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SWAT Episode 20 “Vendetta”

SWAT Episode 20

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Only 2 episodes left folks!

Let’s get into it…

Operation Hondo Stakeout

Hondo’s staking out Jae Kim, the same guy that kidnapped his friend KC’s, son. There’s unfinished business with Kim and Hondo wants justice. Read about what happened, here! He takes a few pictures of Kim’s secret meeting and writes it down, in what seems like a pretty long list of stakeouts. He’s keeping a record of every meeting and move Kim makes.

Hondo is bringing KC up to speed about what he’s doing and checking in on her and her son since the kidnapping incident. He assures her that he’s doing everything he can to lock Kim up.

Fresh Start

A parole officer is in Street’s apartment making sure everything is in check for his mothers stay. She’s out of prison after 18 years and is staying with him until she gets back on her feet. The parole officer tells Street that he has to let Hondo know that his mother is staying there. He reluctantly agrees after an exchange of words. She goes on her way while Street heads off to work.

Street’s mom seems uncomfortable and unsure of what to really do with herself. How do you adjust to life outside of prison, outside of something you’ve known for so long? Hopefully, she stays on track and makes a good example for ex-cons as well as not embarrass Street.

Bathroom Meetings

Hondo confronts the man that was seen meeting with Kim, Ian Peck. Turns out he’s a real estate assessor and deals with Kim, under the table. Hondo tries to coerce him to give up information on Kim but the man is visibly terrified. He says that Kim seems like a great guy in the public eye but he’s actually a really shitty person. Hondo somehow convinces Peck to give up more information on Kim’s shady business.

KC and Hondo are discussing what Kim has been up to since the fentanyl bust they both worked on together. Apparently, Kim has had a shipment of fentanyl that he has been sitting on since the raid, which cost him millions of dollars.

So what do you do when you lose millions of dollars in drug money and need to get it back? He hired the real estate assessor to forge documents and make one of his properties seem more valuable than it actually is. That same building was used for collateral for a loan Kim was trying to get. The higher the value, the higher the loan.

Side Note: Love the angle they had the camera while Hondo was talking on the phone.

Hondo stops at a red light and a car with tinted windows pulls up next to him.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Of course, the windows roll down and two hands pop out with guns pointed right at Hondo. With his quick thinking SWAT ninja skills, Hondo throws his car in reverse to dodge the shots. The shooters end up on the other side of the street, still chasing him,  where Hondo turns, in reverse I might add, and smashes into their car.

Three guys exit the car and two start shooting at Hondo. He takes one of them out and hits another one in the shoulder. Two of the guys run and get away while Hondo checks the guy on the ground.

This is what I’m talking about people!


After explaining what happened to Jess and Hicks, Hondo lays into Hicks about him preventing what happened by arresting Kim when he had the chance. Hicks returns the fire and forces Hondo to stay at the station while everyone else has the fun of taking Kim down. They also let Hondo know one of the shooters he identified is part of a local gang, the Los Profetas.

The team shows up shortly after and Hondo lets them know what they need to do. They end up speaking to a rival gang leader and ask him for information on where the Los Profetas hideout. The team raids the hideout and finds the driver Hondo shot, laying in a bed. He gives up a name for the team to track down. They question him about Kim but the driver has no idea what they are talking about.

“The enemy of the enemy is never a bad place to start.” – Hondo

So who the f*ck ordered the hit?

Back at the station, Burrows goes through Hondos notes and photos. He comments on how detailed and precise everything is.

“Hondo doesn’t do half-ass.” – Street

Ya damn right he doesn’t!


In the middle of discussing a game plan with Chris, Street spots his mom and tells her that she can’t be there. She claims that she just wanted to see a day in the life of her Jimmy. He pushes the issue of him getting into trouble if she’s seen there by the wrong person. Of course, Hondo walks in as she’s walking out and gives Street the old stink eye.

You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry…

Chris and Street are tailing Kim while Hondo sneaks down to the bank that gave Kim the loan. He warns the VP handling Kim’s loan that he is dangerous, under investigation for a shitload of crimes, oh and is going to prison, real soon. Chris and Street watch as Kim has a meltdown over a phone call and assumes it was Hondo’s doing that pissed him off.

Hondo flashes his lights and pulls Kim and his driver over, asking Kim how his day is going. Now that Kim knows Hondo is behind every migraine he has had all day, he’s pissed. Hondo assures Kim that he will arrest him and it’s only a matter of time.

Damn, he’s really not scared of anyone huh?

Burrows, Luca, Tan, and Deacon show up to Ian Peck’s apartment to bring him in for questioning. They walk in to find Peck dead on the floor but hear someone else in the apartment. Out walks KC from the bedroom and, well you know what it looks like. They assume the same and put her in handcuffs.

Okay, it doesn’t make sense why she would kill Peck. He was pretty much their only lead and witness to take down Kim.

Continue Reading…


Self-defense? Yeah, okay.

Burrows is trying to say KC killed peck in self-defense which is why she didn’t call it in. (Rolls eyes). She tells him that she went to Peck’s apartment to pick up the papers he said he had in order to help put Kim away. When she got there Peck was already dead but she didn’t want to call it in because she wanted to find the papers.

Understandable but she was there illegally, so that looks really bad.

Hondo is convinced she didn’t kill Peck but everyone is ignoring him just because he’s invested in the whole case. He asks why she would kill him when Peck was the only real shot they had of arresting Kim. (That’s what I said!)

Go, Diego, Go!

Luca, Tan, and Deacon are on the hunt for the other shooter, Diego. They spot him trying to get onto a bus to Vegas. The only problem is, he spots them and runs through a window into a retail store. Luca, the flying SWAT squirrel, takes down Diego with a leap of faith over a display table.

When pigs fly! – Sorry, I had to…Moving on

Back at the station, Jess pulls Hondo into her office where Plank is waiting. Hondo and Plank get into it with each other after Plank tells him that he received a call from Kim complaining about Hondo. This sets Hondo off and basically says Plank is a snake and is covering Kim’s ass just like everyone else. Jess tries to convince Hondo that Plank isn’t the enemy but he’s definitely not seeing it that way.

“We need to get on the same page.” – Jess

“Yeah, what page is that.” – Hondo

Deacon and Luca bring Diego down to the station where Hondo meets with him face-to-face, asking him who ordered the hit. Diego says he never met the guy who hired him but he will say any name Hondo wants him to. Hondo actually thought about it but ultimately declined.

“That’s not how we do things here.” – Hondo

3 rights don’t make a left…

Street tries to get Deacon to sign the paper he needs to give to his mother’s parole officer. Deacon tells him that he can’t cut corners just because he’s scared of what Hondo will say, or do. He needs to face the bull head on and do things the right way.

Good Evening Commissioner..(name the movie!)

Jess has a plan that involves Plank but Hondo isn’t having it. Kim is holding an event to get an investor for a “new development”. Plank is invited and going undercover with Chris as an undercover waitress, to cover him.

Plank tries to get Kim to give up the real reason he needs the money but Kim doesn’t bite. After blowing the whole operation, Plank gives a speech to everyone at the event about how Kim is a fraud. Exposing that the building he’s trying to sell isn’t worth half of what he said. He also says that Kim bought the building from himself, leaving everyone in doubts about investing.

Sing like a canary

Hondo asks Diego to give up Kim’s supply in exchange for freedom. He tells Hondo the supply is in a shipyard. Hondo tells the team that Kim is unloading the supply make the money for the loan payment. The team rounds up and heads to the shipyard but stops Hondo from ruining his career. They have his back in more ways than one and assure they will grab Kim, for him and KC.

While at the shipyard, the team anxiously waits until the exchange is made. Kim shows the supply to the buyers, the buyers show the money. Kim shakes the buyers’ hands confirming the deal which prompts the team to move in. Street takes down the buyer by smashing his head into the steering wheel. Chris saves Deacon’s ass by taking out Kim’s driver. Deacon grabs Kim and brings him in.

Hondo and KC are waiting at HQ to watch Kim walk into the station in handcuffs.

Doesn’t sound good

Street pulls up to an abandoned house and talks to the cop standing outside. He let’s Street know that he caught his mom trespassing. Street’s mom went back to the house they used to live in before she went away. She wanted to grab something she got from her mother that she hid under the floorboards. She tells Street she doesn’t know how shes going to make it outside of prison.

Street finally gets the paper signed right before Hondo expresses his gratitude to the team for having his back. For once, Hondo is speechless.

“I really don’t know what to say except, I’ll never forget it. Thank you” – Hondo

I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Next week on SWAT…

Deacon and Hondo side-by-side trying to survive in a forest against an army of men, with no one knowing where they are for backup.



As always, S.W.A.T. airs every Thursday at 10/9c on CBS…see you next week!

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