent and his mistress have been fatally shot by a masked gunman. The killer steals the laptop, paperwork and thumb drive that Maddie delivered the night before.
Honey is not aware of the shooting and tries to call Vincent again the next morning after she is dressed and ready to go to the meeting. As she is calling, the masked gunman enters through her front door and shoots her twice.
Lt. Billets sends Harry and J. Edgar to the cottage where Vincent and Alessandra have been murdered. Vega and Pierce are on hand as well. All of them suspect that the shootings were paid hits rather than crimes of passion. Bosch calls Barrel and asks that he and Crate search the address to find the owner of the cottage. Crate and Barrel were hoping for a bigger stake in the investigation and Crate calls himself a “secretary with a badge”.
On the ‘Money’
Crate and Barrel research the address and find that Honey Chandler owns the cottage. There is no evidence of it being utilized as a rental. Naturally, Harry makes a call to Chandler’s office to get let her know about her client and collect some more information. He learns that she is not at the office.
Harry then calls Maddie to find out where Chandler is. Maddie shares that she is on her way to pick up the high-profile attorney. Bosch suddenly realizes that Honey may be a target as well and implores Maddie to not go to Chandler’s door.
Maddie parks out front of Honey’s mansion and tries to call her boss. The call goes to voicemail. Maddie becomes increasingly worried about Chandler and decides to ignore her father’s warning. She uses her key to let herself in to Chandler’s house. Maddie quickly discovers Chandler lying on the floor bleeding and unresponsive. Maddie calls 911 for an ambulance.
Just as Maddie hangs up, she hears police sirens. Harry has arrived and goes straight to Maddie. Maddie finds herself regurgitating from the trauma. Harry wraps his arms around his daughter as she sobs into his shoulder.

Copyright: Amazon Studios
Description: Pictured (L-R): Titus Welliver (Detective Harry Bosch), Jamie Hector (Detective Jerry Edgar)
Longtime, no see
RHD Detective Joan Bennett rolls up with her new partner Santiago “Jimmy” Robertson. Jimmy left Newton Division for a gig at RHD. Of course, RHD arrives since the shooting is of a high-profile nature. Bosch informs Jimmy that he and Edgar are working on another shooting that they believe connects to Chandler’s. It sounds like the four detectives will be working together.
Jimmy interviews Maddie on what happened as Bosch sits nearby. She is uncertain about talking about the nature of Franzen’s testimony due to attorney client privilege. Jimmy understands and advises her that they are working on getting a special master to oversee such things.
Meanwhile, Honey is still alive but is in critical condition and headed for surgery. Apparently, the coffee pot she was holding stopped one of the bullets that would have entered her heart.
Maddie is visibly worn, and Jerry gives her a ride home.
Another attack on Billets
Someone is really trying to make Billets fold, but she stands strong in the face of another defamation. This time it is her department id overlayed as the face on a busty woman’s figure. The photo has also been digitally altered with some type of muzzle over her mouth.
Mank discovers the photo when Officers Morgan and Rodriguez are joking about it in the locker room. He has a “talk” with the officers who assure him that they did not create it, rather they received it.
Mank advises Grace of the photo and confirms that it has been distributed widely. She describes her desire to find these bullies and “string them up by their scrotums with fishhooks”. Billets tells Mank to report it. She will not back down from these attacks. In fact, when Lt. Thorne later tells Capt. Cooper that Grace has no evidence of it being officers under his command, she swiftly tells him that she is obtaining evidence.
Billets is indeed gathering evidence. She asks Louella in the Watch Commander’s office to look up the incident that Lloyd and Hunter shared with her. Did Leonard and Norris fail to respond to the possible 415 after saying they would? Louella later follows up with Billets and confirms that, yes, Leonard and Norris “ghosted” the two female officers.
Vega reaches out to Grace and tells her she faced something similar when someone vandalized her car with used condoms. Why? Because she refused to go out with one of the officers.

photo credit: Saeed Adyani/Amazon/Prime Video
Money talk
Harry and Maddie talk that evening. Maddie tells Harry that Honey dislikes the “Money” moniker. Maddie agrees that Chandler works the system, but Harry corrects her saying Chandler “plays” the system “from every angle”. Either way, they agree that Chandler is very resilient. They raise their glasses and toast the attorney, Harry calling her “Money” and Maddie calling her “Honey”.
The next day Maddie has another interview with Jimmy. She checks off the times she saw Franzen – at court, at the office, at the office again to run the testimony video and lastly at the cottage where she dropped off the thumb drive of the video and the laptop. She names Carl Rogers the one that Franzen was implicating.
Harry, Joan, and Jerry watch through the camera. Jimmy asks Harry if they found the thumb drive and laptop at the crime scene. Harry says they did not and concludes that the shooter absconded with them. Harry becomes increasingly nervous for Maddie and tells her she absolutely cannot reveal to anyone that she was there videotaping the testimony.
Chief concerns
Irving’s spy, Sgt. Cletus Brown is taking a shift as the mayor’s driver. Brown overhears Lopez making a call to assistant Jen Kowski reporting that she feels relief over something that is “over”. She shares that there will be “no grand jury” and “the FBI is closing the case”. Of course, Brown shares this information with Irving.
Irving makes a call to Bosch to get an update on Chandler’s prognosis and updates in the arson case. Bosch reports that Chandler’s prognosis is “dicey” and that they are trying to get Alvarez to talk.
Just when Irv thinks he may have one up on Lopez, she holds a press conference announcing former Deputy Chief Nestor Delgado as the replacement for Francis Alexander on the Police Commission Board. Irving feels certain this change will shift the vote on his second term out of his favor. He tells Jun he is a “lame duck” and not likely to get a second term.
The chief and Jun are preparing for their son’s homecoming from the hospital. Jun is hanging the baby’s mobile over the crib as it plays “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. Irv admits to his wife that he is feeling some anxiety about the baby “but in a good way”.
The pair arrives at the hospital for their son. The doctor advises that they will have to wait a little bit longer while the baby gets treatment for jaundice.

Amazon Prime Video
Will Alvarez talk?
Alvarez is feeling very anxious in prison believing la Eme is watching his every move.
Vega tells Bosch and Edgar that she forgot to forward her work phone, so she missed La Mayorista’s call to her. They believe la Eme ordered Gladys murder before she could rat out Pena and make a deal for herself. They believe Alvarez has heard this news.
Harry receives a call about Alvarez’s lawyer requesting “keep away status” for his client. Harry and Jerry try to use this as leverage against Alvarez. If he talks, they will request the move. Harry and Jerry tell Alvarez that he better go ahead and talk because la Eme will respond to him meeting with them. They also say they know Pena gave the order and to think about what Pena might do. Alvarez agrees to talk only after they secure his keep away status.
Jerry and Joan
Jerry tries to excuse his avoidance of Joan on work and his kids. Joan reminds him that work and kids are not new things in his life.
Later, Jerry asks Joan to go for a drink. She declines. That night Jerry drinks with someone else in his bed and wakes up late the next day.
Maddie and Antonio
Antonio gets some good takeout for dinner with Maddie after her interview with Jimmy. Her boyfriend tries to get her to talk about how she is feeling, but she claims to be tired. He tries again at dinner, and she balks when he asks how she is with “processing” things.
Maddie begins to call a car to take her home. It’s almost as if she is retreating like a turtle in its shell, the metaphor she has used to describe her dad. Antonio apologizes and she decides to stay.
Cameos and Callbacks:
- Maddie mentions the notion of a special master. Honey served as special master in the Howard Elias case in season 4.
- Jimmy Robertson’s return
You can follow ongoing coverage of Bosch television at So Many Shows and on the Everybody Counts Podcast.
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