This recap/review contains major spoilers! Go watch the Better Call Saul 502 first, it’s worth it, I promise!
A couple of Saul’s potential clients apparently view his 50%-off discount as a get-out-of-jail-free card. If you are/were a Breaking Bad fan, this scene should give you that same vibe. Notice that these dudes are patronizing the same drug distribution center we saw Lalo and Nacho visit in the previous episode.
Nacho’s Not Happy
Gus’s henchmen are trying to make Nacho even more stressed out than he already is, threatening Nacho’s father. Gus is making a dramatic point: he wants Nacho to keep him informed about what Lalo is up to, and he isn’t taking no for an answer. I suspect he knows that Lalo doesn’t tell Nacho much of anything, but Gus doesn’t have another option. Nacho needs to find a way to gain Lalo’s confidence.

After Kim leaves for work without a good-bye kiss, Jimmy catches up to her and takes her to an open house. He’s trying so hard to win her respect. He tells her about the 50% off deal, saying it was a bonehead move and he won’t do it again. She says, “Okay.” Then she tells him she doesn’t want to lie to her clients. They both love the house but the realtor clearly thinks they wasted her time. But this scene wasn’t about the house, it was about their relationship.
Jimmy’s not sure how to make Kim happy. He thinks it’s about being a successful lawyer, and maybe about having a nice house. And Kim really isn’t sure what she wants, either. She knows she doesn’t want to lie to her clients. Or does she?

Lalo visits Hector in his nursing home. The aid says Hector likes the berry-flavored vitamin drink, but Lalo adds a healthy dose of whatever he’s got in his flask, which Hector seems to like even better.
Lalo still can’t figure out what Gus is really doing. He knows he’s preparing for something big, but what? He remarks that Bolsa and Eladio are impressed by the money Gus is able to bring in. Hector rings his bell when Lalo mentions money. “El dinaro.” This seems to give Lalo and idea. I wonder what it is?

We saw him drowning his sorrows in the previous episode, so it’s no surprise that Mike wakes up hung over, with one sock on and one sock off. Still, he agrees to babysit Kaylee at the last minute and pulls himself together. They work on the a really impressive two-storey “tree house” and the sevens times tables. She’s obviously smart, and asks whether her Dad was smart, too. She starts talking about how he was a good policeman, like Mike, and Mike taught him, but a bad guy got him. The memories and the lies are too much for Mike, in his fragile emotional state. He loses his temper and scares Kaylee, who runs to her bedroom and won’t come out. When her mother comes home, she rushes in to find out what’s wrong, and Mike goes to the car. His guilt is eating at him.

We get a clearer picture of how the drug pipeline works at the distribution area. The buyer pulls up and hands cash to the guy who comes to the car. Then they drive around, get out, and walk down between the buildings. Mouse, the bad-ass Latina drug dealer played by the talented Adrienne Lovette, is upstairs, where the top of the drain pipe is located. After she gets the signal, she counts out the appropriate number of little plastic bags and sends them down the pipe.
But it turns out the pipe isn’t big enough for 10 bags all at once, and the stuff gets stuck in the pipe. The customers have a shouting match with Mouse, and then they call Krazy-8 and he goes to sort it out (in Spanish, his nickname is Ocho Loco). He’s up on a ladder, trying to find where the stuff is stuck, when the cops arrive.

Krazy-8 gets arrested, but Mouse and the road-side dealer manage to run away. Nacho and Lalo arrive, but they’re watching from a car down the street. Mouse confirms that the “stuff” is still in the room at the top of the drainpipe. Lalo thinks it’s lost, but Nacho jumps out of the car and runs around to the back of the building. Lalo thinks he’s a fool, and sits laughing and eating munchies like he’s watching a comedy flick. But Nacho pulls a daring stunt, climbing onto the roof, getting down to the second floor through the ceiling. Just as the cops bust down the door, he pushes out the window above the air conditioner and jumps to the ground. He has managed to get in, get back their “stuff” and get out without getting caught. It seems he’s impressed Lalo and hopefully gained his trust.

We see Saul negotiating with DDA Oakley, then practicing what he hopes will be a speech that wins over Suzanne. Harry Hamlin shows up while he’s waiting and says he wants to do lunch. Saul kind of blows him off and takes off after Suzanne, trying to get her to meet with him right now about 16 clients they have in common. She’s onto him: he wants a quick client turnover so he can make more money, so she makes him wait till next Tuesday.
But Saul has other ideas. He manages to get stuck in an elevator with Suzanne, and to kill time, they get through all but 3 of the cases. Then we see how he did it: he pays off the custodian, half with cash and the other half with legal services. He’s a good actor.
Lalo is worried about Domingo (Krazy-8). Nacho asks if Lalo wants him to “take care of it.” But Lalo has a better plan.

Saul is walking on the sidewalk, eating an ice cream cone and talking to a client on this bluetooth earpiece, when Nacho and one of Lalo’s henchmen pull up and make Saul get in the car. Saul is obviously intimidated and not sure if it’s safe, but he gets in and they drive off. And we’ll have to wait till next week to find out what happens. One thing we know will happen: the ice cream will melt.
Another thing about the next episode: we’ll get a visit from some old friends. Are you looking forward to it? Let me know in the comments below.
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