Blood and Treasure Episode 12
In last week’s episode, the team found Cleopatra, but she was immediately stolen. Antony was also stolen from the museum and Agent Karlsson was attacked by someone who knows Reece.
Splitting Up The Team
This episode opens at Father Chuck’s apartment. He is quietly enjoying his lunch, until Danny and Lexi show up, arguing about who took Antony and Cleopatra. With them comes, Dr. Castillo, Gwen and Shaw. Danny suggests that Father Chuck might be a good person to help settle the argument.
Agent Karlsson starts by telling them of the check she found made out to Zara Farouk. They only information she could find about Zara was that she was Egyptian and died of mycotoxin. That is the same thing that Farouk used to turn into a bioweapon. Gwen tells them that she linked the attacker to Reece and Lexi feels he is the mastermind behind Farouk. Danny disagrees, arguing that Reece wouldn’t have anything to gain from it. But when Lexi explains that Reece owns the museum that could launder Farouk’s stolen antiquities,their theory makes a lot of sense. Danny feels he is getting attacked personally. He has known Jay for a long time and doesn’t feel that he could be behind this, so he attacks Lexi telling her that she still feels responsible for her father’s death. Lexi leaves.
Danny goes to catch up to her and apologizes. They go through some more theories and this time we get to hear Danny’s thoughts. He thinks that maybe Yates works with the Brotherhood because he feels the Brotherhood is behind this. They are much shadier than Jay, placing agents in organizations to manipulate them from behind the scenes. He feels that they are going to place blame on Reece for the disappearance. Lexi still thinks Reece is behind all of this. Danny feels that if they can’t trust each other, how are they going to work together on this? Lexi is going to do things her own way and leaves.
Danny calls Simon to see if he’s found anything from the bug he placed in the Brotherhood crypt. Simon says he hasn’t found anything, but it doesn’t seem as though he’s really looking. He offers to help Danny on his adventures, but Danny declines.
When Lexi returns back to Father Chuck’s apartment, Gwen offers to go with her to see Ghazal and find out what he knows. Team Lexi and Gwen.
Shaw realizes the ladies left and wants to team up with Danny to see if the Brotherhood is really behind this. He has eyes and ears in all countries and can ask around to see who knows what. Danny agrees.
Start The Hunt
Gwen and Lexi arrive in Egypt and find Ghazal’s safe empty and hard drive taken. They think he may be on the run or dead already. Gwen makes a call to find out where he lives.
Who is Zara Farouk?
1971 Egypt – Jacob Reece is looking for the Chalice of the Ptolemies. A woman tells him that another grave robber has already stolen it. Jacob feels it belongs in a museum for the world to see and asks her to help him find it to make sure it ends up that way. She agrees and introduces herself as Zara Farouk.
Back to Rome, present day, Father Chuck is helping to see if he can find out who Zara Farouk was. He is with Dr. Castillo, who is looking into the person at the lab that died. She is trying to figure out why use mycotoxin, when there is far greater toxins out there.
You Can Run
Shaw’s guy tracked Yates from the airport to a house in Cairo. Danny and Shaw spot Lexi and Gwen going to the house. The house belongs to Ghazal. They team up again and surmise that Ghazal is dead. Yates leaves the house in a car that Danny jumps on top of. Lexi hops in Danny’s car and chases after Yates. They catch up to Yates and he crashes the car. Danny is safe, but Yates jumps out and starts to run. As he does, he is hit by an oncoming car and dies. They don’t get any information out of him.
Flashback to Cairo, 1972, Zara and Jacob have formed an intimate relationship, but Jacob must go back to New York. He offers to take Zara too, but she does not go.
Present day in Cairo, the police have shown up at the accident scene and Gwen informs them that Ghazal’s body was found inside his house. Agent Karlsson found a cell phone that belonged to Yates and took it. Shaw reveals that he took the hard drive from Yates’ bag.
Karlsson had Interpol trace the cell phone which shows Yates at a safe house multiple times. Danny enters a room that holds the missing painting from Patrick McNamara’s heist. Yates wasn’t working for Reece then. The place they are in is Jacob’s apartment. Reece was behind the heist that sent Danny’s father to prison.
Seeing The Light
Flashback to New York, 1974, Jacob is running the company now, and his secretary gives him a pile of letters. They are from Zara and his father made sure he never saw them. His father didn’t want him to throw away his life for Zara.
Danny begins to realize that Reece may be behind everything. He’s behind the scholarships that Danny got, his contacts got him into the FBI. He feels like his whole life has been a payoff for his father’s silence. Lexi gets a call from Simon because he thinks he might have an idea where Antony and Cleopatra are. Alessandro’s family has been in banking for generations and also in the Brotherhood. He thinks they might be held in a vault in the Banque Saint Laurent in Paris, but the are being transported tomorrow. He can’t make out where they are getting transported to, but sends Lexi the file to see if she can figure it out. When Danny hears the recording, he thinks the interference is being caused by another bug in the room operating off the same frequency. They think maybe Farouk placed the bug there. If Farouk knows where they are taking them, they will hit them in transport. Danny suggests robbing the bank to get to them before Farouk’s men do.
The Truth is Uncovered
Alessandro is at the bank in Paris. Shaw, Lexi and Danny attempt to rob the bank. Gwen shows up outside with the cops, just as Lexi gets into the vault. They find Antony and Cleopatra inside and escape by wearing police uniforms. Gwen meets up with them in the van.
Jacob Reece is at the bank and Gwen explains to him that the robbers escaped as well as the bank manager. Lexi comes in with Simon Hardwick. She tells Reece that he spotted the bank robbers and called the cops. Without him, Antony and Cleopatra may never have been recovered. Reece thanks him and wants him at the unveiling at the museum.
Danny confronts Reece about Yates and the painting. Jay denies that he knew what Yates was up to, but tells him that he was behind the Fensgate museum heist. The painting was recovered by his father during the war. It ended up in the museum and Jay felt it didn’t belong there. He was told that it would be an easy heist and nobody would get hurt. He never forgave himself for what happened to Patrick, which is why he has tried to help Danny out. He says that he has loved Danny like a son and will confess to his part in the Fensgate heist. He asked Danny to be his lawyer. Danny refuses, but wants to take him to the FBI to make sure it gets done.
A package is delivered to Father Chuck’s apartment. Dr Castillo accepts the package and opens it. Dr. Castillo takes the contents to Jay. She is holding a certificate from a Sebou which honors a baby’s birth. Zara Farouk is the mother and Jay is listed as the father. He is Karim Farouk’s father. Jay has known all along and poisons Dr. Castillo.
That was the worst bank heist (and most hilarious) that I have ever seen. Alessandro had to recognize Lexi and probably Danny too. Antony and Cleopatra have been found (again!) Let’s hope they stay safe and the team can catch Farouk’s men before they try to use their bioweapon.
It was interesting to see Jay’s backstory. If he killed Dr. Castillo, a person who is supposed to be his friend, I would expect he would do the same to Danny as well.
It was fun to see the girls versus guys competition going on, and even more entertaining when everything ended up connected. The team was back together!
I can’t wait to see what the finale will bring! Will the rest of the team find out about Jay? Will they stop Farouk’s men from carrying out his plans?
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