The Alienist Episode 5 We left off last week with the man with a silver smile picking up a boy. Will we find out if he is Willem Van Bergen? Is this boy the next victim? Will the killer continue to stalk Kreizler and the others? And will we learn any more about what makes […]
Daniel Bruhl
The Alienist Episode 4: These Bloody Thoughts
The Alienist Episode 4 Will we learn more about our three protagonists backgrounds this week? .The more I learn about them, the more I want to know, especially in regards to Dr. Laszlo Kreizler (Daniel Brühl). Will they get any closer to discovering the killer? Or will he strike again before they get a chance? […]
The Alienist Episode 3: Silver Smile
The Alienist Episode 3 This week’s episode brings us many disturbing insights into several of the character’s backgrounds. The more we learn, the more I need to know. Will another murder bring the evidence needed to find the killer? Are they getting dangerously close to discovering his identity? We open with former police chief Thomas […]
The Alienist Episode 2: A Fruitful Partnership
The Alienist Episode 2 I’ve been eagerly waiting for this week’s episode of The Alienist. We left off last week with Dr. Laszlo Kreizler (Daniel Brüel) giving his very peculiar monologue. Could he actually be the killer? If not, is he slowly losing his mind? I hope this episode, “A Fruitful Partnership,” gives us more […]
The Alienist Episode 1: The Boy on the Bridge
The Alienist Episode 1 I’ve been waiting eagerly (almost impatiently) for the premiere of The Alienist. I started watching the first episode with high expectations – Not only did it meet those expectations, but far exceeded them. This gritty psychological timepiece thriller is everything you could ask for in a show. The series opens at […]