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Some Theories and Thoughts – TWD Universe

TWD Theories

Lauren Cohan as Maggie - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 22 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

Theories and Thoughts

Logan Horton and I have discussed a lot of theories about the upcoming final seasons of The Walking Dead and The World Beyond and season 6B of Fear The Walking Dead.

Thoughts on The Walking Dead 10C, 11 and the spin-offs


We think these are just going to be filler episodes giving us a glimpse into the past and the present.


We honestly don’t believe any major characters will die and they’ve already confirmed that we won’t see Rosita or Connie due to the actresses other commitments.

TWD Theories

For us the only episodes we are looking foward to are

One More Time


Here’s Negan

The episodes about Carol and Daryl don’t really interest us all that much and we are not looking forward to our two favorite characters, Maggie and Negan, being at each other’s throats.

TWD Theories

While a lot is shrouded in mystery we feel this is going to take us through the Commonwealth ending in Rick and Michonne coming back and Carol and Daryl leaving in response to their spinoff.

The spin-offs

Carol and Daryl

We feel that the Carol and Daryl one will bomb especially since it sounds like their going to focus on them becoming romantic.


The compilation one will do well as long as they choose interesting characters.


The comedy one is already a complete disaster in our book.


The one focusing on the best villain better be about Negan along with Lydia after the events of 11 because anyone else would get tiresome after awhile.

Fear The Walking Dead 6B

This is a painful one to think about.

We think like I said in my review that Daniel, Dwight or Sherry will meet their end.

John and June are in for a patchy road but I know they can overcome it.

Morgan will be a raging bull when he hears about Grace even though he should stay with Rachel.

Dakota will kill Virginia in a sister showdown for her freedom.

We don’t know anything about 7 so we aren’t even going to try and guess.

The World Beyond season 2

We will see Huck switch sides after learning what her mother did to the school.

Hope and her dad will try to take the military down from the inside and save Silas while Iris, Will, Felix, Elton and Percy work on it from the inside.

In the end I think Elizabeth will be defeated and Huck will ascend to leader of the CRM.

Our Predictions/theories

1. Al and Aaron are siblings. Aaron loves collecting license plates and has mentioned a bother and sister. Al mentioned she has a brother who does the same and has never said exactly how many siblings she has.

2. Michonne found the army of Omaha and is with them. Felix and Huck mentioned them a lot and we never saw it and We think that will be why. We also think Rick is within Will’s group trying to get himself back to Alexandria and take down the CRM.

3. Rick and Michonne reunite and take Felix and Will to Alexandria and find the others at the commonwealth. There they team up with them to over throw the CRM.

4. We have a strong feeling that Fear will also play a part but I’m not exactly sure how at this point.

5. Negan will choose to be exiled and Lydia will choose to go with him since he’s the only one to show her he cares.

6. RJ grows up and along with Judith and Hershel protect the people.

7. Aaron finds a husband and finds a new spark in life.

8. We hope that Daryl gets with Connie and the spinoff is about Carol, him and Connie trying to find a place of their own but we highly doubt this as the writers are all Team Caryl.

In Conclusion

In the end the only people who know exactly what will happen are the writers and the actors but it’s fun to take a stab at things.

Do you agree with our theories and thoughts?

Do you disagree and why?

What are your thoughts and theories, sound off in the comments below.

The Walking Dead 10C returns Feb.28 on AMC

Fear The Walking Dead 10B returns April 11 on AMC

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