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Younger Season 6 Episode 7: Friends With Benefits

Younger Season 6 Episode 7

Younger Season 6 Episode 7

Younger Season 6 Episode 7

To follow up on my review from last week, I listened to the Younger Uncovered podcast and also commented on the Younger TV Show fan page on Facebook. Most people agreed that there needed to be more of a transitional conversation between Josh and Charles to warrant Charles’ decision to merge Mercury with Millennial. I found a deleted scene that was that exact conversation. It helped with the plotline, but it wasn’t quite the scene I needed. With that said, this week’s episode has had significant build-up online, so let’s see if it lives up to our expectations.


We begin with Diana, Liza, and Lauren discussing a press release to announce the merger between Mercury and Millennial. Lauren wants to focus the press release more on Kelsey and spins it to point out women are on top. Liza suggests an edit that paints Charles making a move as a show of solidarity by finding a new home for his publishing company under the leadership of publishing dynamo Kelsey Peters.

Wrecking Ball

Charles walks into his first day back in the office, a warm welcome from Diana and an office full of moving boxes. He sold his country estate, and Pauline has sent all of his stuff to the office. Diana is disappointed to hear the estate just sold. She describes this tragedy as a romantic cautionary tale and comments marriage should not be in the cards for either one of them anymore. Liza joins their conversation and as Charles walks away, Diana calls her a giant wrecking ball. She blames herself for this mess, claiming she thought Liza was more stalwart than seductive. “love is blind”.


Charles’ office is packed with boxes and more are arriving, Liza points out the flowers she sent him with a note saying “Welcome Home.” Liza directs a few boxes into her office and agrees to sort through them for Charles. Later, as Liza is sorting through a box, she finds an old manuscript with a note from Charles’ dad to hurry up and get this book published. Liza takes it home and reads it; we find out more about this book at the end of the episode.

I won’t be a problem

Kelsey bumps into Zane at the coffee station. Zane is quick to let Kelsey know he is not pleased with this merger. He thinks Kelsey got brought Charles and Zane back to prop her up. Kelsey argues she threw Charles and lifeline and now all she’s trying to do is assess how much dead weight comes attached to it. She plans to conduct a performance evaluation of their books and what they paid for them. Kelsey reminds Zane he will be reporting to her and she doesn’t want him to be a problem. Zane assures her that HE (meaning maybe Charles) will not be her problem.

Mercury Vs. Millennial

Zane, Charles, Diana, and Liza meet with Kelsey to discuss how Mercury and Millennial will work together. She identifies Mercury’s brand as skewing more older male, books with a masculine appeal, books with heart. Millennial identifies as female, under 40 years of age.

Charles rebuttals that Mercury is conceived to appeal to both men and women and not limited by age. Based on her assessment, Kelsey points out that the Audrey Colbert book (possible murderer tell-all) is better suited under Millenials imprint. Zane is in absolute disagreement and appeals to Charles to not give up the book. Charles agrees Audrey Colbert needs to stay at Mercury and Kelsey backs down.


During lunch, Kelsey confides in Liza that she’s having a hard time standing up to Charles. He was her mentor for so long, and she owes him her career. She is intimidated by him now and doesn’t know how to handle his “death stare”. Liza assures Kelsey Charles knows he’s the editor and she’s the publisher and he’s happy with that. His “death stare” is just the male equivalent of the RBF.

Tuxedo Park

That evening, Liza and Charles attend the Reading Project Fundraiser together at the historical Tuxedo park. Charles assures her it will be pure hell. As they enter, Liza confides in Charles that Kelsey is still intimidated by him because he used to be the boss. She encourages him to respect Kelsey when she tells him no. Charles says Kelsey should be strong enough to stand up to him. I don’t think Liza should have confessed this information to Charles. Possibly she thinks it’s ok since each party is on the same “team” again; However, it doesn’t feel like everyone is playing nice yet. I bet if Kelsey found out she would not be happy with Liza.

They run into Bob and Julia, Caitlin’s roommates’ parents. They are excited to see Liza and Charles together and even suggests they all four go on a cruise someday. Then friends from Liza’s past life in New Jersey, Michelle and Tom, walk up. They tease Liza about hiding Charles away and Liza states there’s nothing to hide here; which is now a true statement.

Michelle finds Liza later to discuss this new relationship with Charles. She is happy to see Liza past her crazy phase (a.k.a. Josh) and is now with someone appropriate with whom they can all spend time with.

As Liza arrives home, she confessing to Maggie that her worlds are colliding and it all feels strangely familiar. She settles in for the night to read the manuscript she found in Charles’ box.


In the morning, Liza stops by the tattoo studio to see Josh. He is cleaning his motorcycle to sell it, claiming he’s rethinking his priorities now that he has a daughter. He invites Liza to go for one last spin on the bike, but she declines.

Woah Diana

Diana enters the office, dressed to the nines in a gorgeous white Dolce suit. Diana is going to a christening for Enzo’s niece on Staten Island.

A Seafaring Book

The men of Mercury are meeting with the women of Millennial to discuss their latest book prospect. Arabian sea, a book about modern-day pirates with no women characters. Zane urges Kelsey not to pass on this book, but as their first title under the new collaboration, Kelsey was hoping for something sexier. Zane is angry that Kelsey wants to “kill everything” and storms out.

Not Making Friends

At lunch, Kelsey confesses she is just trying to be honest, but it’s not making her any friends. She’s looking for something romantic and commercial as their next book. Liza informs Kelsey that she loves the manuscript she found in Charles’ boxes.

It’s about a college kid, working on a lobster boat in The Hamptons, who has an affair with an older married woman. The problem is the book is not complete. It isn’t published, and the author is unknown. Liza encourages Kelsey to read it first, then approach Charles if she likes the book.

Continue Reading…

The Godfather

Later that day at the christening, Enzo compliments Diana on how stunning she looks (He is just so sweet). Diana wants to look good for his family, and he says she knocked it out of the park. Enzo is called up to the alter as the godfather along with a gorgeous woman named Maria – the godmother. Enzo’s sister lets Diana know Maria is the ex-girlfriend, and Enzo is always out the door around the one year mark of a relationship.

Playing Hooky

While going through more of Charles’ boxes, Liza finds an old article with a photograph of him and Pauline at the same event with the same couple they dined with the night before. It seems to rattle Liza, so she texts Josh asking for one last ride on the motorcycle.

She sneaks out to meet up with him, and they ride off, stopping on the bridge to reflect and talk. Liza tells Josh about a book that reminds her of them. It’s about a younger man who has an affair with an older woman. He asks how it ends, but she says the writer didn’t finish the book. Josh likes that the reader has to figure out the ending for themselves. He asks, “How do you think it ends?” Liza says, “I don’t know.”

I’m Not Interested

Kelsey approaches Charles about the manuscript Liza found. She wants him to reach out to the author and negotiate a deal to finish it. He is not interested in pursuing this. As publisher; Kelsey insists she’s interested. As the author, Charles “most certainly is not.”

In The Family Forever

After the baptism, Diana questions Enzo about his one-year expiration date on relationships. Before he responds, they are gathered for a picture. Enzo’s mom moves the godparents together and pushes Diana off to the side; so much that she falls into the bushes.

Enzo wants Diana next to him, but his mom says the pictures are going to be in this family forever. Enzo hopes Diana will too; he gets down on bended knee and proposes to Diana. She says, “YES”!!!

Let’s Get Out Of Here

Liza and Charles are walking into another formal event. He asks where she disappeared to today, and she says she needed to cut loose for a few hours. He teases she needed to disappear while Kelsey read the manuscript. Charles confesses to having an affair the summer he turned 21, with the wife of a famous author. She thought a fling with a younger man would make her feel younger. And for a while, it was exciting for both of them.

He didn’t finish the book because he realized it would hurt too many people in the end. He knew what it was like to be that heedless young man, and he understood the mind of a woman in her 40’s who was bored with her life and needed his validation. They change the subject and joke they don’t want to go to this party, and so they decide to “make a run for it.”

The Analogies Continue

There’s always a constant push and pull between what was, what is, and what could be. That’s what makes our favorite show so great.

We are halfway through our season, and we have so much more to discover. The teaser shows what is sure to be a while ride for Diana’s bachelorette party. We see a dramatic confrontation between Diana and Liza; and a confession of a growing love between Liza and Charles. 

I can’t wait to see what comes next. Can you?

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