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The Good Doctor S2 E7 – Recap

Good Doctor Season 1 Finale

Good Doctor / ABC

The Good Doctor S2 E7

Shaun and Lea are parents, Glassman is forgetful, and the patients are making matches—all in Season 2 Episode 7 of The Good Doctor.


Shaun and Lea have taken the next step in their relationship and they are now proud parents—of Hubert the goldfish. Only Hubert doesn’t last long. Lea is depressed and sad because she came back to get her life in order and she can’t even keep a fish alive. Shaun, though, who has been meticulous about making sure the water is the right ph, has some tests run and finds that Hubert had a parasite that he picked up at the pet store. It wasn’t Lea’s fault at all, trauma averted.

Photo: The Good Doctor/ABC

Someone Stole My Wallet

Dr. Glassman is in with Dr. Blaize (love those high heels, girl) for his radiation. He meets a young boy there who teaches him how to do tricks with a yo-yo while he’s waiting. Later, he can’t find his wallet in his locker and he informs Dr. Blaize that someone has stolen it. But it turns out that he gave it to her for safekeeping, he just forgot. He tells her not to make anything out of it, but me wonders if there is something going on. Is it just plain forgetfulness, or is he having some kind of complication from the surgery?


Claire’s college roommate, Kay, has ovarian cancer and she doesn’t have much longer to live. She’s in horrific pain and Claire asks Melendez if he would consider a surgery for her that would remove a tumor and alleviate some of her pain. He says yes and during the surgery (which he allows Claire to be a part of) they discover that the cancer had not spread as much as they’d thought and that even though she’s still going to die, they might be able to buy her some time with a surgical treatment.

In the meantime, Kay is trying to set Claire up with her husband, Dash. She wants them to go on a date together. Claire and Dash eventually agree to the date and they have dinner but it’s extremely awkward for both of them.

Right before Kay goes into surgery she presses Claire again about the date and it leads to an argument between them, ending with Claire accusing her of being manipulative.

There’s a frightening moment during the surgery when it looks like they’re going to have to close her up without the treatment, but Claire makes a suggestion that turns out to be right and the surgery is completed.

In recovery, Claire apologizes to Kay for what she said about her being manipulative, she knows that deep down her friend is trying to avoid her own pain by helping others with theirs.

Claire thanks Melendez and I guess she thought he was going to reinstate her to his team, but he does not.

Photo: The Good Doctor/ABC

Another Kind of Matchmaking

Lim, Shaun, and Reznick are taking care of a man who came in with a nail in his forehead. Santiago runs a construction business started by his father and he got into an accident with a nail gun. They’re able to remove it, it was just superficial, but it turns out there’s also a nail in his kidney.

Surgery reveals that the man was born with only one kidney, so he’s going to need a transplant, and soon. Luckily, he has a brother, but the brother won’t sign the papers to be a donor unless Santiago agrees to sell the family business and split the money. He refuses, he would rather die than disappoint his father. The brother points out that their father was not a very nice man, but Santiago doesn’t want to hear it. Eventually, the brother donates his kidney and Santiago is saved. But they’re still not on what I would call friendly terms.

Photo: The Good Doctor/ABC

The episode ends with Shaun and Lea back at the pet store, picking out a new fish. Will the fish survive Shaun and Lea? Only time will tell. The Good Doctor (and hopefully the new fish) return November 19th, 10/9 C, on ABC.

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