Honey and Marty make a pitch for a high-profile case in Bosch: Legacy episode 8.
Bosch: Legacy Episode 8 ‘Bloodline’
Written by Osokwe Vasquez
Directed by Ernest Dickerson
An OIS (officer involved shooting) investigation is underway after James Sharp and Nicole Davis were shot. Neither Sharp nor Davis made it out alive. Marty and Honey offer the legal services of Rose & Associates on behalf of Nicole’s surviving son, Kalon.
Maddie and Reina respond quickly to suspicious activity. Harry speaks to the medical board investigator that Basu met with prior to his murder. Harry meets Vibiana and Gilberto Veracruz and finds out that someone else is watching them, too.
We’re mad about Maddie. Witness her next chapter May 6 when #BoschLegacy premieres on Freevee, formerly @IMDbTV. pic.twitter.com/D9QbSIYUtf
— Bosch (@BoschAmazon) April 25, 2022
Let us investigate further the details of Bosch: Legacy episode 8 ‘Bloodline’.
Refresh your memory:
- Philip Corwin is the named successor to Mr. Vance as CEO of Vance Engineering. His major concern in life appears to be himself.
- John Creighton is the VP of Trident Security, the firm that works for Vance Engineering. John Creighton was the one who reached out to Harry on Mr. Vance’s behalf.
- David Sloan served as Mr. Vance’s personal security at his mansion prior to Vance’s death.
- Dr. Basu was murdered in episode 1 after walking past a homeless encampment checking on patients. His killer is believed to still be at large.
- Detective Coleman is investigating the rape of Preeda Saetang.
- Officer Rico Perez is a boot at Hollywood Station that shows an interest in Maddie.
- Paulina Calderon is Maddie’s fellow training officer from the police academy. She was shot during a traffic stop and is hospitalized.
- James Sharp is the gang member parolee who shot Officer Paulina Calderon at a traffic stop. He died in the gunfire from SIS upon capture.
- Nicole Davis was the girlfriend of James Sharp. Davis was only helping in Sharp’s getaway plan to free herself and her son Kalon from Sharp. Nicole, too, did not survive the SIS gunfire.
- Detective Morrison enlisted the help of Nicole Davis’ mother to set up the money drop in episode 7.
- Lt. Spencer Cosgrove of SIS led the effort to capture James Sharp and Nicole Davis.
- Martin “Marty” Rose is the “Rose” in Rose & Associates, the boutique law firm where Honey now works.
- Dominick “Nick” Santanello is the deceased son of Whitney Vance.
- Gabriela Lida gave birth to Nick Santanello’s daughter. Her daughter Vibiana Veracruz, named after Nick’s birth mom, is a living heir to Whitney Vance.
“Tell me, Mr. Bosch, were you close to your father?”
Mr. Vance poses this question to Harry in episode 3 after learning that his son Nick died in Vietnam. Bosch responds, “I never knew my father.” An episode 8 flashback gives us more insight on the subject.
A young adult Harry (portrayed by Titus Welliver’s own son, Eamonn Welliver) pulls his red Jeep into a wealthy neighborhood. He approaches one of the homes and a young boy answers the door. Harry asks for the boy’s father. An older man comes to the door and Harry introduces himself.
The man takes Harry outside and asks Harry how he found him. Harry explains that the man was named as his late mother’s attorney in her efforts to regain custody of Harry. We figure out that this man is Harry’s biological father and the father never sought out Harry. The man asks if Harry wants money.
Harry adamantly dismisses the notion and informs the man that he is a police officer making his own money. The man wonders why Harry came to see him. Harry explains that he just wanted a face to go with the name.
Harry drives away and waves to the young boy he met at the door, presumably Harry’s half-brother.
Following a lead on Dr. Basu
Harry follows up on Dr. Basu’s calendar notes about meeting with an investigator from the Medical Board of California. He finds an article about an investigator named Robert Rendon who investigated a clinic in Culver City. Some of the clinic’s doctors appeared to be over prescribing opioids at the clinic, which was closed at the time of the article.
Bosch reaches out to Robert Rendon for a face-to-face meeting. Rendon talks to Harry at his P.I. office. Basu had spoken with Rendon the day before his murder. Rendon described the conversation as a series of hypothetical scenarios without specific names being shared by Dr. Basu. Basu inquired about a scenario, much like the one in the article Bosch found, where doctors may be writing fake prescriptions for opioids.
After Basu’s murder, Robert Rendon tried to reach Detective Gustafson leaving messages about his conversation with Basu. But Gustafson did not return Rendon’s calls until after Jeffrey Herstadt was arrested. Gustafson told Rendon that the motive was not found to be related to Dr. Basu speaking with the investigator.
OIS interviews
A League attorney representing the LAPD is on site at Hollywood Station to speak to officers about the recent OIS (officer involved shooting) of James Sharp and Nicole Davis. Attorney Curtis Boseman first speaks with Reina and then interviews Maddie.
Maddie reports that she and Vasquez were 4th unit at the scene of the Sharp crash. They were watching the passenger side of the vehicle where Nicole Davis sat. Boseman tells Maddie to keep her answers specific and limited to the question asked. Do not speculate or offer additional input.
Maddie confirms that she did not see a gun or know who called out “gun”. Boseman emphasizes again that she was watching the passenger side of the vehicle. She reports that SIS fired upon the car, but she does not know who specifically.
He completes the interview with Maddie and then tells her that they did find a gun on the driver’s side. Ballistic tests are being run to find out if it is the gun used to shoot Paulina. Boseman believes it is.
Later, Maddie talks about the shooting with her dad. She asks Harry about the reputation of SIS. Harry admits that it was not so good at one time, but “supposedly” things have improved.
Bug chat
Mo comes to Harry’s office to check out the bug Harry found inside the lamp shade. Bosch has his jazz music playing loud and motions for Mo to step out on the balcony. Mo confirms that the device is high-end. He wonders why Bosch is being followed and his conversations recorded. Harry tells Mo it is safer that he does not know the reason behind the tracking.
Mo asks if he should remove the bug. Harry advises against it believing that he may be able to use it to his advantage at some point.
Gabriela calls at night to set up a meeting between Harry and Nick’s daughter Vibiana. Knowing about the bug, Bosch answers the phone as if it is Maddie on the other end. Vibiana is a little confused but tells Harry that she will message him the address the following morning. Harry agrees and says goodnight to “Maddie”.
The next day Harry rides to Vibiana’s place in the back of a flowery delivery van. Mo is driving. The van belongs to his uncle. Harry complains about the bumpy ride, but at least he is out of sight as they enter through the large gate at Vibiana’s building.
Meeting Vibiana
Gabriela introduces Harry to Vibiana. Harry explains that he her grandfather wanted him to find her. At first, she thinks he is referring to her adoptive grandfather, whom she has never met since Gabriela did not tell the Santonellos about Nick’s daughter.
Harry tells her that he is there on behalf of her biological grandfather who wanted Harry to find his heirs. Vibiana still does not really get the point of the visit. Harry goes on to explain that her grandfather’s heirs are the beneficiaries in his will and that he just recently died. Vibiana and Gilberto are set to receive billions of dollars.
Vibiana surmises that her grandfather must be Whitney Vance. She is not pleased that Vance’s company profits from the production of helicopters used in the military. She refers to his business profiting from the “war machine”. Why would she want money that is a reminder of her father dying when his helicopter was shot down?
Harry points out that if she takes the money, she could use if for something entirely different, something she could be proud of. He says that she and Gilberto need to have their DNA tested and select an attorney.
Conversations, one fake, one threatening
Harry and Honey stage a conversation at his office about verifying Vance’s heirs. Knowing that Trident is recording his conversations, Harry misdirects them by telling Honey to take the DNA results to a specific lab. Clearly, this is not the lab he will be using, but he needs to lead Trident away from what he is actually doing.
We see Philip Corwin and Jon Creighton listening to the conversation. Corwin is enraged and suggests murder as a way of eliminating the issue of Vance having biological heirs. Even Creighton is appalled by the suggestion.
Then Corwin threatens the very profitable contract that Vance Engineering has with Trident Security. Creighton becomes more cooperative.

Credit: Tyler Golden
Copyright: Amazon Freevee
Description: David Moses (Marty), Mimi Rogers (Honey “Money” Chandler)
Honey and Marty are ready to fight
Honey and Marty agree to offer their legal services to the Davis family. They are prepared to file a wrongful death suit on behalf of Kalon, Nicole’s son. They believe the shooting was retaliatory in nature and that proper concern for Nicole’s safety was not given. The two attorneys meet with the Davis family and share their offer. They work on contingency, so the Davises do not have to put out any money.
Mrs. Davis becomes emotional as you would imagine. She explains that Nicole was studying to become a social worker. Mr. Davis said she had not been dating Sharp in the past couple of years. Honey notices that Nicole’s sister looks unsettled at the remark. They reiterate that Nicole was not part of Paulina’s shooting and Sharp was using Nicole to aid in his escape. Honey asks about Mrs. Davis talking to Detective Morrison and his assurances of trying to keep Nicole safe.
It’s official
Later, Honey reaches out to Detective Morrison about his involvement with the Sharp case. She asks about him setting up the drop and the recording through Nicole’s mom. Morrison is not happy about her call and tells her that all his information on the case is in the hands of RHD.
After the Davis family makes their decision to proceed with the lawsuit, Honey and Marty hold a press conference at their home announcing their intentions.
Later, Matthew briefs Honey and Marty on his findings in the case so far. He shares that Sharp was originally supposed to pick up the money at the rec center himself. But Sharp changed the plan at the last minute, making Nicole pick it up by threatening Kalon.
Matthew does not know all the names of the SIS officers, but he does know the lieutenant’s name, Spencer Cosgrove. They make a to do list including getting more intel on Cosgrove and seeing what else Nicole’s sister Krys knows.
Carpool turns romantic
Fellow boot, Rico, offers to give Maddie a ride to the hospital so they can visit Paulina together. Paulina is not awake, but they sit at her bedside in support. The news is playing, and a report comes on about Honey representing Nicole’s son Kalon in suing the LAPD. Maddie takes the remote from Rico and turns off the TV.
Rico drives Maddie home. They sit outside in his truck. He awkwardly suggests that he should leave for home. Maddie agrees, yet they both continue to sit in silence. Maddie then invites Rico to come inside.
Rico joins Maddie inside. Night turning to daylight suggests that their flirtation has turned to something more serious.
The next day, Maddie is yawning in the car as Reina drives. Reina asks about her evening with Rico. Maddie responds positively about them sleeping together but insists he did not stay the whole night because she wanted to at least get some rest.
Reina asks about Maddie and Rico seeing each other again. Yes, Maddie plans to see him again, but asks Reina to keep the relationship on the down low.
Maddie’s observation pays off
While on patrol, Maddie notices a man standing suspiciously at a window. She asks Reina to go back there. They wonder if it could be the “screen cutter” rapist.
They approach the suspect and cuff him. He claims to have been standing there peeing, but the video on his phone proved otherwise. He was recording the woman inside the home.
Back at the station, they learn from Detective Coleman that they were other videos confirming that this guy was the Thai Town Peeping Tom. Before Coleman exits, Maddie asks about the “screen cutter”, but Coleman does not have any updates.
Reina congratulates Maddie on finding the Thai Town Peeping Tom, even calling her partner by her first name. Maddie is proud that she is gaining respect from her TO.
Honey making waves
Honey hires Mo to investigate SIS Lt. Spencer Cosgrove. Mo finds that Lt. Cosgrove’s divorce records are sealed, but he can get a copy of a temporary restraining order. He also investigates Cosgrove’s social media and learns about a domestic dispute between Cosgrove and his wife about his job. Mo will continue looking into Cosgrove.
Honey visits Krys Davis at the coffee shop where she works. She learns from Krys that Nicole and Sharp had been dating some during the time her father said they were no longer dating. However, Krys insists that Nicole was done with Sharp before the shooting took place. At that point, she had let him go to do her best by her son.
Cosgrove reaches out to Detective Morrison. Cosgrove tells Morrison they need to stay aligned and how Honey is going to turn the public against them. Morrison admits she will not have a tough time getting a reaction from the public. It seems like Cosgrove is most interested in covering his butt.
Later, Morrison revisits the recording of Mrs. Davis setting up the drop with Nicole. Mrs. Davis asks Nicole if Sharp still has his gun. Nicole tells her that she knows he does because she witnessed him putting it in the trunk. Hmm . . .the trunk. Did Sharp really pull the gun from his side of the car? Seeds of doubt are planted.
Harry consults Dr. Golliher
Harry shares a meal with his good friend Dr. Golliher. Golliher has been looking at records of the stab wounds for Dr. Basu. He tells Harry that he suspects someone with medical or military expertise attacked Dr. Basu due to the nature and location of the wounds.
Harry gets a call. It’s Vibiana. She says there is someone outside her building watching them. Her description matches Sloan. Harry quickly excuses himself from Dr. Golliher to follow up on the call.

Credit: Tyler Golden
Copyright: Amazon Freevee
Description: Titus Welliver (Harry Bosch)
Harry confronts Sloan
Harry blindsides Sloan from around the corner and slams Sloan against the brick wall. He demands that Sloan explain himself. Sloan insists that he is trying to protect Mr. Vance’s heirs like Harry. He says he learned the details of Harry’s investigation from Mr. Vance as he neared death.
Sloan reminds Harry that he told him Mr. Vance wanted him to help Harry, but Harry refused. Sloan tells him that Philip Corwin and John Creighton are the real threats. Harry seems to believe Sloan and tells him that Vibiana and Gilberto need to be moved to somewhere safe. Sloan tells Harry that Mr. Vance has a place they can use.
Later, Harry talks to Honey about what happened. He says that it’s getting scary because he believes Corwin and Creighton are targeting Vibiana and Gilberto.
Assassin for hire
John Creighton meets with a skilled assassin at an impressive hilltop training facility. He watches her complete the course, taking down the target. She asks him about the job he has for her. This does not bode well for Vibiana and Gilberto, maybe even Harry.
Can you believe there are only 2 episodes left in season 1 of Bosch: Legacy? Thank goodness we already know there is a season 2. Michael Connelly has reported that the second season will draw from his novel The Crossing.
Bosch: Legacy – Everybody Counts podcast S1E1 with cast interview (somanyshows.com)
Stay tuned for ongoing coverage of Bosch: Legacy including interviews, recaps, and all new episodes of our
Everybody Counts Podcast on SoManyShows.com.
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