Black Lightning Episode 3 – Quick Recap/Thoughts
This is the episode I was waiting for!
We get to witness Anissa’s powers in action. First, she flips a burglar over the shelves at a convenience store and then she kicks an old dryer over a hundred yards. We also see her relationship fall apart but we got to meet Grace (Chantal Thuy) who is working her way into Anissa’s life. I thought her having the comic book was a great shout out to comic book fans.
Jennifer also was moving forward with Khalil (Jordan Calloway). The talk he gave her about moving forward and not back as well as not using alcohol to solve her problems was wonderful. I liked how she went to her parents before doing so. I also liked how her parents responded – the same way they responded to Anissa being gay: with love and support.
The biggest scene
The most powerful scene in my opinion was when Inspector Henderson was talking to the preacher. Trying to talk him out of the march against the 100 and said, “while your up in the pulpit with a $25,000 watch on, wiping your forehead with a silk handkerchief, I’m scraping young black men’s bodies off the concrete. The street is my pulpit. I wear work shoes, what kind of shoes do you wear, Reverend?” Wow.
Showing the hypocrisy of the reverend not trusting the police chief – especially while he is talking big and making big money is something that needs to be shown more. That’s one thing this show is surely doing right and that’s breaking down the curtains put up to make things look better than they actually are.
Was it worth it?
The reverend gets his march and just like they had anticipated, it was attacked. Even though our hero was able to avert a massive attack, the reverend and Khalil were shot. While both survive, Khalil gets hit in the spine with a bullet and might not be able to run track anymore, taking away his escape from the town like he wanted.
The episode ended with Peter erasing the footage of Whale in the car – leaving us with a big question. Is he a traitor or is he protecting Jefferson from himself?
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