9-1-1 Season 4
Athena Grant – Angela Bassett
Bobby Nash – Peter Krause
Evan “Buck” Buckley- Oliver Stark
Henrietta “Hen” Wilson – Aisha Hinds
Howie “chimney” Han – Kenneth Choi
Michael Grant – Rockmond Dunbar
Maddie Kendall – Jennifer Love Hewitt
Eddie Diaz – Ryan Guzman
Karen Wilson – Tracie Thoms
Josh Russo – Bryan Safi
Season 4 first half episode synopsis
Note: I would recommend catching up with the series on Hulu if your not caught up.
4-1 The New Abnormal
In this action packed episode we see the 118 have to deal with the pandemic. With its new protocols and being safe. Loved seeing them wear masks in this episode. Oh and the Hollywood dam breaks and the 118 is tasked with saving lives.
4-2 Alone Together
In a continuation from the first episode, we see the 118 saving people from mudslides and the falling Hollywood sign.
As Athena also returns to work, and in the midst of her return has to save a woman who is to afraid to leave her home.
4-3 Future Tense
The 118 has a busy day as they have to save a man who gets burned and slips in the shower in his smart home. Which they find out the ex girlfriend took over his home. And the whole tech thing scares Eddie.
Their next case is just as bazaar as they have to go help goat yoga instructor who suddenly goes blind. It ends up she had worms in her eyes due to being around the goats.
Oh Athena has to deal with a bank robber as well.
This is also when 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lonestar’s crossover begins. As the team watches the volcanic eruptions in Texas on tv and get a call that their help is needed in Texas due to a massive fire.
4-4 9–1-1, Whats Your Grievance?
Athena gets tasked on finding out how a woman who wasn’t liked got killed during a block party. What makes it so hard? Everybody on the block including the dog hates her.
While she’s dealing with that the 118 are trying to stop a bomb threat. And Chimney ends up being in the same room with the bomber. Can he defuse the situation?
4-5: Buck Begins
As the 118 saves workers trapped in a factory, during a four alarm fire. In a warehouse that can blow at any moment. Bucky stays longer than he’s supposed to, to try to save a life in true Bucky fashion.
Is he able to save him? Can he control his emotions to get them both out safely?
4-6: Jinx
The 118 has a day from hell. After a rookie from the night shift says that the whole night was “Quiet” which is a jinx word.
Captain Strand and Eddie try to wave it off as silly superstition but even they can’t deny it after a day of non stop rescues.
4-7: There Goes the Neighborhood
After we see Michael have a fight with his neighbor the unthinkable happens and a Humvee falls out of a military plane onto his neighbor. Luckily the 118 comes and does their thing and saves him.
Later Michael and Bobby while spying on a neighbor of his decide somethings up and decide to play detective. They also bring Michaels boyfriend on board.
4-8: Breaking Point
As the 118 saves an airport baggage worker, who gets hits in the chest with a wine cork that comes free from a fed up airplane attendant, who leaves the plane on the escape shoot.
Athena investigates a woman whose alarm keeps going off. And has a missing husband.
The Characters
Maddie and Chimney
Pregnancy Blues
The first six months of Maddies pregnancy wasn’t what either of them expected. Due to COVID stay at home restrictions.
Chimney thought it best if he stays with Buck due to not wanting to get Maddie sick since he’s out among people all the time. As she stays in their apartment with chimneys half brother Albert Han (played by John Harlan Kim)
Coming home
After its to much for them both to bare, chimney comes home, while his brother goes stays with Bucky
And with the two finally together, they watch a dvd of an ultra sound recording and see that their having a girl.
Meeting the Parents
Not only do we get to see an emotional scene of Maddie meeting the people that took Chimney in when his mother died.
We also get Maddies parents coming and brings nothing pain and dark truths.
The biggest thing is the dark lies that Maddie and her parents have kept from Bucky. Which she tells Chimney. Who hates having to keep the secret. I will get to that secret soon.
Though keeping the lie is hard on chimney it does help him talk down the bomber in episode 4-4.
Pandemic pregnancy
Ontop of all that Maddie is feeling uneasy after finding out her doctor might not do the birth due to COVID restrictions and much needed help in the ER.
Also on top of that chimney might not be able to come to the birth
Taking control
As her world spirals, she tries to take control by saying she want a home birth.
But when chimney comes clean about his concerns for her health. And even timed how long it would take to get to the hospital (which I think after being with someone who hurt her for so long before him, made her swoon a little) and conceded to going to the hospital.

Truth Bomb
When him and Maddie’s parents show up. It’s uncomfortable because Maddie basically had to raise Bucky. Because their parents and checked out.
But it all makes since and is so painful for him to learn why. Bucky finds out he had an older brother who died before he was born. Due to cancer.
The real kicker is that they had Buck so they could use his bone marrow to try and save his brother. But it didn’t work.
It strikes Buck hard to learn he was made for parts.
The Daredevil
If you’ve ever wondering why Buck likes to run into danger. It’s because the only way to get his parents attention was by doing stupid things and getting hurt.
Mad at Maddie
At first he was mad at Maddie for never telling him. She confessed she should have but she just couldn’t get herself to. But she tried many times.
He also wanted to know why she left him. Why she didn’t leave with him the night she said she would. And just left him a jeep.
Learning why
He learns from chimney that she wasn’t able to go with him because her Ex Doug beat her up when she said she was leaving. And was scared he would hurt Buck. So she gave him her only transport to safety. So he could be safe.
He also learns she kept all of the postcards he sent her from around the world. Never leaving the jeep behind.
Trying to forgive
When his parents visit the station. He gets furious at them. But tries to understand but not forgive. Not yet.
When he tells Maddie she says she will never forgive them. And that she will always be there from now on for Buck.
On a lighter note
Buck is still not having luck in the dating arena.
Hen and Karen
Doctor Degree
Hen starts working on her doctor degree. Which includes a class on a class doing autopsy’s, and has to learn to get along with one of her teammates who is rude.
When mother shows up
When Hens mother Antonia ( played by Marsha Warfield) shows up Hen is at first worried. But than when she sees her mom getting along with everyone she calms down”
Even her wife Karen takes a liking to her.
But it all blows up when Hen over hears her mom telling Karen that Hen is to old to be taking on so much.
Not what it seems
The next day when Karen comes home from the park with the kids. Her little girl said she saw her Grammy was sleeping in her car, but was told not to wake her.
Hen immediately goes to see her mom, who she can tell has been living out of her car. And learns that she’s lost everything when the pandemic hit.
When Hen brings up what she said. Her mother tells her that it’s not that she doesn’t think she can do it. It’s just she’s worried about her taking on to many things and losing it all like she did. After talking for awhile Hen asks if she wants to move in with her and Karen.
Loving moment
When Hen brings her mom home. Her and Karen just need to share a look and she knows it’s ok and the kids are very excited.
The worst possible news
The next night when Hen comes home, Karen is talking with the adoption person. And her heart falls to her feet when she hears that her foster daughter Nia’s mother has completed the program and they want to start the reunification process. My heart broke along with theirs at this moment.
Athena and Bobby
As she tries to get used to being back on the force after getting hurt and losing her trust in herself. Athena also has to deal with Michael having brain cancer. And her older daughter May working at the 9-1-1 call center
Luckily she has Hen and Bobby to be there for her.
In 4-2 when Bobby saves Athena and this woman from a mudslide, showing up in a helicopter and everything. And runs to hold her. I have to admit I got gushy over it.
Though Bobby gets on her bad side when he helps Michael spy on the neighbor and play amateur detective.
Moving on
Eddie is finally ready to move on after the death of his late wife. And it’s with no other than his son Christopher’s former teacher Ana Flores.
Christopher is not ready
When he finds out his dad has a girlfriend, he runs away to his uncle Buckys house. And finds out it’s not because he’s not ready for his dad to date but it’s that he’s afraid of losing people. Like his mom
And uncle Bucky assures him that even when people leave they still love you a lot. Christopher hugs him and says he’s a good friend.
We see a scene later with christopher with his dad and Ana. And it seems like christopher is doing better.
My final opinions on the first half
Loving most of the couples on this show
Not that happy with Michaels character. It seems like one of those old time gay characters that say it but don’t ever show any actual intimacy with another man.
I think Eddies relationship seems forced. To me he seems most suited for Bucky. I think showing two bisexual characters getting together on television would be very helpful for young bisexual people.
Love how they integrated modern times. Like the pandemic into it. Also in one episode they had to save a whole bunch of vaccine doses from going bad. Which happened a lot in real life.
You can catch up any time on Hulu
And the new episodes start April 19th on Fox…
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