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A Million Little Things Pilot Episode

million little things

A Million Little Things Premiere!

A Million Little Things is a show I wouldn’t normally have on my watch list. I wanted to give it a try though because two actors I really like, David Giuntoli (Grimm) and Christina Ochoa (Blood Drive, Valor) star in it. I’m glad I took the time to watch.

The Premise

The show centers around three friends, Eddie Saville (David Giuntoli), Rome Howard (Romany Malco) and Gary Mendez (James Roday) who’s best friend Jonathan Dixon (Ron Livingston) commits suicide out of the blue.

What this show got right…

A Million Little Things – Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand

Before I get more into the show itself I want to share what I think were the top three things the writers got right while creating A Million Little Things.


It doesn’t glorify the actual suicide. We never see Jon jump and we never see a body.

This to me shows that they didn’t want to do what so many shows have done, and that is to make suicide look like an easy option.

At the end of the episode they shared a powerful message about reaching out for help if you are suicidal or having those thoughts. They shared the National Suicide Hotline number. This is a perfect example of people who truly take their responsibilities seriously.


They aren’t afraid to show that men can have feelings as well.

One of the best scenes is after Jon’s funeral and their all sitting at a hockey game and they allow themselves to feel pain.

They also aren’t afraid to hug and be supportive of one another in a public. This is actually addressed in the episode.

The three men are sitting at a bar and Gary mentions that ever since they first met, all they talked about was “manly” things when they got together.

I’m glad their showing men that it’s ok for them to express their feelings without judgement.


We see issues brought up that usually are ignored.

The big one in this episode aside from Jon’s suicide was the fact Gary has breast cancer.

A scene where Gary is at a breast cancer survivors meeting and someone brings up he’s a man is very educational. It shows how society doesn’t fully understand men are just as susceptible to breast cancer as women.

The main players.. 

The main characters Jon, Eddie, Gary, & Rome all met when they were trapped in an elevator together and bonded over the fact they were all Bruins fans

Jonathan Dixon (Ron Livingston)

He seems to be the glue that held the friends together and kept bringing them back to each other. He put others first and always had a positive outlook on life.

A Million Little Things – Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand

Eddie Saville (David Giuntoli)

In the hours they were stuck in the elevator, Jon talked Eddie into becoming sober for his son.

He feels guilty for Jon’s suicide because he was sleeping with Jon’s wife, Delilah. Jon tried to call him just before jumping but Eddie ignored the call because he was with Delilah.

Gary Mendez (James Roday)

Gary is in remission from breast cancer. Out of the three, he is the most cynical.

Unlike the others, Gary isn’t so sure about Jon’s message he was always saying “things happening for a reason”. He finally breaks down about how he is feeling when the group goes to a hockey game following Jon’s funeral.

The hockey game is where we the three friends bonding again and going forward they are going to need to lean on each other more than they did before to get thru this loss.

Rome Howard (Romany Malco)

Rome is an aspiring movie director.

He was about to commit suicide himself when he got the phone call about Jon from Gary. Spitting out the pills he had just put in his mouth after Gary told him.

Unlike Gary he truly believes Jon’s words about everything happening for a reason.

Maggie Bloom (Allison Miller)

We first meet Maggie at Gary’s support group meeting. After questioning the fact Gary was even there, the two become very close.

She attends Jon’s funeral with Gary, where we learn she is psychologist specializing in depression.

Near the end of the episode we learn that Maggie’s cancer has returned and she isn’t attending chemo regularly like she should.

Delilah Dixon (Stephanie Szostack)

Jon’s wife who feels guilty for his death because she’s been cheating on him with Eddie.

She also believes the Jon had found out about the affair which drove him to killing himself.

Ashley Morales (Christina Ochoa)

Jon’s Secretary, she was the last one to see Jon alive.

Ashley was also deleting things from Jon’s phone, hiding a file folder and deleting things off his computer. We aren’t sure why she’s doing this. It might also point to Jon having even worse secrets he couldn’t live with.

A Million Little Things – Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand

In the end

This show won’t be for everyone. A Million Little Things covers a very touchy subject and then adds in all the other pieces it’s a tough ride.

I think as long as the show doesn’t lose its main focus, that being this friendship between three men and the strength they have together, I think it will only grow stronger.

While at the base of this is a drama with all the cheating and scandals the true backbone is the message that there is life after tragedy and to keep moving forward.

Remember there is help

If you or someone you know are having suicidal thoughts please contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 (talk)

A Million Little Things airs Wednesday’s at 10p/9c on ABC.


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