Harry must narrow down Maddie’s location in time on Bosch: Legacy season 2 episode 2.
Bosch: Legacy S2E2 ‘Zzyzx’
Written by: Chris Downey
Directed by: Sharat Raju
Inside the Box
We have eyes on the desert. A scorpion crawls over a rock. And below the surface is Maddie screaming and crying out for help inside the box. She manages to slow her breathing, surely knowing that she needs to conserve the air supply. She finds a water bottle beside her. Maddie opens the top and sniffs for any obvious toxicity. She takes a sip of the water and continues to evaluate her surroundings.
There is a pipe entering the box from above by her feet. Maddie looks up and sees what appears to be a surveillance camera. She stares into the device.
Are you kidding me?
Meanwhile Dockweiler meets with his attorney James Rafferty. Rafferty exits the interview room to speak with District Attorney Emmett Archer. The attorney passes along Dockweiler’s request to obtain full immunity for his crimes in exchange for disclosing Maddie’s location. Unbelievable! The DA scoffs at the ridiculous proposal.
DA Archer scrolls through the number of years associated with Dockweiler’s crimes and notes that he could be serving more than a hundred years. Archer may consider removing the full life sentence at best. Rafferty gives a counteroffer. Charge Dockweiler with the kidnapping but dismiss the rape charges. Archer insists there will be no further negotiations until Dockweiler proves that Maddie is still alive.
Rafferty suggests that time is running short for Maddie and returns to the interview room. Rafferty explains to Dockweiler that DA wants proof of life before negotiating a deal. Dockweiler insists that he is in control of this exchange, and he will not prove anything until he gets his deal. He emphasizes that time is running out.
Harry wants in
Harry begs Jerry to allow him to talk to Dockweiler. Jerry cannot let Harry in there. Harry tells Jerry about the dirt and foxtail he discovered on the bathmat in Dockweiler’s bathroom. He also notes that there must be a reason Dockweiler is laundering his boots. Jerry assures Harry that they will do the testing.
Harry enlists Crate and Barrel to follow Rafferty as he leaves the station. Bosch drives to Mo’s apartment for updates on his findings on Dockweiler. Mo shares that information on Dockweiler is hard to find. He is unable to even locate a birth certificate.
Mo has been able to access Dockweiler’s cloud backup, but key searches have clearly been deleted. He does find evidence of a search for Rohypnol and Ketamine both having sedative properties. Harry knows this type of sedation could last 4 to 6 allows extending a possible radius of 300 miles for Maddie’s location.
The infiltration of Dockweiler’s cloud files triggers access to a file named Madeline Bosch. A video feed opens and streams to the LAPD and media outlets. We see a closeup on Maddie’s face. Inside the box, Maddie sees a red light on the camera device indicating that the camera has been activated. Bosch immediately asks for the source of the signal. Mo is at a loss because the video host is on the dark web.
We see the officers at Hollywood station watching the feed. Captain Seal talks to J. Edgar about Dockweiler using the camera feed to coerce the DA to act more quickly. Seal questions whether the feed is live and suggests it could be old footage. Is Maddie truly still alive? Jerry insists that Maddie is alive until proven otherwise. Jerry leaves a message for Harry telling him he has the lab results for the items found on Dockweiler’s bathmat.
Harry goes rogue
By this time, Harry is sitting outside the station wearing a standard detective uniform of dress shirt, slacks and sports jacket. He calls the front desk identifying himself as “RHD Detective Bastin” (surely a nod to Bosch: Legacy executive producer Henrik Bastin). “Bastin” tells the officer on duty to bring Dockweiler back to the interview room because he needs to do another DNA swab. The officer complies saying he will notify the watch commander. “Bastin” pulls rank and tells the officer that he has already spoken to the commander and warns the officer not to slow down the process.
Harry slips in the gated station as an ambulance passes through the open gate. He enters the station using Maddie’s ID badge that he picked up from her apartment.

Can I offer you a pen?
Harry enters the interview room. Dockweiler is looking down as Harry swiftly approaches him. Harry slams Dockweiler against the wall holding a pen dangerously close to the rapist’s eyeball. Harry offers two chances for Dockweiler to give up Maddie’s location, one for each eyeball.
Dockweiler tries to throw Harry off guard by telling him that he knows he was in his house because Dockweiler was inside as well. He taunts Harry about no longer being a police detective. Harry does not back down and Dockweiler screams for help.
Jerry arrives and talks Harry out of proceeding. Dockweiler calls out for them to get his lawyer. Harry and Jerry step into the hall as Dockweiler continues to scream. Jerry reports the lab findings from the bathmat. The lab found calcite, gypsum, sodium chloride all evidence of the desert.
Meanwhile, Mank hears Dockweiler screaming and enters the room confused about Dockweiler being there. How did he get in there and why is screaming that Bosch tried to kill him. Jerry enters covering for Bosch and suggests that Dockweiler has a screw loose.
Next steps
Bosch checks in with Mo and tells him he will meet him at the P.I. office later. Harry tells Mo to follow up with Honey on any findings about Dockweiler’s attorney James Rafferty.
Inside the station, Vasquez and Rico Perez, romantically linked to Maddie in season 1. watch the video feed and wonder what they can do. Rico is still on shift, but Vasquez is done. She decides to go to Harry’s office to help.
Maddie remembers
Inside the box, Maddie is panicking and wheezing. She begins recalling the abduction in her mind. Maddie remembers waking up briefly in the back of Dockweiler’s truck. She has a recollection of a fighter flying overhead. Her breathing slows and she fishes out the underwire from her bra. Maddie uses the wire to unlock one of the handcuffs, freeing her hands from one another. She rolls to her side and begins carving something into the floor of the box.
Vasquez has arrived at Harry’s office. Mo is watching the feed and thinks Maddie has rolled over crying. Vasquez recognizes that Maddie is actually working on something. Sure enough, when Maddie rolls over, we see three letters “EDW”. Harry arrives and Mo tells him about the carved letters. Harry figures out that Maddie must be trying to share her location. “EDW” refers to Edward’s Air Force base. He instructs Mo to access the highly classified date for the base.
Honey informs Harry that she learned that before retiring Rafferty worked on child welfare cases, not criminal cases. Plus, Rafferty does not live in Los Angeles. Harry wonders if the attorney might be a family friend. Bosch leaves to search Rafferty’s hotel room.
A new threat
Maddie feels something crawling on her. It is a scorpion making its way up to her shoulder and then to her neck. Maddie’s eyes reveal her fear. She acts quickly rolling to her side and smashing the scorpion with the handcuffs.
(Be sure to tune in to the Everybody Counts Podcast on So Many Shows to hear behind the scenes scoop from showrunner Tom Bernardo. He talks about Madison Lintz working on this scene.)
While Maddie successfully crushes the scorpion, her foot hits the pipe partially disengaging it. The pipe falls closer to the floor with sand falling through it. This severely reduces the air flow into the box.
At the hotel
Crate and Barrel keep eyes on Rafferty at the hotel bar. Honey arrives to talk with Rafferty and keep him busy while Bosch heads up to search Rafferty’s hotel room. Bosch enters the room using the key card Mo has generated for access.
Harry looks through Rafferty’s briefcase. Honey is no longer able to stall Rafferty and she messages Harry to tell him that Rafferty is returning. Harry hides under the bed and slips out of the room when Rafferty goes to the restroom.
Harry shares his findings with Honey. He found a document for a name change from Adam White to Kurt Dockweiler who was adopted. Dockweiler was raised in the desert location named Zzyzx as part of the Cult of Tranquility, a group accused of sexually abusing minors. Mo calls about the flight data. We learn that the flight pattern matches up with the Zzyzx location.
Harry needs to get there . . . but fast. Honey offers her assistance.

Hop on the chopper
Honey arranges for a private helicopter to take Harry to Zzyzx. She insists on joining to help.
At this point they do not realize that Maddie is buried underground. They search rundown buildings and find a power source for the camera. But the laptop is locked. They continue searching the grounds calling out for Maddie.
Another interview
Back at the station, Jerry brings coffee and a sandwich to Dockweiler in the interview. Jerry tries to boost Dockweiler’s ego to get more information. Dockweiler talks about an hourglass and how sands run through showing the passage of time. Jerry leaves to call Harry about the hourglass talk. They realize that Maddie must be underground. If she is buried there in the desert, how will Harry find her?
Harry climbs a weathervane to search the property from above. Meanwhile, Maddie is losing air inside the box. She is becoming very weak but is able to kick the pipe. Finally, Harry sees the portion of the pipe above ground moving back and forth. He breaks into the shed on the property, grabs a shovel and begins to dig.
I got you
Harry finally reaches the box and disengages the top using the shovel. He pulls a withering Maddie from the box and holds her in his arms. He comforts her saying, “I got you” over and over.
Maddie is taken to the hospital and treated for hydration. Jerry visits and tells Harry that even though “Everybody counts, or nobody counts”, family counts a little more.
Time passes and Maddie is discharged. Sam and Coltrane are waiting outside. Maddie finally smiles as Coltrane greets her excitedly.
Whew! Time was running dangerously close, but Harry rescued Maddie just in time. How will the horrible ordeal impact Maddie going forward? Tune in for the next episode and come back for another debrief from So Many Shows.
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