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Younger Season 6: Episode 3: The Unusual Suspect

Younger Season 6 Episode 3

"Younger" Ep. 603 - Unusual Suspects (Airs 6/26/19)

Younger Season 6 Episode 3 “The Unusual Suspect”

I love this episode! “The Unusual Suspect” gave me the cattiness, the drama, the absolutely hilarious one-liners and the kicker at the end that makes me love this show.  We start the episode with our favorite gang discussing a true crime podcast called “Exonerated” . . . and the intrigue around an Audrey Colbert – who may or may not have murdered two people in their hotel room when they invited her up for a threesome.  It’s what everyone is talking about.  Kelsey and Liza have an inside deal with literary agent Redmond and have a meeting set up with Audrey.  We also have a major battle with Quinn and Kelsey about to ensue.  Let’s dive in.

Audrey The Murderer – Allegedly

As the ladies of Millennial are prepping for the meeting with Audrey, Diana is baffled and disgusted by the interest in this true crime drama.  Liza says “It lets people experience danger from a safe distance, it’s exciting”…  Diana is not pleased a double murderer is coming to their conference room. She says “She killed two people, I’m not going in there”.  I just love Diana and her honesty.

I love Redmond’s presentation of Audrey to Liza and Kelsey.  Redmond tries to spin Audrey in the best light and she’s just sitting there staring, sizing up Liza and Kelsey.  Liza and Kelsey are trying to not look totally freaked out.  It’s my favorite scene from the episode.  Redmond had tried to coach Audrey into playing the part she should play, which she refuses to do.  He’s so flustered by her and her use of words like “sliced” and “chopped up”, he’s just beside himself.

Liza and Kelsey want to publish Audrey’s story in her own words and Audrey wants to know if they think she committed the murders, which they cautiously say NO too.  Audrey says that’s good because she couldn’t trust someone who thinks she did it and then still wanted to publish her book; this is her opportunity to clear her name.  The offer is currently set at $650,000 and Redmond promises no one will even know she’s writing a book until it’s announced.

The Battle Begins

Kelsey and Quinn clearly don’t ever see eye to eye.  Quinn has forced Kelsey to publish a book that no one likes and by all accounts is terrible; Kelsey now sees the book trending on twitter and climbing up the New York Times Best Seller List. Kelsey is mystified and clearly annoyed.  Quinn shows up at the office and condescendingly shares the news that she wants Kelsey to interview her for The Cut- How I get it done series. I love Kelsey’s stink face as she begrudgingly agrees.

A Clue Something is Coming

Kelsey runs into Zane at the liquor store; both looking to celebrate a win.  She keeps asking him if he’s found work and he keeps dodging the questions.  He says, “I have found something, and when I close it, you’ll hear about it”.  She offers to pay because he’s not working and he insists he pays for the champagne and states she’s just not listening.  Then he asks her to celebrate and drink it with him.

First Shoe Drops

Diana comes hobbling into the office on crutches and in an absolute panic.  She was at Pilates with her publisher ladies and she announced to her friends that “The Claw” is going to be #1 on the New York Times bestseller list this week, officially.  So to one-up her, Jackie Dunn claims she has an inside track on a new book by Audrey Colbert.  Apparently, she’s pitching half the major publishing houses in town.  Kelsey and Liza are outraged.  That’s their book and Redmond promised it to them.   They immediately go to get Redmond on the phone.

Then Another

Liza and Kelsey call Redmond to confront him about the Audrey Colbert book.  I love all the little zingers he throws in the as he lets them know that their “bestseller” comes with a dagger; which means those sales numbers include bulk orders, so essentially they bought their best seller.  He states Chinese bots are inserting #claw into all their Twitter conversations.  Which means, it’s a scam and suspicious and Audrey already has enough of that, so they’re out.  This points the attention directly to Quinn.


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Quinn vs. Kelsey Round Two

Kelsey and Liza confront Quinn about her buying books in bulk to boost sales and effectively ruining their reputation.  Quinn states the

money the book is bringing in is real, what else do you need?  Kelsey states, “Integrity means something in this business and this is screwing with my business . . . and it’s unethical.”  Quinn defends her actions by saying the timing and precision of this book making the best sellers list is about name recognition for her and her plans to run for Senate.  She got the books numbers up so that by the time she announces her senate race in 11 weeks, she’ll have already been on all the talk shows talking about the book.  Her take is that this will blow over quickly and Millennial will have pocketed millions.  Quinn asks Kelsey if she needs to call The Cut and they’ll them Millennial does not support their authors enough to show up for a very important event.  Kelsey again with the stink face, “I’ll be there.”

The Cut Interview  

Liza meets Kelsey before THE CUT interview and they discuss that Kelsey wants to put out a press release naming Quinn as the sole conspirator to the book sales fraud.  Liza points out that they can’t do that to their investors, let alone that no one will want to work with them if they throw their author under the bus.  Kelsey reluctantly agrees.  During the Q&A after the interview, people question Quinn on book sales’ validity.  She plays the fool and throws the questions to Kelsey, but not before mentioning that integrity is of the utmost importance to her.   Kelsey agrees that integrity is important and so is honesty and she begins to explain that there are bulk sales that contributed to “The Claws” numbers due to a series of upcoming speaking events.  Kelsey gains the upper hand by saying “I’m so proud to be the first to announce that Quinn Tyler is running for Senate in the great state of California!”

Go, Kelsey! I love her feistiness.  Now Quinn is the one shooting daggers.

The Clue from Charles

Remember Liza and Charles have agreed to not discuss work, I almost think he would have included her on conversations about his plans had she wanted to discuss work with him.  However, that’s not the case.  So as Liza arrives at Charles’ house one night, she sees a letter on the table that he’s taking out a huge loan on his townhouse.  He catches her snooping and when she asks him what’s up he just says he’s moving things around.  She asks him if everything is ok and completely ignores her question and changes the subject to their flirty banter.

Let’s Check in With Maggie

Do you think it’s funny that Maggie, of all people, is traumatized by witnessing the birth of a baby?  She seems like someone who could handle something like that.  She can barely talk about “the incident” and Lauren sets out to help her recover.  They attend a support group for men (and Maggie) who have been traumatized by witnessing childbirth.  The group is led by a soulful Beth who automatically locks into Maggie.  The stories the guys tell are hilarious to me.  Maggie gets up and leaves but later returns to the store where Beth was leading the group.  Beth suggests Maggie needs a private tutorial and of course, this leads them to a date and ending the night with a kiss.  We will see if this truly cures Maggie of her issue with the lady V.

Let’s Check in With Josh and Claire

Josh and Claire are seemingly working very well together as co-parents.  The new parent collapse in exhaustion and Claire thanks Josh for being so amazing, stating she can’t imagine how she ever thought she could do this alone.   Later, Josh is discussing this exchange with Lauren and trying to decide if he should just be with Claire for the baby.  Lauren questions him on what HE really wants and he says he just doesn’t think they’re right for each other.  A few days later, Josh asks Claire if they can talk about the other night.  He tells her he’s so happy they have baby Gemma together, BUT…  Claire: “Are you breaking up with me?”  Josh: “Are we together?”

The couple agrees they keep trying to force themselves together, for a green card and for a baby and though those are good reasons; they’re not the right reasons to stay together.  So on bended knee, Josh asks Claire for a divorce.

Now For the Kicker!

We end “The Unusual Suspect” with Kelsey, Liza, and Diana meeting with Redmond to discuss the Audrey Colbert book.  Since the news of Quinn Tyler’s run for Senate explains the dagger in the sales numbers, they are ready to move forward with Audrey.  Unfortunately, Redmond explains they just accepted another offer last night of $800,000.  They went with a new little startup called “Mercury”.  He tells Kelsey you know the editor, Zane Anders, and Redmond makes a quick exit for a better table at a better restaurant.  Now the ladies are questioning where Zane could get that kind of money and of course, you see it written on Liza’s face.  She knows exactly where!  Charles!

I’m excited the news of Mercury is now on the table because this should lead to major drama for everyone involved.  I can’t imagine this will be good for Charles and Liza’s budding relationship.  Kelsey and Zane have always been part together, part competitors so this is also a major issue for them.  Now that Josh is single, all our #TeamJosh fans are sure to be eagerly waiting what’s next.

Check out my other Younger Reviews!

Season 6:
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