2 Supernova Questions about Primal Urges
Last Week’s Questions
Still re-hashing Star Trek: A little. STTNG used the holodeck in… similar ways for most of the officers at some point. Maybe someone out there can tell if there was a medieval prison guard sex scenario or lakeside orgy in the ST canon…
What’s the deal with Lt. Tyler: Um… nothing. Dark matter cartography didn’t figure in to the porn/virus plot.
Is Kelly’s BF a long-term thing: No time for the schoolteacher during Moclan-porn week. Maybe more from him next week?
This Week’s Questions
How much more Moclan culture will we have to learn this season?
Two back-to-back Moclan cultural lessons has left my little Moclan-curiosity cup drained. I think I get the idea here. They first presented Bortus (Peter Macon), as a gruff, stoic, masculine brute of a guy. Then they undermined our initial expectations for other Moclans by making Bortus pregnant. Right after that, we find out Moclans enforce their single gender status by surgical means when required. OK. That’s challenging and potentially divisive, so it makes for pretty good TV. I’m with you, Seth. I’ write articles like this because I like to talk about TV after the episode is over after all.
Now, in the first two episodes this season, it looks like Seth and Co. are daring fans to object by going to the limits of what FOX censors will put on TV.
Last week we learned Moclans pee once a year. If this show runs for several years, I’d be perfectly happy if they lose track of this rule in years to come ‘cuz I don’t need to see any more Ja’lojas. This week, we learned many delightful things about Moclans like, what their pornography looks like and how divorce works. I think we’ve learned enough about Moclan culture for a good, long while now. Unless… I mean, we don’t know the ins and outs of how Bortus takes a dump yet, so we can still hope for that (fingers crossed).
Don’t mistake this supernova question as homophobia-fueled or hating character development or whatever – I hate repetition. This episode would have worked better for this viewer LATER.
On second thought, let’s just leave it at how Bortus pees and likes to have sex. I think I’m good with only knowing most of the functions of Bortus’ crotch. Let’s learn more about Xelayans or the Krill or ANYBODY else now. What do you think?
Will Bortus and Klyden (Chad Coleman) work it out?
In reality – I doubt it. They’ve aged Topa (Blesson Yates) (their child) up quite a bit given he was a baby last year. It’s like they wanted to get right into the age where kids can start asking hard questions and having concerns about their blossoming little bodies. Given the Moclan overload I’m feeling, I hope that if Topa hits a curious streak, it doesn’t come until MUCH later in the season. Beyond the issue of timing, when these questions come up, the decision to change his gender and the accompanying feelings will undoubtedly resurface. Bortus may have found the inspiration in the affection shown between the doomed high councilor and her husband to get his head out of his ass this week, but I can’t say that’s a permanent fix. He resents Klyden for siding with the decision in favor of Topa’s gender reassignment. If he still feels as butt-hurt now as he did when it all went down, then it’s a fair chance that he will again if (when) Topa starts asking about it.
Maybe Bortus will Moclan-up and stab Klyden next time, instead of all that shady porn-simulation stuff.
What do you think?
Reviews for Season 2: 1
Reviews for Season 1: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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