Black Lightning Episode 2 – Quick Thoughts
This show is going to continue being a hit and this episode didn’t fail at solidifying it.
In this episode we start off watching Jefferson fight with the repercussions of using his powers. Once again, I’m not going to be sad about having to see Cress Williams with his shirt off.
Characters that make an impact
The episode then gives us something that no other show on the CW has: a main gay character and powerful woman in Anissa. I was ecstatic when they showed her and her girlfriend just being a normal couple and having normal doubts and issues.
Jennifer is another strong female character. We see her trying to come to grips with what’s happening around her in her own way – yet in a way appropriate for her age. I hope we will see her gain her powers soon. I watched China back when she was doing Disney Channel and I have always thought she was talented but she just goes above and beyond in this role.
A difficult question
I felt the most powerful scene of this episode happened in the school auditorium when Jefferson was talking with the other parents. Here we see, how being a super hero just to protect yourself and your own loved ones, can come back and truly haunt you. I thought the addition of Lawanda, a mother whose daughter was kidnapped just like Jefferson’s, standing up to to Jefferson and being upset his girls were saved and not hers was a powerful scene that would resonate with anybody. She said what everyone was thinking “why Black Lightning saved your girls and nobody else’s”? Honestly, every super hero should be asked that question.
The back half of the episode took us back into super hero land. We saw Lawanda killed by LaLa and Black Lightning going for revenge. We also saw that the 100 had their hands deep in the police departments pockets. Never good.
I like it
All in all this was a great episode, my only problem is them pushing Jefferson and Lynn. I think that after awhile it’s repetitive with her not wanting him to be Black Lightning and him on the fence. We’ll see what happens in the next few episodes.
What do you think of the show so far? Let us know!
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